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--- Soft Ways of Fairnes ---
by Guha Kovi
Conflations and swellings
of mottled blobs and nuggets
ever knit.
The sylph and I are passing under the giant
trees and the crystalline ponds directly
to our retired mansion---our beloved castle
four our day of first-class, homely and sacred
love. I Tell she: All this is for higher hearts.
But ironically freezing,
For Life
is the great subject.
Holographic House
My lissome mommy and I were sauntering by Ygan
-Now we are going to The Flunky Home she said
and went to some upper level, letting me there, at
the affluent hall of the gorgeous supermarket
like a hangar---lofty, mercantile yet delicate.
So near the elevator there was a bookstand
stunned Ive felt the literary hullabaloo
of kids, anew, like in bygone sienna morns.
Sedulous and quick survey of the oodles of books.
And I have found one that lured me: its cover
a gravedigger shoveling at the top of a mound.
And ma bought it for me---We leave The Flunky Home
-Do not tease others with it she advised me.
Again in the street---She entered a store
spring dusk---I stood lingering for the weighty moment...
You! I wasnt a cherub neither a geared carcass
I behold the Raising of the Houze
and its dashes that somehow blended with the flavors of October.
Vinya, moppish,
at the buffet-froyd shop,
nipping the Pessoas.
Over a lea in the hills, in the verdurous
plateaus and balconies, under a sky wise
of scholastic eruditions, in the midst of some
singular breeze stands the Memento of Rebecca
it is a golden nub standing in the upper part
of the forehead and to the west my ideal:
shes a northern ethereal princess, and I know
she is a poet, like a secular Polyhymnia.
She is a zillion years old, although she looks
like a girl. She, the endless owner of the
splendor of a bard-goddess. The emblematic
and serene shaman disguised as a freelance
under a host of searing quoits that lingers
defending the small an lotus-like figure
who is sitting in a lotus posture. He comes from
the west. To the east one more vortex of modem-
land, its the entrance to a labyrinthic underground
habitat that allows the proliferation of text-artz
modding* and e-publishing plots. This for the right
eye, while the left one, crying eyebrow
a river that enters his ringlets and crawls
through the summer blasts, it flows up
towards some isolated mounts which
are the bases of a colossal macrocosm
that looks like a sort of gigantic icicle
on its summit diverse megalopolis repose
luminaries issue from its verge ---it is
rooted in his hair by the idle sign
of Union in creation Parodic and shady
Moldy kindred ghosts ---for the horizon the gleamings.
The constellation of frozen firkins read wAREZ*
Sweat is dripping from the forehead ---Through
the boundary between the plains and the prairie.
In the cheek: raving beauties of recent
hairdos and piercings on their fair faces
tattoos, too. ---They display top and dresses
of psychedelic motives and tones ---a little
to the southwest: the nose, foppish, starchy
witness of sonnets, haikus, odes and dithyrambs.
Further to the west, in the right cheek more
of the fresh drums, this others read: pD
H/P/V* / cHiPTUNES* / diGiTAL aRTZ and jUAREz
The mouth ---a paw and southward to the chin
a female sooth-sayer a female model
a female religion-reformer ---and here is
the sweat that falls from the brow, tracing
it upwards we found a godlike yoguini,
she is sitting in lotus posture, her seraphic
Elysian splendor is authentic, seeing her big,
felicitous aura, which beams ruthful oscillations.
The true is that the progressive sylphs pervasion
is unavoidable yet essential, along with the oft
inexhaustible vista of a new lotus eyed raving beauty
or like the gone ambience of the environs, the breath-
taking and utmost gracefulness of the para-solish
Jesus female follower...
Former flau is meditating on top of a vaulted
rock, and drums: H/P/V/A over sharp ices.
This in the left portion, while to the west
is seen a comb inserted in his blonde virya,
not affecting the cheeks that swell florid.
Lastly, the visage is propped on a profuse
and shiny wad of chestnut, unsullied hair.
Do you feed your catwalk?
the switch glitters
wild adamant headways.
One day my posters absent ---Thrown away ---Great drop
which dispersing replenished my brimming cup.
Gessoes of evenings mopping that we dont conceive
nor attend, up to now ---The lotus elf vamooses
by the level escalator, past the restaurants with
lobbies where I see the making of hot-cross buns
on the dangling monitors near the clock and
the cascades of the wish fountains which bear
dozen of dimes that the lads and gals have thrown. But
lets hold this in decorous reverence
with Brother Cauldron in the kids library, in
the Saturday eve when Ive found the cute
chinese or japanese volume of the three
dimensional, dainty adventures of the lotus
doll ---Her jet-black straight hair and her lotus face
among the doll-things of her doll-scaled-house.
First chinoserie of my life of thousands of them.
Slapdash ---I brand Cauldrons eye with the soiled rim
of a toy-telescope.
- the mawkish skies and the unforeseen shrouds. -
The runny cowboys entranced basking they dig the stalls
and they say: -An amok on the clouds and of varying
flights... Flowing the gaunt, jilted and forlorn corrals.
Parrying exultant, stagy by copings of yesteryear.
I have seen the collars and the expensive sneakers,
cotton socks of Scottish style---the denim trousers?
higher lapels, to denote a kind of modern veneer.
Like us, more or less the citys youth-hood tribes
sects or ghetto-dwells---ragas leisure vehicles.
I scavenging in search of worthy metals to vend...
For the air hassocks of my imported sneakers! Theyd
winds of Dresden on the pads, for running faster.
And series of little islets in a lilac ocean
The Even Rani and I cuddle, dart and fly over it.
Crowds go flocking, conclusively a carmine kepis.
Gladsome and rejoicing synods on ole evenings.
The censor in his rickety and obnoxious journey
Tipsy---Evaporating cinemas, weve stamped on them.
Acquainted with the jinx bestowed when taking facts
from a defunct persons life? very original punx:
I can feel just a sulky ruth for what occurred...
Secular flies*, meaning with the captious kicks
Succulent libations with the calm princess maggot ere
froth wassails of the iniquity in bacchanalia
or, perhaps, aleatory uprisings, riots, revolts?
Sirens of the night raped. A naga Karkatcho has
fawned---Nothing. Forget it. Leave it alone. Oblivion.
I saw them! like glazed gauchos in the restopus bars...
Circulating---Groks of all profligate puberties
The rabid irrelevance of the arts and the players
and summers enduring tingling fleabites on my heels.
Bumpkintrix at the OS---a ping-pong of zip guns.
Night, bizarrely alone, load and Jason decapitates
the player, a parade of trainer arts on the tapes
classics for kids and interactive books, on shelves.
Who is in the quaint manor of the valley melting?
Is it the child catsup drinking that could not go to
the labors day act? Adulate---ungenerous asterisks
mutts, stately mints. Novel Saint cults and arts
Four culled warnings: Grottos, burrows, dens and lairs.
The initial enterprise is for the green mask
Innocent, erratic reflexes of the Ganges Descent...
