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..luptin.. sup.. pretty busy month for me.. its our eleventh pack.. most people thought we were a one pack group.. looks like we showed them.. while
all the other groups are dying punc is still around and growing. check
puncview by pfister its pretty cool.. not much other major news other
then the usual we are looking for members. not only artists but anyone that has a marketable skill.. we arent just an art group, we do many
other things so contact me a bschopp@pluto.njcc.com today! ..dragoon kain.. well now this is our eleventh pack or something....close to a year...all the people that said we wouldnt last can suck our collective asses i guess.
this pack looks good so far, i was a bit bored this month so ive got quite
a bit of stuff in there this month....not much else to say...my board went
down which depresses me to some degree..oh well...lifes a bitch..enjoy the
pack...and well see you all next month. h e a d e r s d o n e a s u s u a l b y d r a g o o n k a i n
all the other groups are dying punc is still around and growing. check
puncview by pfister its pretty cool.. not much other major news other
then the usual we are looking for members. not only artists but anyone that has a marketable skill.. we arent just an art group, we do many
other things so contact me a bschopp@pluto.njcc.com today! ..dragoon kain.. well now this is our eleventh pack or something....close to a year...all the people that said we wouldnt last can suck our collective asses i guess.
this pack looks good so far, i was a bit bored this month so ive got quite
a bit of stuff in there this month....not much else to say...my board went
down which depresses me to some degree..oh well...lifes a bitch..enjoy the
pack...and well see you all next month. h e a d e r s d o n e a s u s u a l b y d r a g o o n k a i n
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