this image contains text
Losers second logo colly If you like my an
sis, your on crack
dewdwh0led for dieznyiks wacky but not at al
l tacky board groove kitty..
magicman*eats fire. wizy, wew. mm.. lEWZ
for my board, blowout. hey, its my colly, ill
draw for whatever i want.
for nectar. it said in the nfo you needed a
header. i guess.
on a mission to shock, disgust and offend -- loser l
ogo hAX0R/ophidiclan
Yup, this sez NECTAR. I changed font style 2/3
of the way through. That would
mean one of two things a im an innovator, or
b Im a lazy ass. Im putting
my money on b.
my style is like, uns on crack. now you know.
laa dee dah.
tWANG tWANG tWANG * Lew Z Whore.
kONGO is owned and operated by 1 Cheese Monkey
pA-pOW. i draw too much for cheese monkey. tW
a candy bar, a fallen star, or a reading from Dr
. Seuss? -- REM
KONGO!?! * +o - Cheese Monkeym00Nlight
oh fuck. now that idiot has to spoil the logo
s with useless crap babble.
Id like to say thank you for my first well, REAL mo
nth at trying like a bastard to draw well.
The response i got read:any was really great.
the present, I only have one req im working on Un
told Saga so if you
would like to do a trade for my board blowout, dont
hesitate to email me
at LOSER@DARK.TOR250.ORG. Where I read my email is f
ux0red. so like, do
not panic if I dont reply. Cause, well, I cant.
I might as well plug
my ascii group odelay, now on its second release. yo
u can nab the newest
pack off of FTP.CDROM.COM /pub/artpacks/incoming/som
ethingorother.. and,
for the record, I didnt spring up out of nowhere, I
was known as fresh
the devil messiah, so like, fA-tANG, fA-tANG.
- loser odelay/ophidiac/plain
sis, your on crack
dewdwh0led for dieznyiks wacky but not at al
l tacky board groove kitty..
magicman*eats fire. wizy, wew. mm.. lEWZ
for my board, blowout. hey, its my colly, ill
draw for whatever i want.
for nectar. it said in the nfo you needed a
header. i guess.
on a mission to shock, disgust and offend -- loser l
ogo hAX0R/ophidiclan
Yup, this sez NECTAR. I changed font style 2/3
of the way through. That would
mean one of two things a im an innovator, or
b Im a lazy ass. Im putting
my money on b.
my style is like, uns on crack. now you know.
laa dee dah.
tWANG tWANG tWANG * Lew Z Whore.
kONGO is owned and operated by 1 Cheese Monkey
pA-pOW. i draw too much for cheese monkey. tW
a candy bar, a fallen star, or a reading from Dr
. Seuss? -- REM
KONGO!?! * +o - Cheese Monkeym00Nlight
oh fuck. now that idiot has to spoil the logo
s with useless crap babble.
Id like to say thank you for my first well, REAL mo
nth at trying like a bastard to draw well.
The response i got read:any was really great.
the present, I only have one req im working on Un
told Saga so if you
would like to do a trade for my board blowout, dont
hesitate to email me
at LOSER@DARK.TOR250.ORG. Where I read my email is f
ux0red. so like, do
not panic if I dont reply. Cause, well, I cant.
I might as well plug
my ascii group odelay, now on its second release. yo
u can nab the newest
pack off of FTP.CDROM.COM /pub/artpacks/incoming/som
ethingorother.. and,
for the record, I didnt spring up out of nowhere, I
was known as fresh
the devil messiah, so like, fA-tANG, fA-tANG.
- loser odelay/ophidiac/plain
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