Peptic arts and playful hikes. Petulant---Petards
The hyacinths pass lull, noctivagant and evasive
and return---Crepuscular and gritty bygones.
The universal cHURCH oF tHE sKATEBOARD has come
to us. Spilling we had it---of the type of affair one
never forgets---Surely it was the season we used to
slide by the modern and ample streets of our town:
grim, dusty but super urbane---The edge of the city
where all is gory and easygoing. The litter gobs:
the kiosk Hacha Pukka the daisies stage, off coffer
the panoply of notorious, multifolding hypocrites
yet, with some of the gentle food true credulity
only us. All in the hills of vitreous barbicans.
Girding up, viaducts, pagodas and beads---we dont notice.
Bearing Ishi---she was on the bottle... Mad kin Thor
The bucket was really freezing and what is more,
more barren and rosy: the payasas of the wayfarers.
Silaz-Senior at Blatant Arcade. The glazed spruced
formidable resounding by countless dazzlments
calamities---pitiful vigils---the forays and goblets
of the centriphugalia---the mushy, rhomboid ceilidhs.
Slabbing in the barn:
stanchions of lapis, polymers
iN tHe VeiLeD SyCaMoReS oF MY TeNDeRNeSS
Deep frozen Reverie
Daybreak - As she dresses,
she speaks tome lovingly of
the restored gaps of farness:
-...so I always will forward
the tape till self-denial
is achieved... she says.
A sanguinary riot begins
were putting the jingoes out of
the way. The sunrise dripping
a vertigo of staffs, maces
nightsticks and darts, even
Quarterstaffs and boomerangs
fluctuating euphonically
War cries - drums pulsating.
Big crispy pineapple snows
and sodas - the truffle shows
and the nachos - the enchiladas
the cheese boards and tostadas
the tacos - burritos with a
dessert of sundaes, halvahs
or shakes or fruit? and mommy
is screaming from the veranda:
Hey kid! do not forget your viand!
the lavish tin lunch box thats
filled with bagels and flavorful strudels.
After awakening I had to
make up my mind to defy
all the obnoxious leeches
---Peoples that only fade
towards abject perdition.
And who never were, never are
or will be, not even
a foe worth of my rage.
My experience when a child
at eight, savage oppressors
pseudo-inside. And paradoxically
entertaining crack of doom
in the outside, to relish
to consume, lets decry:
The autographed slippers
in the feet of bow legged
blistered, abused bodies
blunt, voracious, twisted
callous, pretending, emasculated
multifolding personalities
occupied in anodyne, pesky
toils of giving more and
more and more to their
vile, impecunious, comfortless
ugly and nule relatives. Lets
return them the shameful
little miseries that theyve done.
Resentful, covetous, greasy
hypocrite, dusty, ostracized
like virulent scoriae. While
for us the beauty and youth
embraces... but they have to
be unctuous and controlled!
their crowded toilettes, but
I will snub them dryly or
the blood of their grandmas
where I sink their mutts
to new flavors and how
wickedly gregarian are their
darned tiny existences. Till
doomsday and beyond sadly
retaining their monotone and
destitute positions. Theyre
scheduled disabled for great
future events that they envy.
For Minerva! At last
I have noted how others
abhorred me since I am
an innocent child that is
secured for exquisitely
grateful and ritzy prospects
And the filthy chat/
arrowhead of the golem
its monkey in the bridge
praising scrupulous sisters
is just a wombat excavating!
Its only a disturbing beast
with an undecided feeling for
charoots of outcast and endemic
Oafly, she falls by the uptight
dog. We know her unfilled
Groggy, indigent dolts trying to gull
it remotely from among the
clods and other earthly jinx...
How disowned claimants they where!
Dragged through the mud, untitled
Simi and sully endlessly and
sadly deposed dunces. All
theyve done in their rancor
of envious impotence will
be retorted.
Alas! Their maggot like beings
will sooner or later make
them rise in animalia.
Ergonomic decks--- Skateboards
will reform
and damage you.
A scene
In fays, computers and assemblies
afterwards the monkey duchess chaperone
awakened bimbos likewise---fairies
conjuration of pixies, sprites, houris
naiads, those never burnish it, still they
always opt, win and gather the harvest
The format bless you...
in the adjacent cornucopia.
come along and visit a wild...
Regarding my origins in the
modem milieux, I can recall
Ive taken it after my
first love affair, at sixteen
all bleak idiosyncrasies were
forced aside, because of my
darling, we were very lucky on
never being caught at making
love in sheltered spots of
several public places. So I
had to forget the girl if I
wanted to escape, my flame
was burning vicious and gloomy
Ive begun to take five
meals per day, the last always was
at midnight. And in this early
days I have became robust.
Ive installed some warez*.
First night buzzing the brand-new whirr.
At first my attraction was mostly
for the electronic zines ---For
they showed me the existence
of an eclectic, recondite
scene where the data is the
life. Poor alienated boy! The
inspirations this periodicals
produced on me were large.
There were nights of garnering
and opening ---admiring and sifting
the manifold eldritch glossies
by the sWARMs oF oSiRis squad.
Or the brisk and intense spring
night in my pals house using
his terminal for leeching all
---Tenterhooks for the euphonious
compressed e-riches arriving.
---Lots of subterranean bits.
So and so my appeal for the
board scene begins. Ripped-off
adverts of my adolescence...
Exacting a preconfigured
for the elito-lads finesse:
fast e-migration ---My system is
evolving ---too uLE/k
My first steps as a sys-god.
The Avant-garde and insurgent
nature of my first board
was markedly superior to the
varied myriads of boards in
the formal systems directory.
Nighttime ---sharing environments
with able beeps the pager yells
its Aloha, he wants to swap texts
games, compilers and editors.
I can see ---Civilized
cyber-hobos of the hermetic
night. Fays, frosty foyers
sophisticate rendezvous
for not spending the night at home
living it at nineteen ---Glory
the class of improved high life
that the unrefined hoi polloi
envy and dont have never have
Going on vacations ---and letting
the board with the auto-answer*
enabled. ---Who can figure what
will happen on it during the days
of my nonprescence? Surely
not I ---because I am having
diversion on the mountains.
On returning ---The feedback bulks
Disembarking ---I list ---Awaiting the coming back of
my crony, the distinguished lotus damsel who is
the apple of my eye. ---She comes! I witness
the multimedia Nereid in her unhesitating cruise
by the matrices and the menus ---Again,
as always, making a night of it ---The doldrums
of your absence and Tensegrity for the topics
of our chat of deep waters of a wine-dark sea.
Belles mass-producing in endless
progressions of their machines.
On conferences, we brew a homemade network.
The privy and solid network starts
with The Flitting Tyke as its hub
owned by the very same
Sleevy U. Tyke, the renowned
Consultant and bawdy programmer.
The twenty-three glacial forums
of underground, clandestine
and alternative discussions
plus portly file transfers as well.
