this image contains text
if you dont like my art blow it out of your ass.
//ascii logo collection 2.-rippa/polyesterfunk.
---RP-SOAP1.ASC---- ------------ -- ----------- - ------- soap emag trippah
/ rp
--- S O : A P ---- :
-++-RP-ICE1.DIZ--+ ---------- ----------------------- -+ --- iCE fileid ice
rp. / / / / / /
the november 1998 iCEpack!
the iCE train chugs along...
----RPCLSNFO.ASC- - - ----- ------------- +--------- ------ +---- class class
C L A S S/ rp.pst
Dune 2000 c Westwood Studios
----RP-ACID.DIZ----- ----------- - ------ --------- - ---- aCid fileid ACiD
// rp.
ACiD Productionstm. 73rd Acquisition
----RP-APOC1.ASC----- - -------++---------- ----- - apOcalyptic visions av
. pstRP // / .:...
+ + ++ apocalyptic visions, 1994-1998 ++
-++-RP-CLS.DIZ- -+ ---------- ----------------------- -+ --- iCE fileid ice
Dune 2000 c Westwood Studios XX43
rp/poly! .
---RP-STYL.ASC--- +++----- - ------- - ---- -- --------- ----- style style
rp.. ,-----, . .
/ s t y l /
-++RP-NON1.ASC - ------ - -------------------++ ---- -- --- - noname non
. noname !a . .
/---, /. ----/ / rp /
- RP-JASP1.ASC --- ---- -------++ - ------- +----------------- jasper krl
... xy. //: .....rp
: JJ!i::.. . / /, :
: J!i:. . // / / / ,
.yx*- -- - --/ -- .....
. j A s p e r : .
p o l y e s t e r
f e e l t h e p o w e r . . .
//ascii logo collection 2.-rippa/polyesterfunk.
---RP-SOAP1.ASC---- ------------ -- ----------- - ------- soap emag trippah
/ rp
--- S O : A P ---- :
-++-RP-ICE1.DIZ--+ ---------- ----------------------- -+ --- iCE fileid ice
rp. / / / / / /
the november 1998 iCEpack!
the iCE train chugs along...
----RPCLSNFO.ASC- - - ----- ------------- +--------- ------ +---- class class
C L A S S/ rp.pst
Dune 2000 c Westwood Studios
----RP-ACID.DIZ----- ----------- - ------ --------- - ---- aCid fileid ACiD
// rp.
ACiD Productionstm. 73rd Acquisition
----RP-APOC1.ASC----- - -------++---------- ----- - apOcalyptic visions av
. pstRP // / .:...
+ + ++ apocalyptic visions, 1994-1998 ++
-++-RP-CLS.DIZ- -+ ---------- ----------------------- -+ --- iCE fileid ice
Dune 2000 c Westwood Studios XX43
rp/poly! .
---RP-STYL.ASC--- +++----- - ------- - ---- -- --------- ----- style style
rp.. ,-----, . .
/ s t y l /
-++RP-NON1.ASC - ------ - -------------------++ ---- -- --- - noname non
. noname !a . .
/---, /. ----/ / rp /
- RP-JASP1.ASC --- ---- -------++ - ------- +----------------- jasper krl
... xy. //: .....rp
: JJ!i::.. . / /, :
: J!i:. . // / / / ,
.yx*- -- - --/ -- .....
. j A s p e r : .
p o l y e s t e r
f e e l t h e p o w e r . . .
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