this image contains text
Y : : :
. Y . : Y .
. i n f a t u a t i o n
azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc
S@, S@, S@, S@, , S@,
g . s
@Ss,, bgggd s
,@Sg g
p s i k o t i k !
azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc
,o@o, ,o@o, ,o@o, ,o@o, ,o@S@o, ,o@o, ,o@SS@o.
b e h a v i o r
azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc
g, ,gg,
:: :: :: g,
ll ll ll ll
morbid infatuation 573 op: organized chaos
azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc
,o@SS@, ,o@SS@, ,o@SS@, ,o@SS@, ,o@o, ,o@SS@,
SS S@ S,sS SS S, S@
u n d e r n o c o n t r o l !
azzkee by the one and only darkwarrior / punc
,sSSs, As of this point on, darkwarriOr is no more. My alias is now organized
chaos. My style has changed, not much, but it did, and so has my alias. Ive
had darkwarriOr since I got my first computer, and I thought it was time for
a new alias. Ill continue to release in punc, but I wont name my files to
12-FILE.EXT.. instead, its gonna be OC-FILE.EXT from now on.
This month, I release my best work so far. Funny thing is.. it only
took me bout 20 minutes. Lay your peeps on OC-PSiK2.ASC, and enjoy. It will
be included in PSiKOTiK Issue 2, available on Daydream Nation as soon as it
is released. It will also be available on Morbid Infatuation.
PS You have to apply via email for an account on Morbid Infatuation,
as my newuser shit on the bbs is skrewed for right now. Send internet email to
tboyd02@mail.coin.missouri.edu, or mail me on Daydream Nation or The Blast
Furnace. I might even be on IRC, if the Arlo Server ever goes back up Taz, get
yo stank ass in gear! . Well, thats bout it, my little chickadeez. Send
all requests and comments to tboyd02@mail.coin.missouri.edu, or use any of the
other methods listed above. Later, yallz..
-darkwarriOr/organized chaos punc
. Y . : Y .
. i n f a t u a t i o n
azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc
S@, S@, S@, S@, , S@,
g . s
@Ss,, bgggd s
,@Sg g
p s i k o t i k !
azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc
,o@o, ,o@o, ,o@o, ,o@o, ,o@S@o, ,o@o, ,o@SS@o.
b e h a v i o r
azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc
g, ,gg,
:: :: :: g,
ll ll ll ll
morbid infatuation 573 op: organized chaos
azzkee by the one and only organized chaos / punc
,o@SS@, ,o@SS@, ,o@SS@, ,o@SS@, ,o@o, ,o@SS@,
SS S@ S,sS SS S, S@
u n d e r n o c o n t r o l !
azzkee by the one and only darkwarrior / punc
,sSSs, As of this point on, darkwarriOr is no more. My alias is now organized
chaos. My style has changed, not much, but it did, and so has my alias. Ive
had darkwarriOr since I got my first computer, and I thought it was time for
a new alias. Ill continue to release in punc, but I wont name my files to
12-FILE.EXT.. instead, its gonna be OC-FILE.EXT from now on.
This month, I release my best work so far. Funny thing is.. it only
took me bout 20 minutes. Lay your peeps on OC-PSiK2.ASC, and enjoy. It will
be included in PSiKOTiK Issue 2, available on Daydream Nation as soon as it
is released. It will also be available on Morbid Infatuation.
PS You have to apply via email for an account on Morbid Infatuation,
as my newuser shit on the bbs is skrewed for right now. Send internet email to
tboyd02@mail.coin.missouri.edu, or mail me on Daydream Nation or The Blast
Furnace. I might even be on IRC, if the Arlo Server ever goes back up Taz, get
yo stank ass in gear! . Well, thats bout it, my little chickadeez. Send
all requests and comments to tboyd02@mail.coin.missouri.edu, or use any of the
other methods listed above. Later, yallz..
-darkwarriOr/organized chaos punc
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