Bearing in mind how is to bask on folding, tabular
reeds of the perilous, fluxing non-stop n.u.v.s*, but
there where n.u.ps for foppish systems
that were inaccessible like hEIMDALL or
tARDY liNK this latter being pOLEAxs headquarter
or the elite hOBBLiNg cRANk a distro-site for
the tip-top releases of fRiGg tECHNOLOGiEs
A cold as marble summer night, when
Leeching* VALiD and nOYZe packs..
Estival auroras relishing
all the pieces on those bundles
and how ironic, I remember
the advert of hOMBi the board
its an indigo hued face.
Workers at the assembly line
Walks among yuppie crowds
in the Bs.As Macro downtown
bulky milk shakes relishing
experience. Modern buses,
new-fashioned phone booths,
plottered* signs and compu marts.
Remote and mellifluous night
when I saw the two extremes
one was geeks in the dark
and I saw it truly clearly
hedonists in the halcyon days
was the other ---I mean
the techies and the e-craftsmen
sharing skills in a profound
and precise scene. The lofty
digital uplands. Memorable
and overruling cliques. Meet in
a Friday of assembly ---beer,
pipes and the gleeful denial
to some reporters offering
to interview me for Sundays
newspaper ---The pierced faces
of the hackers... on tables
with steaming ashtrays, manuals
palm-tops, hard-drives and cellulars.
As for the yearly meeting ---The scener round-up
crowds of fanatics undulate to the masks and me
---the predictive reverie of the night before
the prelude to the Alike Panel Scene-party.
Going and remaining on it for four days
four derivative, turbid days of demos display
gaming networking, sharing and attending compos
the sack naps ---The familiar electronic duos
or trios of Dee-jays and singers, performing concerts
in intimate afternoon feats. ---The skeins
join in a quick maneuver to put in a
a shape of Nandisa*, it lasts three wondrous seconds.
The silver blob that flits through the soft pathways of the
dangling canals until it reaches the mosaic yards which look
as gloaming vitreous agoras where the rings of
bubbles and drops bolt and oscillate. Annulets outsrip.
Then we watch the fierce-demo by fURTiVE bRATZ:
---Two boys, denim trousers, go by squares at sunset
we see them from behind, seeing the, their backs as they
enter the vicinities of a school, but they stop for
a moment in the corner amidst the passing by flocks
we see a lotus-girl with the uniforms
jacket that is tied to her wais with a knot on her
midriff. Her hair is red, her nose is retrouss
and small, the base of a pair of exotic eyes
of lotus form ---We are dumbfound for aye when we
see the design of her t-shirt, in soft runes, reads:
aGNES, 1987 AD
Cranky detached brats
smiling with exultation
now soar
The Straddler
Weary of straying, greatly
I sit on a remote diner
and order a sundae.
Entranced, I bask and reckon:
the sally went utterly tender
by the alamedas and the
boulevards. Houses of
gaudy molded fronts.
The dusty walls were dozing
smudged with tags. There
are snowy bronze knobs
in the gates and doors
Effigies and statuettes
Neoclassical or modern
styles, but also gothic
buildings, really somber.
I was a trifle unmindful
of the unearthly funfairs
or the malls with rinks
and other odd saturnalias.
There existed afternoons when
I have taken naps in great
promenades and other
days I went strolling by
ten kilometer long modern marts.
What is threat for the ghosts?
The first-run unpolluted lanes?
The old-hat penny arcade clerks?
Derisory and wild mles on book-fairs?
The fat, ponderous laundries?
Cute grass on inclined parks.
Automats, pens, brasseries in
the cavalcade of streets in
levels of interlaced viaducts.
The square underway? net baits
---A clepsydra saturated with
rompings and motions of the
kids and their caretakers.
Off the populous street zones,
the environs are markedly less
crowded, I found a dome-shaped
and white church in the midst
of a park ---Sitting to relish
a bottled nectar I discover the
Vaishnava motive the parrot
or green polly who enters the
pine, sort of delectable
and didactic vision. Ensues
a jiffy magical, the dryads
glow and undulate for me.
Glory to Krishna Chaitanya!
Glory to Moon Advaita!
the why...
I can transmute cheap metal into gold.
I am able to take any form I like.
I know who I was in my previous lifes
and I can vanish all kind of morbidities.
I am omnipotent until a determined point.
I can interpret conundrums, decipher the
enigmas, decode mysteries and solve riddles.
I am omniscient at will. I am the
Master of the five elements and I am
Knower of the future, present and past.
I am the seaScapist, composer of rebus.
I am able to play with the parshadas
and I can get whatever I like. Apex:
I levitate and I am another prophet.
And I am free from the hunger and thirst
from heat and from cold. I see the
subtle weavings between the arts and
cultures and theisms and technologies.
I can decide the day of my own death
and I can find hidden treasures, Im
the lord and the motive of tender feminine
infatuations. I can control my mind
and I can read and perceive other
minds. I can hide from curious
eyes, veiling, but Im beyond dualities.
The daughter of god
edified me
respecting the eclipses
Basilisks of Preposteralia
As keepsake of memorabilia
the joyous twilight when
I have definitely found
the sleek laser gun, I
sort of felt myself apt
to start to ravage but
stalking and faithfully
all the types of excruciation
and the nonsensical matters
I could see or simply know
That dusk the Ayeeeeee!
on my beauteous ideal as
she saw the barbarous
backbitings of the forums
this enshrined sunset is in
my remembrance - I am sure
it is for ever so long.
She made me see with her
confidant vim and appended
a discreet cerebration:
At present you are sublime
but together we are stealthy.
in the faces of vampires, barbarian or swindlers
Greenhorn Comrades
Were good those old velvet morning times
like a jack bouncing in the seat of the bus
going down under the noon suns searing rays
rolling serene as the city roared
Sherbets and the harbors rain
in whitened squares, spring has found me
and the always shore less desert...
Personally oft smoking, strolling or reading
on the hammock.
For the mops and lotus eyes ---Aureole asunder
Musters incense, codexes and dices
Some punx ho by decaying streets ---Summer
winds whiff
the sharp one pointedness of their steady beings
inebriated with impervious cosmic love
of incorruption and youthful force saturated
against the onerous summertime squalls
Smoking so much in resplendent, beige hued
Or, behind the scenes, the moonless night in the
Ygan Uptown ---At Markys house, the long session
upgrading his system, yet feeling sort of woeful
like subliminal prognoses of the computing nights
aftermath: blunt and malefic b-class movies
How not being deleterious? ---with mini-hare
besides the sepia and turquoise, neutral seine?
For my reverie of jilted ardor! ---But before
devastation of Markys plastic veteran ---a mess
of little soldierly limbs and rubber ligations.
And for want of the glazed and bloody skies
baptism of fire against the armored zombies
Lacking slimy battles against cruel cyborg?
Virtual bones broke on the unfamiliar
of the fields or macerating mutated, haunted
Immersed cyber-realities of the youth that
fights the frenzied maggots, fauns, brutes and
freaks ---The resultant sadistic mood of almost
everyones taste: in some manner
despondent and plutonic and peculiar also.
And my fanciful doze was dream about how
I could be watching Factotum of Erebus thus.
