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first off id like to thank everyone who contributed to this back. this month has been pretty busy for me and for everyone else im sure.. i think this months pack is pretty good.. there a little bit
of everything, which i like. weve gained more members this month which
helps alot with the quality of the release. punc as always is really looking
for some new members. we have released 8 packs so this should prove by now
that were not just some joke 1-2 pack group. we are accepting any and all
positions so if you think you can help us out send mail to bschopp@pluto.
njcc.com or call daydream nation @ 609.890.3955 and mail luptin. please include some examples of your work. not much major news this month so ill just wrap up this boring stuff here.. thanks for downloading this. later
happy fucking new year to all out there..anyway..this is something like our
eighth pack...its pretty nice for this month...not much going on around
here except that our vmb went down...pretty damned annoying...so now if you
need to reach us, you have to either call daydream nation, the blast furnace, or at our home page: http://pluto.njcc.com/bschopp...thanks and enjoy the pack.
well, I guess a happy new year is in order here... after sitting here
giving a much needed cleaning to my room, I realized that 1995 was pretty
damn boring as far as events go. just the same old shit. hopefully, 1996
will be better because its gonna be a doozy of a year. eh. well, news..
there really is none. see?! I told you 1995 was pretty fucking boring
same old coding, same old music, same old shit. dammit somethings gotta happen this year or Im going to blow my fucking mind. anyway, enjoy da pack. peace.
of everything, which i like. weve gained more members this month which
helps alot with the quality of the release. punc as always is really looking
for some new members. we have released 8 packs so this should prove by now
that were not just some joke 1-2 pack group. we are accepting any and all
positions so if you think you can help us out send mail to bschopp@pluto.
njcc.com or call daydream nation @ 609.890.3955 and mail luptin. please include some examples of your work. not much major news this month so ill just wrap up this boring stuff here.. thanks for downloading this. later
happy fucking new year to all out there..anyway..this is something like our
eighth pack...its pretty nice for this month...not much going on around
here except that our vmb went down...pretty damned annoying...so now if you
need to reach us, you have to either call daydream nation, the blast furnace, or at our home page: http://pluto.njcc.com/bschopp...thanks and enjoy the pack.
well, I guess a happy new year is in order here... after sitting here
giving a much needed cleaning to my room, I realized that 1995 was pretty
damn boring as far as events go. just the same old shit. hopefully, 1996
will be better because its gonna be a doozy of a year. eh. well, news..
there really is none. see?! I told you 1995 was pretty fucking boring
same old coding, same old music, same old shit. dammit somethings gotta happen this year or Im going to blow my fucking mind. anyway, enjoy da pack. peace.
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