this image contains text
.......... d u p l o a r t a n d w a r e z only
:.........: :..........: :. : esdDOM
: :...::::::: theres a new board in town invite only ... op: tranxe ..........:
wh i ch o n e i s t he best ?
.......... d u p l o a r t a n d w a r e z only
:.........: :..........: :. : esdDOM
: :...::::::: theres a new board in town invite only ... op: tranxe ..........:
says!: duplo // req!: yes // requestr!: tranxe // comment!: he WANTED that
weird color
setup on his
I like B/W best , so I put a
B/W version of
the ascii in
the file ALSO!
.. reqs!: e.side@stavanger.mail.telia.com // eside@hotmail.com
: 6 letters requests MAX
:: ASCII made by eside Dominio // Wire Oldwarez // Engine
:.........: :..........: :. : esdDOM
: :...::::::: theres a new board in town invite only ... op: tranxe ..........:
wh i ch o n e i s t he best ?
.......... d u p l o a r t a n d w a r e z only
:.........: :..........: :. : esdDOM
: :...::::::: theres a new board in town invite only ... op: tranxe ..........:
says!: duplo // req!: yes // requestr!: tranxe // comment!: he WANTED that
weird color
setup on his
I like B/W best , so I put a
B/W version of
the ascii in
the file ALSO!
.. reqs!: e.side@stavanger.mail.telia.com // eside@hotmail.com
: 6 letters requests MAX
:: ASCII made by eside Dominio // Wire Oldwarez // Engine
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