The fierce flap
of one thousand fickles
debased fodder...
The Makeshift Entrenchment of the Esoteric Elitos in Exile.
We come to the house and the main gate has trellises of a Celtic style.
To the west, there is a park with stone benches and a swing, a file of trees,
in round alignment demarcates the plot. From the park to the north theres
a grove, I cruise it thinking on how impeccable is Vinayakas deity in the
middle of it. Past the grove, there is a circular pond, water lilies and lo-
tuses lie on its surface, forth to the north the glazed greenhouse and the
hydroponics lab, other grove and Im witnessing the back side of the go sala,
walking to the northwest, the pasture fields, the cows prasadas, and besides
the crops of boga, another grove is there, in the northern part of the plot,
through it theres the back door and the garden with its fountain and to the
North east extreme, the Laxmi-Narayana mandir, also sided by a grove thats
beside the Shiva mandir. Garuda as well as Maha-Bhumi deities face both pago-
das. There is a cobbled path that goes to the west, the front door of the
house is there
The M.e.e.e.e Manor
There is a buzzer besides the door of the manor, it has a video system and
a sign reads ACCESS DENIED FOR THE LAMOS, past the door inside and to the
right there is a tube with umbrellas. There are some Panzaponsha posters
around, with subjects cyberpunks and/or futuristic fantasy, there are lava
lamps altogether, two and very bulky to be precise. The furniture is an
hybrid between rave, retro and feng-shui styles. In the middle of the north-
ern wall there is small desk/altar with two computers. Two sofas are here:
one in the northwest area of the room and the other in the northeastern part
of the place. There are two doors and in the middle of them, I mean, between
them both, theres a shelf and it contains books mostly manuals of computer
subjects, tape-backups*, mags* and CDs, boxes and more boxes of legal warez*,
legal games and theres on exhibition a relic, a TR-808*. The digital table
is round and low, cushions surround it, and on it several computers lie.
In each corner, there is a pot with plants.
The left door to the south, the kitchen, to the east the fridge, the sinks
and the cooking gadgets: roaster, processor, waffle-machine and snow ma-
chine. Opposite, a door and another counter, here are the three different
ovens: the clay oven, the gas oven and the microwave, too. Through the glass
of the fridges door we see fruit, curds, cheeses and cabbages. In the upper
part theres a sticker LOVE THE ANIMALS there are two windows and two doors
by the western door we come to the dining room, the table is round and low:
around, say, forty centimeters from the floor. There are cushions, a dozen
of them. The lamp that hangs over the table suggests plethora of chinoseries
that one can imagine looking at it.
Through the northern door and the east, going upstairs I come to the second
floor: five doors are there: the first is for the multipurpose pantry. The
second is for the salon, the thirds is for the toilette, the fourth is for
the private library and the fifth is for the bedroom.
For a moment I stare at the window and see: the swimming pool is there in
the yard, before the groves. The pool is lengthy, around twenty meters long.
Its water looks pellucid... crystalline.
On hearing the kitchens gong boom I know I have have been called for taking
Under the window there is a case with Indian style frills. It has shades,
they are closed, by the sides of the case there are bonsais. I know it is
Gretas Rukmini-Vitthal altar purchased in Punilla.
Back in the kitchen, Greta has prepared some cabbages and hot-cross rolls.
I note that always the hot-cross will be my dearest along with Vienna rolls
pao doces, little black buns and even with the creamonas ---Suddenly the vi-
sion of creamona nodes spreading with cream cheese and jam. However, no, the lunch is this
steaming delicious cabbages with the crispy rolls. Drinking nectar. We do not
talk, but we think together the subject: how Mukun has tried to boycott his
post for lit for bANSHEe, subconsciously he has fermented a silent hate for
bANSHEe because of the crone nature of it, with his r LITS.
I am digesting the lunch of unsullied prasada... I am in the living room I
can see the cases with long meters of cables on them. The shelves contain
cute objects while the group of machines in the table make a really sober
effect but there are other things around the living room: a camera, a scanner
a mask of VR and several joy pads and even joysticks but there are also cards
and tools and is among all this delicate computer components that are so cute
that I realize how I feel the way I feel.
Entering the bedroom, the big bed has carvings on its sides. A big tapestry
hangs from the roof, its a screen for concealing the high ceilings. The Kama
Sutras influence is evident when I see a little table with varied flasks ne-
ar the captivating and well finished Mahabarata-style chariot. The biggest
narguile of the house is here.
Inside of the bathroom: there is a jacuzzi and a latrine, also a bidet, but
no vestiges of a WC over here. The mirrors are three, of the folding type.
The little shelf near the latrine has some pulp comics, shamefully. The latri-
ne and bidet are under the window.
The sealed salon contains a velvety floor and cushions, there is a com-
puter, a keyboard a mixer and another synthe. Also a pair of turntables and
In the northeastern side of this floor there is the bookroom, it walls are
full of books, magazines, videotapes and CDs boxes. The shelves are four,
with corridor among them. There is a window over there, it is facing the fore
The terrace, the laundry room the same as the ironing room with other what
ever purpose, also with the acrylic-roofed bungalow, which is multipurpose,
too, it has a sofa and a door that is the door of the toilette.
Some forms made of plastic ribbons and metal tubes are there, for taking sun
baths and a rustic, immaculate barbecue, only for vegan brochettes, I guess.
I do not know how to get inspiration for vegan toasted meals. I mean for
creating recipes besides the chutneyed veg-kababs.
Again out of M.e.e.e.e, I see to the right the orchards. I walk by the path
that surrounds the house and reach the main path again, going to the outside
of the plot I see the familiar crypt and the crematorium, they are made of gray
The shop
Its a milk-bar, theres a soda dispenser, for creamy ice cream sodas and
one of it sections is for milk shakes: vanilla, strawberry, chocolate for the
shakes, and mint, pista and cream of the sky for the sodas. Fridges with
creamy ice cream of several flavors, and tables with sits.
Elysian fields--- stomps.
the entranced chores
of the loathing reps.
Those tiny blokes with neckties
in gelid offices, confer you
revolutions and umbrage.
I saw the elm, vortex,
debutant, polishing my tomahawk:
I saw the shinny sport jackets
and expensive futuristic shoes
used by the skillful lads
who amused themselves savagely
at our boroughs video-arcades...
and diverse imps of the ignored
class, too. And later on I saw
the Slumping of The Unforgiving.
On rugs of super development
dainty froth restores
the cortex of the observers,
is in the moniker. Vertex:
Overhauling the school terminals
and always the glacial NO
to bombs and plebeian fits.
The curses and jinxes will
take just some swift vials.
The crimson-haired minx will share
their maudlin torsos and their
blue chip yields. I discern.
Elites crucibles.
Pierced emissaries
with snarly tufts.
2003 - The Prana Expres
Kopyleft k S. Guha Kovi
This book is shared only under the condition that it will be copied
without the removing of its imprints, nor in a crippled way, nor with
mires to plagiarize any of the names of: persons, groups, systems,
networks or meetings. Poems from this books may be used for whatever
literary or advertising end, but after receiving a written proof of
the authors consent only. No true person is named in the book. Still
some events, circumstances and peoples are pictures after taking ins-
piration from actual incidents and persons.
