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f e b r u a r y 1 9 9 6 n e w s l e t t e r . sup everyone.. this is puncs nineth release and just would like to say i hope you enjoy it.. this has been a pretty good month for punc.. weve picked up many new members and you can who they are in the member list. i dont have much to say.. other than id like to thank cytral skunk for making this months diz.. also i want everyone to check out dks emag illicit behavior.. its rad.. one other major thing is that we are currently not accepting any more distro sites, other than ones that are invited or requested by punc members.. well thats about it.. please consider joining.. if you are interested fill out an app and send it with some example of your work to bschopp@pluto.njcc.com or the other places it tells you in the app gen.. thanks for making for the new app gen underdog later.. wOowOo...punc february pack comin straight atcha like oj simpson at a white woman....this pack looks nice this month...umm..in bad news our eastern headquarters has gone down...im sure underdog will expound on that i guess....also underdog coded us a new app gen...he just plain rules what can i say.. well then..not much else to say..make sure you read my emag..illicit behavior..by the time you read this illicit behavior number five or number six should be out in your area...so..without further adieu..i give you punc productions ninth release....nine months...shocking...maybe punc has given birth? eh?! well, as dk said, the eastern headquarters is toast. I simply dont have the heart to run it I guess. But well find another one. If anyone would like to be the new eastern headquarters drop us a line we also have a new application generator coded by myself. Its pretty good in my opinion, but take a look for yourself. It was written in a *legal* copy of turbo pascal 7. In the future, look for some modem stuff coming from punc. Ive been working on some serial routines my own, no ripping that should be done fairly soon. I figure that once I get the ISR finished, everything else should be a breeze comparatively. It may take longer because of track and school and college searches w00h00, but itll get done. 9 months. For a small group thats pretty damned good. ohyeh, last thing, from I gather we need some couriers for this group. Luptins practically going broke paying phone bills enjoy the pack!
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