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n e w s l e t t e r
n o v e m b e r 1 9 9 5
hey, hows it going.. its been a pretty busy month for me and for all of you too i imagine.. well.. this is our sixth release this is a pretty good accomplishment since some people didnt think wed even have a
2nd pack out.. i dont really have much to say.. im writing this at
about 2am on november 1st.. so im not so awake main thing i want to say
is to thank all the people that have supported us throughout our six packs
and i hope we can put out many more. we really need some new members for the
group, so if you are interested in joining please send me mail at bschopp@ pluto.njcc.com, call the punc vmb number below, call daydream nation number on site list, or talk to me on irc as luptin. we accept dual-groupers and guest artists. well thats about it.. pretty pointless crap i know.. just couldnt think of anything.. no one reads these anyways.. wait you are.
well kiddies, we have survived yet another month, to release our sixth
k-rad pack. you
know, everyone said ha, punc. what a joke. so what...we released six
packs so far, and we have no intention of stopping...ever. some other
news for this month, i have given the position of coding head to underdog, because i joined fire for coding and im basically expending my coding energy with them well thats about all...if you need to contact me, call 1-800-256-6269, type 3370 and bitch at me all you want . seeyuz.
n o v e m b e r 1 9 9 5
hey, hows it going.. its been a pretty busy month for me and for all of you too i imagine.. well.. this is our sixth release this is a pretty good accomplishment since some people didnt think wed even have a
2nd pack out.. i dont really have much to say.. im writing this at
about 2am on november 1st.. so im not so awake main thing i want to say
is to thank all the people that have supported us throughout our six packs
and i hope we can put out many more. we really need some new members for the
group, so if you are interested in joining please send me mail at bschopp@ pluto.njcc.com, call the punc vmb number below, call daydream nation number on site list, or talk to me on irc as luptin. we accept dual-groupers and guest artists. well thats about it.. pretty pointless crap i know.. just couldnt think of anything.. no one reads these anyways.. wait you are.
well kiddies, we have survived yet another month, to release our sixth
k-rad pack. you
know, everyone said ha, punc. what a joke. so what...we released six
packs so far, and we have no intention of stopping...ever. some other
news for this month, i have given the position of coding head to underdog, because i joined fire for coding and im basically expending my coding energy with them well thats about all...if you need to contact me, call 1-800-256-6269, type 3370 and bitch at me all you want . seeyuz.
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