this image contains text
n e w s l e t t e r 0 9 9 5
welcome all to puncs 4th
release.. tha
nks for getting
it. n
othing outstanding
has happened this month.
we pi
cked up a great vga
artist by the name of grifter
hope to see more of his
work in
our packs. we also picked up an
ansi artist, iceman. you c
an see some of his work in
this months release. anot
her ansi artist that joins us is
cicada. hes a local artist
that has some talent. all he
can do is improve. social
parasite has joined us for lit
you should be seeing some
his work in upcoming releases.
were looking for more arti
sts, coders, musicians, anything
if you want to help out, fee
l free to mail me at bschopp@
pluto.njcc.com. ive start
ed a new division of punc this
month, internet. it seems
everyone these days does things
on the inet. i figured id
start a list of sites i like
to use, if you would like to
add some of your own mail me.
its kinda experimental so
if you like the idea send
feedback. hm.. well dont
know what else to say.. ill
end it as i always do.. jo
in punc im on irc all the
time too often or just mai
l me at bschopp@pluto.njcc.com
hey all, welco
me to punc productions
o9-95 collection, the punc back to
l sale...not much has happened
since the last pack, we picked
up a
few people, we lost one or two
people...pretty normal for a grou
i guess..but then again
we are not
your average group...oh well i
guess...i dont have much t
o say this month, except enjoy
the pack, and look for dkain
on irc in punc if you have
any particular desire to t
alk to me..
welcome all to puncs 4th
release.. tha
nks for getting
it. n
othing outstanding
has happened this month.
we pi
cked up a great vga
artist by the name of grifter
hope to see more of his
work in
our packs. we also picked up an
ansi artist, iceman. you c
an see some of his work in
this months release. anot
her ansi artist that joins us is
cicada. hes a local artist
that has some talent. all he
can do is improve. social
parasite has joined us for lit
you should be seeing some
his work in upcoming releases.
were looking for more arti
sts, coders, musicians, anything
if you want to help out, fee
l free to mail me at bschopp@
pluto.njcc.com. ive start
ed a new division of punc this
month, internet. it seems
everyone these days does things
on the inet. i figured id
start a list of sites i like
to use, if you would like to
add some of your own mail me.
its kinda experimental so
if you like the idea send
feedback. hm.. well dont
know what else to say.. ill
end it as i always do.. jo
in punc im on irc all the
time too often or just mai
l me at bschopp@pluto.njcc.com
hey all, welco
me to punc productions
o9-95 collection, the punc back to
l sale...not much has happened
since the last pack, we picked
up a
few people, we lost one or two
people...pretty normal for a grou
i guess..but then again
we are not
your average group...oh well i
guess...i dont have much t
o say this month, except enjoy
the pack, and look for dkain
on irc in punc if you have
any particular desire to t
alk to me..
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