--- Soft Ways of Fairnes ---
by Guha Kovi
Conflations and swellings
of mottled blobs and nuggets
ever knit.
The sylph and I are passing under the giant
trees and the crystalline ponds directly
to our retired mansion---our beloved castle
four our day of first-class, homely and sacred
love. I Tell she: All this is for higher hearts.
But ironically freezing,
For Life
is the great subject.
Holographic House
My lissome mommy and I were sauntering by Ygan
-Now we are going to The Flunky Home she said
and went to some upper level, letting me there, at
the affluent hall of the gorgeous supermarket
like a hangar---lofty, mercantile yet delicate.
So near the elevator there was a bookstand
stunned Ive felt the literary hullabaloo
of kids, anew, like in bygone sienna morns.
Sedulous and quick survey of the oodles of books.
And I have found one that lured me: its cover
a gravedigger shoveling at the top of a mound.
And ma bought it for me---We leave The Flunky Home
-Do not tease others with it she advised me.
Again in the street---She entered a store
spring dusk---I stood lingering for the weighty moment...
You! I wasnt a cherub neither a geared carcass
I behold the Raising of the Houze
and its dashes that somehow blended with the flavors of October.
Vinya, moppish,
at the buffet-froyd shop,
nipping the Pessoas.
Over a lea in the hills, in the verdurous
plateaus and balconies, under a sky wise
of scholastic eruditions, in the midst of some
singular breeze stands the Memento of Rebecca
it is a golden nub standing in the upper part
of the forehead and to the west my ideal:
shes a northern ethereal princess, and I know
she is a poet, like a secular Polyhymnia.
She is a zillion years old, although she looks
like a girl. She, the endless owner of the
splendor of a bard-goddess. The emblematic
and serene shaman disguised as a freelance
under a host of searing quoits that lingers
defending the small an lotus-like figure
who is sitting in a lotus posture. He comes from
the west. To the east one more vortex of modem-
land, its the entrance to a labyrinthic underground
habitat that allows the proliferation of text-artz
modding* and e-publishing plots. This for the right
eye, while the left one, crying eyebrow
a river that enters his ringlets and crawls
through the summer blasts, it flows up
towards some isolated mounts which
are the bases of a colossal macrocosm
that looks like a sort of gigantic icicle
on its summit diverse megalopolis repose
luminaries issue from its verge ---it is
rooted in his hair by the idle sign
of Union in creation Parodic and shady
Moldy kindred ghosts ---for the horizon the gleamings.
The constellation of frozen firkins read wAREZ*
Sweat is dripping from the forehead ---Through
the boundary between the plains and the prairie.
In the cheek: raving beauties of recent
hairdos and piercings on their fair faces
tattoos, too. ---They display top and dresses
of psychedelic motives and tones ---a little
to the southwest: the nose, foppish, starchy
witness of sonnets, haikus, odes and dithyrambs.
Further to the west, in the right cheek more
of the fresh drums, this others read: pD
H/P/V* / cHiPTUNES* / diGiTAL aRTZ and jUAREz
The mouth ---a paw and southward to the chin
a female sooth-sayer a female model
a female religion-reformer ---and here is
the sweat that falls from the brow, tracing
it upwards we found a godlike yoguini,
she is sitting in lotus posture, her seraphic
Elysian splendor is authentic, seeing her big,
felicitous aura, which beams ruthful oscillations.
The true is that the progressive sylphs pervasion
is unavoidable yet essential, along with the oft
inexhaustible vista of a new lotus eyed raving beauty
or like the gone ambience of the environs, the breath-
taking and utmost gracefulness of the para-solish
Jesus female follower...
Former flau is meditating on top of a vaulted
rock, and drums: H/P/V/A over sharp ices.
This in the left portion, while to the west
is seen a comb inserted in his blonde virya,
not affecting the cheeks that swell florid.
Lastly, the visage is propped on a profuse
and shiny wad of chestnut, unsullied hair.
Do you feed your catwalk?
the switch glitters
wild adamant headways.
One day my posters absent ---Thrown away ---Great drop
which dispersing replenished my brimming cup.
Gessoes of evenings mopping that we dont conceive
nor attend, up to now ---The lotus elf vamooses
by the level escalator, past the restaurants with
lobbies where I see the making of hot-cross buns
on the dangling monitors near the clock and
the cascades of the wish fountains which bear
dozen of dimes that the lads and gals have thrown. But
lets hold this in decorous reverence
with Brother Cauldron in the kids library, in
the Saturday eve when Ive found the cute
chinese or japanese volume of the three
dimensional, dainty adventures of the lotus
doll ---Her jet-black straight hair and her lotus face
among the doll-things of her doll-scaled-house.
First chinoserie of my life of thousands of them.
Slapdash ---I brand Cauldrons eye with the soiled rim
of a toy-telescope.
- the mawkish skies and the unforeseen shrouds. -
The runny cowboys entranced basking they dig the stalls
and they say: -An amok on the clouds and of varying
flights... Flowing the gaunt, jilted and forlorn corrals.
Parrying exultant, stagy by copings of yesteryear.
I have seen the collars and the expensive sneakers,
cotton socks of Scottish style---the denim trousers?
higher lapels, to denote a kind of modern veneer.
Like us, more or less the citys youth-hood tribes
sects or ghetto-dwells---ragas leisure vehicles.
I scavenging in search of worthy metals to vend...
For the air hassocks of my imported sneakers! Theyd
winds of Dresden on the pads, for running faster.
And series of little islets in a lilac ocean
The Even Rani and I cuddle, dart and fly over it.
Crowds go flocking, conclusively a carmine kepis.
Gladsome and rejoicing synods on ole evenings.
The censor in his rickety and obnoxious journey
Tipsy---Evaporating cinemas, weve stamped on them.
Acquainted with the jinx bestowed when taking facts
from a defunct persons life? very original punx:
I can feel just a sulky ruth for what occurred...
Secular flies*, meaning with the captious kicks
Succulent libations with the calm princess maggot ere
froth wassails of the iniquity in bacchanalia
or, perhaps, aleatory uprisings, riots, revolts?
Sirens of the night raped. A naga Karkatcho has
fawned---Nothing. Forget it. Leave it alone. Oblivion.
I saw them! like glazed gauchos in the restopus bars...
Circulating---Groks of all profligate puberties
The rabid irrelevance of the arts and the players
and summers enduring tingling fleabites on my heels.
Bumpkintrix at the OS---a ping-pong of zip guns.
Night, bizarrely alone, load and Jason decapitates
the player, a parade of trainer arts on the tapes
classics for kids and interactive books, on shelves.
Who is in the quaint manor of the valley melting?
Is it the child catsup drinking that could not go to
the labors day act? Adulate---ungenerous asterisks
mutts, stately mints. Novel Saint cults and arts
Four culled warnings: Grottos, burrows, dens and lairs.
