this image contains text
,qgp, ,qgp, g, ,gg, ,qgp, ,qgp,
,, g,g, ,,
gg g, gg
,qgp, ,qgp,
q p q p
mr. stinky says, call morbid infatuation!
,qgp, ,qgp, g, ,gg, ,qgp, ,qgp,
,, ..g,g, ,,
gg :: :: :: g, gg
,qgp, ,qgp,
q p ll ll ll ll q p
+, ,+ UU UU UU UU +, ,+
mr. stinky says, call morbid infatuation!
what?! TWO ads?! well.. theres a difference. the filler I used for the
font.. you know, the lowercase mi.. bah.. nevermind. the cool thing is,
this is my first pic.. i made another one before, but it sux0red, so luptin
didnt put it in. ah, but i hope he puts this one in.. i like mr. stinky..
heehee. well, be on the lookout for a few more pics from me.. until then..
see ya later.. and remember, kids, brush twice daily.
e nos lives
,, g,g, ,,
gg g, gg
,qgp, ,qgp,
q p q p
mr. stinky says, call morbid infatuation!
,qgp, ,qgp, g, ,gg, ,qgp, ,qgp,
,, ..g,g, ,,
gg :: :: :: g, gg
,qgp, ,qgp,
q p ll ll ll ll q p
+, ,+ UU UU UU UU +, ,+
mr. stinky says, call morbid infatuation!
what?! TWO ads?! well.. theres a difference. the filler I used for the
font.. you know, the lowercase mi.. bah.. nevermind. the cool thing is,
this is my first pic.. i made another one before, but it sux0red, so luptin
didnt put it in. ah, but i hope he puts this one in.. i like mr. stinky..
heehee. well, be on the lookout for a few more pics from me.. until then..
see ya later.. and remember, kids, brush twice daily.
e nos lives
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