this image contains text
pulse GRAPHICS news LETTER march c 1996
::::::::: .pulse.graphics. :::::::::
Well, pulse is here with yet another pack. This release
shows some, like most of our previous packs, major evolution
from our last release. I, coleslaw, have quit ascii and to-
tally devoted myself to the pulse vga department. Weve be-
come more compact and there have been many changes concering
organination structure of the group. Weve also decided to
release when we feel that the artists have enough quality
art fit for a pack. This means that were not going to be
releasing on a monthly basis anymore. Although it is dif-
ferent from the past, I am pleased with the overall outcome
of this release.
::::::::: .ansi.artistry. ::::::::::
The ansi department of pulse graphics is currently nonexist-
ent. Mojo seems a bit fed up with ansi and has been leaning
towards vga much more. Unfortunately, he lost much of his
new artwork this past month, due to major hard drive crash.
::::::::: .ascii.artistry. :::::::::
Another section that seemingly has gone kapoot is the as-
cii department. With my departure of the medium and loss
of contact with other ascii artists we are left with no as-
cii artists -- woo! .
:::::::: .coding.creations. ::::::::
The coding department is staying strong and steady with
hades. Hades ever increasing talent is very evident in the
two loaders hes released in this pack.
:::::::: .literature.works. ::::::::
Eeyore has supplied us with some very interesting posts hes
made on various news groups, and a bit of poetry Its all a
matter of oppinion, so, what else can I say except: go check
them out for yourself.
:::: .high.resolution.artistry. ::::
Suprisingly, the pulse vga department has exploded this
month. This has been a section which has always been much
smaller than all of the seniors liking. Its not that we
have gained a considerable amount of artists, but rather
that some of our current artists have become focused primar-
ily on vga. Mr.Krinkle was recruited to the group for a sec-
on time after his removal from pulse in May of 1995. Mat-
ters, we felt, between he and the seniors have been settled
forgotten for more than enough time. Were glad to welcome
this talanted artist and friend back into the group.
:::::: .pulse.graphics.1996. :::::::
In closing, I geuss theres only one thing I can really say
about pulse. With the new year we condensed in size and in
focus, moving more to a strictly vga group. Actually, when
first discussing the formation of this group we wanted to
keep it strictly a vga and coding operation. So, I geuss
what happened was, we dipped our feet in a little of every-
thing and decided to jump back into the boat, the water was
a little too salty. Also, Im glad to say that pulse has be-
come a local group again. We are bonded by friendship rather
than by irc. As many of you may have noticed we have very
relaxed deadlines So, relaxed that theyre practically non-
existent This comfortable atmosphere helps in ensuring that
the artwork created is for the sake of art and not for a
business-like deadline.
until we meet again,
g The Knight: thanks for the diz
r MR.e : Keep the dream alive, brutha!
e Napalm : stay smooth, man
e Cia : i geuss you guys are OK
t Pulse : But of course.. congrats muh men
s Cjammer : my page is up now, so you can add that link.
pulse GRAPHICS news LETTER march c 1996
::::::::: .pulse.graphics. :::::::::
Well, pulse is here with yet another pack. This release
shows some, like most of our previous packs, major evolution
from our last release. I, coleslaw, have quit ascii and to-
tally devoted myself to the pulse vga department. Weve be-
come more compact and there have been many changes concering
organination structure of the group. Weve also decided to
release when we feel that the artists have enough quality
art fit for a pack. This means that were not going to be
releasing on a monthly basis anymore. Although it is dif-
ferent from the past, I am pleased with the overall outcome
of this release.
::::::::: .ansi.artistry. ::::::::::
The ansi department of pulse graphics is currently nonexist-
ent. Mojo seems a bit fed up with ansi and has been leaning
towards vga much more. Unfortunately, he lost much of his
new artwork this past month, due to major hard drive crash.
::::::::: .ascii.artistry. :::::::::
Another section that seemingly has gone kapoot is the as-
cii department. With my departure of the medium and loss
of contact with other ascii artists we are left with no as-
cii artists -- woo! .
:::::::: .coding.creations. ::::::::
The coding department is staying strong and steady with
hades. Hades ever increasing talent is very evident in the
two loaders hes released in this pack.
:::::::: .literature.works. ::::::::
Eeyore has supplied us with some very interesting posts hes
made on various news groups, and a bit of poetry Its all a
matter of oppinion, so, what else can I say except: go check
them out for yourself.
:::: .high.resolution.artistry. ::::
Suprisingly, the pulse vga department has exploded this
month. This has been a section which has always been much
smaller than all of the seniors liking. Its not that we
have gained a considerable amount of artists, but rather
that some of our current artists have become focused primar-
ily on vga. Mr.Krinkle was recruited to the group for a sec-
on time after his removal from pulse in May of 1995. Mat-
ters, we felt, between he and the seniors have been settled
forgotten for more than enough time. Were glad to welcome
this talanted artist and friend back into the group.
:::::: .pulse.graphics.1996. :::::::
In closing, I geuss theres only one thing I can really say
about pulse. With the new year we condensed in size and in
focus, moving more to a strictly vga group. Actually, when
first discussing the formation of this group we wanted to
keep it strictly a vga and coding operation. So, I geuss
what happened was, we dipped our feet in a little of every-
thing and decided to jump back into the boat, the water was
a little too salty. Also, Im glad to say that pulse has be-
come a local group again. We are bonded by friendship rather
than by irc. As many of you may have noticed we have very
relaxed deadlines So, relaxed that theyre practically non-
existent This comfortable atmosphere helps in ensuring that
the artwork created is for the sake of art and not for a
business-like deadline.
until we meet again,
g The Knight: thanks for the diz
r MR.e : Keep the dream alive, brutha!
e Napalm : stay smooth, man
e Cia : i geuss you guys are OK
t Pulse : But of course.. congrats muh men
s Cjammer : my page is up now, so you can add that link.
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