The initial enterprise is for the green mask
Innocent, erratic reflexes of the Ganges Descent...
Peptic arts and playful hikes. Petulant---Petards
The hyacinths pass lull, noctivagant and evasive
and return---Crepuscular and gritty bygones.
The universal cHURCH oF tHE sKATEBOARD has come
to us. Spilling we had it---of the type of affair one
never forgets---Surely it was the season we used to
slide by the modern and ample streets of our town:
grim, dusty but super urbane---The edge of the city
where all is gory and easygoing. The litter gobs:
the kiosk Hacha Pukka the daisies stage, off coffer
the panoply of notorious, multifolding hypocrites
yet, with some of the gentle food true credulity
only us. All in the hills of vitreous barbicans.
Girding up, viaducts, pagodas and beads---we dont notice.
Bearing Ishi---she was on the bottle... Mad kin Thor
The bucket was really freezing and what is more,
more barren and rosy: the payasas of the wayfarers.
Silaz-Senior at Blatant Arcade. The glazed spruced
formidable resounding by countless dazzlments
calamities---pitiful vigils---the forays and goblets
of the centriphugalia---the mushy, rhomboid ceilidhs.
Slabbing in the barn:
stanchions of lapis, polymers
iN tHe VeiLeD SyCaMoReS oF MY TeNDeRNeSS
Deep frozen Reverie
Daybreak - As she dresses,
she speaks tome lovingly of
the restored gaps of farness:
-...so I always will forward
the tape till self-denial
is achieved... she says.
A sanguinary riot begins
were putting the jingoes out of
the way. The sunrise dripping
a vertigo of staffs, maces
nightsticks and darts, even
Quarterstaffs and boomerangs
fluctuating euphonically
War cries - drums pulsating.
Big crispy pineapple snows
and sodas - the truffle shows
and the nachos - the enchiladas
the cheese boards and tostadas
the tacos - burritos with a
dessert of sundaes, halvahs
or shakes or fruit? and mommy
is screaming from the veranda:
Hey kid! do not forget your viand!
the lavish tin lunch box thats
filled with bagels and flavorful strudels.
After awakening I had to
make up my mind to defy
all the obnoxious leeches
---Peoples that only fade
towards abject perdition.
And who never were, never are
or will be, not even
a foe worth of my rage.
My experience when a child
at eight, savage oppressors
pseudo-inside. And paradoxically
entertaining crack of doom
in the outside, to relish
to consume, lets decry:
The autographed slippers
in the feet of bow legged
blistered, abused bodies
blunt, voracious, twisted
callous, pretending, emasculated
multifolding personalities
occupied in anodyne, pesky
toils of giving more and
more and more to their
vile, impecunious, comfortless
ugly and nule relatives. Lets
return them the shameful
little miseries that theyve done.
Resentful, covetous, greasy
hypocrite, dusty, ostracized
like virulent scoriae. While
for us the beauty and youth
embraces... but they have to
be unctuous and controlled!
their crowded toilettes, but
I will snub them dryly or
the blood of their grandmas
where I sink their mutts
to new flavors and how
wickedly gregarian are their
darned tiny existences. Till
doomsday and beyond sadly
retaining their monotone and
destitute positions. Theyre
scheduled disabled for great
future events that they envy.
For Minerva! At last
I have noted how others
abhorred me since I am
an innocent child that is
secured for exquisitely
grateful and ritzy prospects
And the filthy chat/
arrowhead of the golem
its monkey in the bridge
praising scrupulous sisters
is just a wombat excavating!
Its only a disturbing beast
with an undecided feeling for
charoots of outcast and endemic
Oafly, she falls by the uptight
dog. We know her unfilled
Groggy, indigent dolts trying to gull
it remotely from among the
clods and other earthly jinx...
How disowned claimants they where!
Dragged through the mud, untitled
Simi and sully endlessly and
sadly deposed dunces. All
theyve done in their rancor
of envious impotence will
be retorted.
Alas! Their maggot like beings
will sooner or later make
them rise in animalia.
Ergonomic decks--- Skateboards
will reform
and damage you.
A scene
In fays, computers and assemblies
afterwards the monkey duchess chaperone
awakened bimbos likewise---fairies
conjuration of pixies, sprites, houris
naiads, those never burnish it, still they
always opt, win and gather the harvest
The format bless you...
in the adjacent cornucopia.
come along and visit a wild...
Regarding my origins in the
modem milieux, I can recall
Ive taken it after my
first love affair, at sixteen
all bleak idiosyncrasies were
forced aside, because of my
darling, we were very lucky on
never being caught at making
love in sheltered spots of
several public places. So I
had to forget the girl if I
wanted to escape, my flame
was burning vicious and gloomy
Ive begun to take five
meals per day, the last always was
at midnight. And in this early
days I have became robust.
Ive installed some warez*.
First night buzzing the brand-new whirr.
At first my attraction was mostly
for the electronic zines ---For
they showed me the existence
of an eclectic, recondite
scene where the data is the
life. Poor alienated boy! The
inspirations this periodicals
produced on me were large.
There were nights of garnering
and opening ---admiring and sifting
the manifold eldritch glossies
by the sWARMs oF oSiRis squad.
Or the brisk and intense spring
night in my pals house using
his terminal for leeching all
---Tenterhooks for the euphonious
compressed e-riches arriving.
---Lots of subterranean bits.
So and so my appeal for the
board scene begins. Ripped-off
adverts of my adolescence...
Exacting a preconfigured
for the elito-lads finesse:
fast e-migration ---My system is
evolving ---too uLE/k
My first steps as a sys-god.
The Avant-garde and insurgent
nature of my first board
was markedly superior to the
varied myriads of boards in
the formal systems directory.
Nighttime ---sharing environments
with able beeps the pager yells
its Aloha, he wants to swap texts
games, compilers and editors.
I can see ---Civilized
cyber-hobos of the hermetic
night. Fays, frosty foyers
sophisticate rendezvous
for not spending the night at home
living it at nineteen ---Glory
the class of improved high life
that the unrefined hoi polloi
envy and dont have never have
Going on vacations ---and letting
the board with the auto-answer*
enabled. ---Who can figure what
will happen on it during the days
of my nonprescence? Surely
not I ---because I am having
diversion on the mountains.
On returning ---The feedback bulks
Disembarking ---I list ---Awaiting the coming back of
my crony, the distinguished lotus damsel who is
the apple of my eye. ---She comes! I witness
the multimedia Nereid in her unhesitating cruise
by the matrices and the menus ---Again,
as always, making a night of it ---The doldrums
of your absence and Tensegrity for the topics
of our chat of deep waters of a wine-dark sea.
Belles mass-producing in endless
progressions of their machines.
On conferences, we brew a homemade network.
The privy and solid network starts
with The Flitting Tyke as its hub
owned by the very same
Sleevy U. Tyke, the renowned
Consultant and bawdy programmer.
The twenty-three glacial forums
of underground, clandestine
and alternative discussions
plus portly file transfers as well.
