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P u N C P r o d u c t i o n s J u n e 1 9 9 5 I n f o F i l e
D o n e B y D r a g o o n K a i n
a n d L u p t i n o f P u n C
Welcome to the first ever PunC Pack. Thanks for d/l it. I hope you
like what you see. Alright as you see we are a new group but growing everyday
We arent one of those totally 7-RaD ELiTE groups like alot out there, were
just in it to have some fun. In my opinion the whole scene is just getting one
big attitude. I just wanted to start a group for people to show there work and
get it seen by many people. If youd like to show your talent, run the app
generator and send it to bschopp@pluto.njcc.com. We are also accepting Distro
Sites, but please if you want to be a distro site actually get the packs and
help the group, instead of just adding it to a list of 100 affils. The packs
will be available on the first of every month on peace.wit.com, and on others
if i get a directory. Ill post a list in the next pack.
Ok, let me explain PunC. PunC started out a few months ago to release
a few things we wanted to release. It ended up to be fun and we just had more
and more things to release, and here we are now. We will release anything
within reason, we dont want your porn gifs So what are you waiting for
go run that app and send it to my address. Any comments, compliants, threats,
praises, requests, whatever.. send it to bschopp@pluto.njcc.com. Thanks again.
Dragoon Kain
Whoa..this is pretty cool and all...PunC is something fun...we dont really
give a damn what other groups and or people think...we just do anything we
really please...and if you dont like it...well, go right ahead and email us
and see what it gets you...: ... but really, everyone is too serious anymore,
I mean, really, its a god damned hobby people, its bbsing, lets get
realistic...i mean, ive been in my share of groups, and they are all too
concerned whether or not you get 5 or 6 quality release every month or
whatever, blah blah blah, who gives a fuck..what we care about is...nothing!
We WANT your releases..we dont care how crappy or shitty it is..if you want
it in the pack, its there for ya...this gives everyone a chance to be seen
and heard.
oh well..some stuff to look forward to from punc: maybe a viewer if my
slacker ass gets around to it....and coming up very soon is the e-mag that
myself, luptin, and stepson will be writing...it will be some phat shit y0....
anything you wanna send me for punc, i can be reached at
robinson@nerc1.nerc.com...or when my damned board goes back up too...:
y0 all totally elite and whatnot people out there in da scene, I dont have
much to say, since I only wanted to write in this because Kain and Luptin did.
Well, I am like the PPE part of this group, which is pretty sad since I am not
even THAT great of a coder, so like if someone else would please join that
section of our little group, get back to me, I can be reached at
Hal.Levy@Tao.com once again, im only adding that because they had their
e-mail addresses What I would like to see happen to PuNC is for us to
eventually get a lot of bbs mods and stuff released, the only problem is my
ansi talent leaves much to be desired, combine me with a good ansi artist, and
we could have some kick ass PuNC mods, anyway, im working on getting internet
for my bbs, so PuNC should have its own home page http://punc.com??, the
possibilites are endless. Well, i think ive filled this ansi with enough
D o n e B y D r a g o o n K a i n
a n d L u p t i n o f P u n C
Welcome to the first ever PunC Pack. Thanks for d/l it. I hope you
like what you see. Alright as you see we are a new group but growing everyday
We arent one of those totally 7-RaD ELiTE groups like alot out there, were
just in it to have some fun. In my opinion the whole scene is just getting one
big attitude. I just wanted to start a group for people to show there work and
get it seen by many people. If youd like to show your talent, run the app
generator and send it to bschopp@pluto.njcc.com. We are also accepting Distro
Sites, but please if you want to be a distro site actually get the packs and
help the group, instead of just adding it to a list of 100 affils. The packs
will be available on the first of every month on peace.wit.com, and on others
if i get a directory. Ill post a list in the next pack.
Ok, let me explain PunC. PunC started out a few months ago to release
a few things we wanted to release. It ended up to be fun and we just had more
and more things to release, and here we are now. We will release anything
within reason, we dont want your porn gifs So what are you waiting for
go run that app and send it to my address. Any comments, compliants, threats,
praises, requests, whatever.. send it to bschopp@pluto.njcc.com. Thanks again.
Dragoon Kain
Whoa..this is pretty cool and all...PunC is something fun...we dont really
give a damn what other groups and or people think...we just do anything we
really please...and if you dont like it...well, go right ahead and email us
and see what it gets you...: ... but really, everyone is too serious anymore,
I mean, really, its a god damned hobby people, its bbsing, lets get
realistic...i mean, ive been in my share of groups, and they are all too
concerned whether or not you get 5 or 6 quality release every month or
whatever, blah blah blah, who gives a fuck..what we care about is...nothing!
We WANT your releases..we dont care how crappy or shitty it is..if you want
it in the pack, its there for ya...this gives everyone a chance to be seen
and heard.
oh well..some stuff to look forward to from punc: maybe a viewer if my
slacker ass gets around to it....and coming up very soon is the e-mag that
myself, luptin, and stepson will be writing...it will be some phat shit y0....
anything you wanna send me for punc, i can be reached at
robinson@nerc1.nerc.com...or when my damned board goes back up too...:
y0 all totally elite and whatnot people out there in da scene, I dont have
much to say, since I only wanted to write in this because Kain and Luptin did.
Well, I am like the PPE part of this group, which is pretty sad since I am not
even THAT great of a coder, so like if someone else would please join that
section of our little group, get back to me, I can be reached at
Hal.Levy@Tao.com once again, im only adding that because they had their
e-mail addresses What I would like to see happen to PuNC is for us to
eventually get a lot of bbs mods and stuff released, the only problem is my
ansi talent leaves much to be desired, combine me with a good ansi artist, and
we could have some kick ass PuNC mods, anyway, im working on getting internet
for my bbs, so PuNC should have its own home page http://punc.com??, the
possibilites are endless. Well, i think ive filled this ansi with enough
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