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ttts tSSts rtS SiiS ii tttt ii ttt rtS ittsS
se p i t o m es
f file directories r read messages b bulletins
d download a file e enter message v view user stats
u upload a file q quick msg scan w write user info
n new file scan c comment to sysop j join conference
z zippy text search o page sysop a abandon conference
t transfer protocol qwk mail transfer sel select confs
open online games user list users g goodbye
se p i t o m es
f file directories r read messages b bulletins
d download a file e enter message v view user stats
u upload a file q quick msg scan w write user info
n new file scan c comment to sysop j join conference
z zippy text search o page sysop a abandon conference
t transfer protocol qwk mail transfer sel select confs
open online games user list users g goodbye
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