Bearing in mind how is to bask on folding, tabular
reeds of the perilous, fluxing non-stop n.u.v.s*, but
there where n.u.ps for foppish systems
that were inaccessible like hEIMDALL or
tARDY liNK this latter being pOLEAxs headquarter
or the elite hOBBLiNg cRANk a distro-site for
the tip-top releases of fRiGg tECHNOLOGiEs
A cold as marble summer night, when
Leeching* VALiD and nOYZe packs..
Estival auroras relishing
all the pieces on those bundles
and how ironic, I remember
the advert of hOMBi the board
its an indigo hued face.
Workers at the assembly line
Walks among yuppie crowds
in the Bs.As Macro downtown
bulky milk shakes relishing
experience. Modern buses,
new-fashioned phone booths,
plottered* signs and compu marts.
Remote and mellifluous night
when I saw the two extremes
one was geeks in the dark
and I saw it truly clearly
hedonists in the halcyon days
was the other ---I mean
the techies and the e-craftsmen
sharing skills in a profound
and precise scene. The lofty
digital uplands. Memorable
and overruling cliques. Meet in
a Friday of assembly ---beer,
pipes and the gleeful denial
to some reporters offering
to interview me for Sundays
newspaper ---The pierced faces
of the hackers... on tables
with steaming ashtrays, manuals
palm-tops, hard-drives and cellulars.
As for the yearly meeting ---The scener round-up
crowds of fanatics undulate to the masks and me
---the predictive reverie of the night before
the prelude to the Alike Panel Scene-party.
Going and remaining on it for four days
four derivative, turbid days of demos display
gaming networking, sharing and attending compos
the sack naps ---The familiar electronic duos
or trios of Dee-jays and singers, performing concerts
in intimate afternoon feats. ---The skeins
join in a quick maneuver to put in a
a shape of Nandisa*, it lasts three wondrous seconds.
The silver blob that flits through the soft pathways of the
dangling canals until it reaches the mosaic yards which look
as gloaming vitreous agoras where the rings of
bubbles and drops bolt and oscillate. Annulets outsrip.
Then we watch the fierce-demo by fURTiVE bRATZ:
---Two boys, denim trousers, go by squares at sunset
we see them from behind, seeing the, their backs as they
enter the vicinities of a school, but they stop for
a moment in the corner amidst the passing by flocks
we see a lotus-girl with the uniforms
jacket that is tied to her wais with a knot on her
midriff. Her hair is red, her nose is retrouss
and small, the base of a pair of exotic eyes
of lotus form ---We are dumbfound for aye when we
see the design of her t-shirt, in soft runes, reads:
aGNES, 1987 AD
Cranky detached brats
smiling with exultation
now soar
The Straddler
Weary of straying, greatly
I sit on a remote diner
and order a sundae.
Entranced, I bask and reckon:
the sally went utterly tender
by the alamedas and the
boulevards. Houses of
gaudy molded fronts.
The dusty walls were dozing
smudged with tags. There
are snowy bronze knobs
in the gates and doors
Effigies and statuettes
Neoclassical or modern
styles, but also gothic
buildings, really somber.
I was a trifle unmindful
of the unearthly funfairs
or the malls with rinks
and other odd saturnalias.
There existed afternoons when
I have taken naps in great
promenades and other
days I went strolling by
ten kilometer long modern marts.
What is threat for the ghosts?
The first-run unpolluted lanes?
The old-hat penny arcade clerks?
Derisory and wild mles on book-fairs?
The fat, ponderous laundries?
Cute grass on inclined parks.
Automats, pens, brasseries in
the cavalcade of streets in
levels of interlaced viaducts.
The square underway? net baits
---A clepsydra saturated with
rompings and motions of the
kids and their caretakers.
Off the populous street zones,
the environs are markedly less
crowded, I found a dome-shaped
and white church in the midst
of a park ---Sitting to relish
a bottled nectar I discover the
Vaishnava motive the parrot
or green polly who enters the
pine, sort of delectable
and didactic vision. Ensues
a jiffy magical, the dryads
glow and undulate for me.
Glory to Krishna Chaitanya!
Glory to Moon Advaita!
the why...
I can transmute cheap metal into gold.
I am able to take any form I like.
I know who I was in my previous lifes
and I can vanish all kind of morbidities.
I am omnipotent until a determined point.
I can interpret conundrums, decipher the
enigmas, decode mysteries and solve riddles.
I am omniscient at will. I am the
Master of the five elements and I am
Knower of the future, present and past.
I am the seaScapist, composer of rebus.
I am able to play with the parshadas
and I can get whatever I like. Apex:
I levitate and I am another prophet.
And I am free from the hunger and thirst
from heat and from cold. I see the
subtle weavings between the arts and
cultures and theisms and technologies.
I can decide the day of my own death
and I can find hidden treasures, Im
the lord and the motive of tender feminine
infatuations. I can control my mind
and I can read and perceive other
minds. I can hide from curious
eyes, veiling, but Im beyond dualities.
The daughter of god
edified me
respecting the eclipses
Basilisks of Preposteralia
As keepsake of memorabilia
the joyous twilight when
I have definitely found
the sleek laser gun, I
sort of felt myself apt
to start to ravage but
stalking and faithfully
all the types of excruciation
and the nonsensical matters
I could see or simply know
That dusk the Ayeeeeee!
on my beauteous ideal as
she saw the barbarous
backbitings of the forums
this enshrined sunset is in
my remembrance - I am sure
it is for ever so long.
She made me see with her
confidant vim and appended
a discreet cerebration:
At present you are sublime
but together we are stealthy.
in the faces of vampires, barbarian or swindlers
Greenhorn Comrades
Were good those old velvet morning times
like a jack bouncing in the seat of the bus
going down under the noon suns searing rays
rolling serene as the city roared
Sherbets and the harbors rain
in whitened squares, spring has found me
and the always shore less desert...
Personally oft smoking, strolling or reading
on the hammock.
For the mops and lotus eyes ---Aureole asunder
Musters incense, codexes and dices
Some punx ho by decaying streets ---Summer
winds whiff
the sharp one pointedness of their steady beings
inebriated with impervious cosmic love
of incorruption and youthful force saturated
against the onerous summertime squalls
Smoking so much in resplendent, beige hued
Or, behind the scenes, the moonless night in the
Ygan Uptown ---At Markys house, the long session
upgrading his system, yet feeling sort of woeful
like subliminal prognoses of the computing nights
aftermath: blunt and malefic b-class movies
How not being deleterious? ---with mini-hare
besides the sepia and turquoise, neutral seine?
For my reverie of jilted ardor! ---But before
devastation of Markys plastic veteran ---a mess
of little soldierly limbs and rubber ligations.
And for want of the glazed and bloody skies
baptism of fire against the armored zombies
Lacking slimy battles against cruel cyborg?
Virtual bones broke on the unfamiliar
of the fields or macerating mutated, haunted
Immersed cyber-realities of the youth that
fights the frenzied maggots, fauns, brutes and
freaks ---The resultant sadistic mood of almost
everyones taste: in some manner
despondent and plutonic and peculiar also.
