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n e w s l e t t e r
. . . l u p t i n . .
ok... well ill start this off..thanks
for d/l the 3rd punc release
i think this is our best
one yet and they will continue to get
ter. id like to welcome all the new members and sites
for this
month, you know who you are. i know man
y of you people that have
been around the scene fo
r a while might not like what are group is
ut..i just think everyone takes everything so seriousl
y. ive
put time into this to try to make it de
cent, so give me a little
credit. ok well its lik
e 5 in the morning and i dont have much
e to say. if your an artist/coder/musician/anything ou
t there
and are groupless or your not happy in
your current group, come
give punc a try. youll
probably like it. oh well if you need to
get in t
ouch with me, you can reach me at bschopp@pluto.njcc
or on irc on ansi or punc as luptin or call d
dn @ 609.890.3955
. . . d r a g o o n k a i n
ll, i cant believe we have a third pack out already..
.the august
pack...which in ONE way really blows..
.by the time the september
pack comes out, th
at means we have to go to school..ick..but its
ol for me, i guess, i get to go to college for my fir
st year...
but anyway, on with the pack..this pac
k is a big improvement over
our first couple,
in my opinion, it has a lot more work in it, a
t better work in it as well...our principles are stil
l the same
however..release anything, no matter w
hat...oh well..i was supposed
to do a new app ge
n for this month, but i got a load of requests so
didnt have time to do it, it should be in next month
s if i
feel like it :..well thats about it
for me...also, i will be
putting out a mag soon, i
f anyone is interested in getting info or
g articles or whatever, contact me by emailing me at
robinson@pluto.njcc.com, calling my board at 609
-584-9772, or
catching me on irc, punc or ansi, as
DKain or DragoonK...have
phun with the pack
. s t e p s o n . . .
I am so out of it I have no
clue who is in this group, or what
were even here
for. This group started off as something so that
could all put something in our sigs... At least that
s pretty
much all it was to me. Now were some
thign reasonably big, and Im
just sitting here
wasting my time at work and writing this shit.
at am I trying to get at? I wish I knew. But i know
one thing,
and that is i really dont do much for
punc, and that for some
reason, im writing this, an
d i havent had anything to eat all
all day...im g
oing to find food..have fun with the pack.
n e w s l e t t e r
n e w s l e t t e r
. . . l u p t i n . .
ok... well ill start this off..thanks
for d/l the 3rd punc release
i think this is our best
one yet and they will continue to get
ter. id like to welcome all the new members and sites
for this
month, you know who you are. i know man
y of you people that have
been around the scene fo
r a while might not like what are group is
ut..i just think everyone takes everything so seriousl
y. ive
put time into this to try to make it de
cent, so give me a little
credit. ok well its lik
e 5 in the morning and i dont have much
e to say. if your an artist/coder/musician/anything ou
t there
and are groupless or your not happy in
your current group, come
give punc a try. youll
probably like it. oh well if you need to
get in t
ouch with me, you can reach me at bschopp@pluto.njcc
or on irc on ansi or punc as luptin or call d
dn @ 609.890.3955
. . . d r a g o o n k a i n
ll, i cant believe we have a third pack out already..
.the august
pack...which in ONE way really blows..
.by the time the september
pack comes out, th
at means we have to go to school..ick..but its
ol for me, i guess, i get to go to college for my fir
st year...
but anyway, on with the pack..this pac
k is a big improvement over
our first couple,
in my opinion, it has a lot more work in it, a
t better work in it as well...our principles are stil
l the same
however..release anything, no matter w
hat...oh well..i was supposed
to do a new app ge
n for this month, but i got a load of requests so
didnt have time to do it, it should be in next month
s if i
feel like it :..well thats about it
for me...also, i will be
putting out a mag soon, i
f anyone is interested in getting info or
g articles or whatever, contact me by emailing me at
robinson@pluto.njcc.com, calling my board at 609
-584-9772, or
catching me on irc, punc or ansi, as
DKain or DragoonK...have
phun with the pack
. s t e p s o n . . .
I am so out of it I have no
clue who is in this group, or what
were even here
for. This group started off as something so that
could all put something in our sigs... At least that
s pretty
much all it was to me. Now were some
thign reasonably big, and Im
just sitting here
wasting my time at work and writing this shit.
at am I trying to get at? I wish I knew. But i know
one thing,
and that is i really dont do much for
punc, and that for some
reason, im writing this, an
d i havent had anything to eat all
all day...im g
oing to find food..have fun with the pack.
n e w s l e t t e r
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