And my fanciful doze was dream about how
I could be watching Factotum of Erebus thus.
The fierce flap
of one thousand fickles
debased fodder...
The Makeshift Entrenchment of the Esoteric Elitos in Exile.
We come to the house and the main gate has trellises of a Celtic style.
To the west, there is a park with stone benches and a swing, a file of trees,
in round alignment demarcates the plot. From the park to the north theres
a grove, I cruise it thinking on how impeccable is Vinayakas deity in the
middle of it. Past the grove, there is a circular pond, water lilies and lo-
tuses lie on its surface, forth to the north the glazed greenhouse and the
hydroponics lab, other grove and Im witnessing the back side of the go sala,
walking to the northwest, the pasture fields, the cows prasadas, and besides
the crops of boga, another grove is there, in the northern part of the plot,
through it theres the back door and the garden with its fountain and to the
North east extreme, the Laxmi-Narayana mandir, also sided by a grove thats
beside the Shiva mandir. Garuda as well as Maha-Bhumi deities face both pago-
das. There is a cobbled path that goes to the west, the front door of the
house is there
The M.e.e.e.e Manor
There is a buzzer besides the door of the manor, it has a video system and
a sign reads ACCESS DENIED FOR THE LAMOS, past the door inside and to the
right there is a tube with umbrellas. There are some Panzaponsha posters
around, with subjects cyberpunks and/or futuristic fantasy, there are lava
lamps altogether, two and very bulky to be precise. The furniture is an
hybrid between rave, retro and feng-shui styles. In the middle of the north-
ern wall there is small desk/altar with two computers. Two sofas are here:
one in the northwest area of the room and the other in the northeastern part
of the place. There are two doors and in the middle of them, I mean, between
them both, theres a shelf and it contains books mostly manuals of computer
subjects, tape-backups*, mags* and CDs, boxes and more boxes of legal warez*,
legal games and theres on exhibition a relic, a TR-808*. The digital table
is round and low, cushions surround it, and on it several computers lie.
In each corner, there is a pot with plants.
The left door to the south, the kitchen, to the east the fridge, the sinks
and the cooking gadgets: roaster, processor, waffle-machine and snow ma-
chine. Opposite, a door and another counter, here are the three different
ovens: the clay oven, the gas oven and the microwave, too. Through the glass
of the fridges door we see fruit, curds, cheeses and cabbages. In the upper
part theres a sticker LOVE THE ANIMALS there are two windows and two doors
by the western door we come to the dining room, the table is round and low:
around, say, forty centimeters from the floor. There are cushions, a dozen
of them. The lamp that hangs over the table suggests plethora of chinoseries
that one can imagine looking at it.
Through the northern door and the east, going upstairs I come to the second
floor: five doors are there: the first is for the multipurpose pantry. The
second is for the salon, the thirds is for the toilette, the fourth is for
the private library and the fifth is for the bedroom.
For a moment I stare at the window and see: the swimming pool is there in
the yard, before the groves. The pool is lengthy, around twenty meters long.
Its water looks pellucid... crystalline.
On hearing the kitchens gong boom I know I have have been called for taking
Under the window there is a case with Indian style frills. It has shades,
they are closed, by the sides of the case there are bonsais. I know it is
Gretas Rukmini-Vitthal altar purchased in Punilla.
Back in the kitchen, Greta has prepared some cabbages and hot-cross rolls.
I note that always the hot-cross will be my dearest along with Vienna rolls
pao doces, little black buns and even with the creamonas ---Suddenly the vi-
sion of creamona nodes spreading with cream cheese and jam. However, no, the lunch is this
steaming delicious cabbages with the crispy rolls. Drinking nectar. We do not
talk, but we think together the subject: how Mukun has tried to boycott his
post for lit for bANSHEe, subconsciously he has fermented a silent hate for
bANSHEe because of the crone nature of it, with his r LITS.
I am digesting the lunch of unsullied prasada... I am in the living room I
can see the cases with long meters of cables on them. The shelves contain
cute objects while the group of machines in the table make a really sober
effect but there are other things around the living room: a camera, a scanner
a mask of VR and several joy pads and even joysticks but there are also cards
and tools and is among all this delicate computer components that are so cute
that I realize how I feel the way I feel.
Entering the bedroom, the big bed has carvings on its sides. A big tapestry
hangs from the roof, its a screen for concealing the high ceilings. The Kama
Sutras influence is evident when I see a little table with varied flasks ne-
ar the captivating and well finished Mahabarata-style chariot. The biggest
narguile of the house is here.
Inside of the bathroom: there is a jacuzzi and a latrine, also a bidet, but
no vestiges of a WC over here. The mirrors are three, of the folding type.
The little shelf near the latrine has some pulp comics, shamefully. The latri-
ne and bidet are under the window.
The sealed salon contains a velvety floor and cushions, there is a com-
puter, a keyboard a mixer and another synthe. Also a pair of turntables and
In the northeastern side of this floor there is the bookroom, it walls are
full of books, magazines, videotapes and CDs boxes. The shelves are four,
with corridor among them. There is a window over there, it is facing the fore
The terrace, the laundry room the same as the ironing room with other what
ever purpose, also with the acrylic-roofed bungalow, which is multipurpose,
too, it has a sofa and a door that is the door of the toilette.
Some forms made of plastic ribbons and metal tubes are there, for taking sun
baths and a rustic, immaculate barbecue, only for vegan brochettes, I guess.
I do not know how to get inspiration for vegan toasted meals. I mean for
creating recipes besides the chutneyed veg-kababs.
Again out of M.e.e.e.e, I see to the right the orchards. I walk by the path
that surrounds the house and reach the main path again, going to the outside
of the plot I see the familiar crypt and the crematorium, they are made of gray
The shop
Its a milk-bar, theres a soda dispenser, for creamy ice cream sodas and
one of it sections is for milk shakes: vanilla, strawberry, chocolate for the
shakes, and mint, pista and cream of the sky for the sodas. Fridges with
creamy ice cream of several flavors, and tables with sits.
Elysian fields--- stomps.
the entranced chores
of the loathing reps.
Those tiny blokes with neckties
in gelid offices, confer you
revolutions and umbrage.
I saw the elm, vortex,
debutant, polishing my tomahawk:
I saw the shinny sport jackets
and expensive futuristic shoes
used by the skillful lads
who amused themselves savagely
at our boroughs video-arcades...
and diverse imps of the ignored
class, too. And later on I saw
the Slumping of The Unforgiving.
On rugs of super development
dainty froth restores
the cortex of the observers,
is in the moniker. Vertex:
Overhauling the school terminals
and always the glacial NO
to bombs and plebeian fits.
The curses and jinxes will
take just some swift vials.
The crimson-haired minx will share
their maudlin torsos and their
blue chip yields. I discern.
Elites crucibles.
Pierced emissaries
with snarly tufts.
2003 - The Prana Expres
Kopyleft k S. Guha Kovi
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