this image contains text
/ / l/ / // / / / . / // /
/ // / l / / /l / /l / l /
/ vol
:::: ... .. . Prelude Experience Numero Two . .. ... ::::
:::: Welcome to another edition of prelude, better late than ::::
:::: never they say, and hopefully this pack will count ::::
into that saying.
:::: The first Prelude pack was released in July 97 ::::
We never died, we just hung in there .. idling.
:::: Now Cleaner and me has decided to try and release ::::
:::: on a schedule, which would be the 1st of every month. ::::
:::: Gains and losses .. Merlin quit, hes with remorse ::::
:::: and has no time over, thanks for a good but short time. ::::
New members are Cleaner, Dorm, Niobium, Emok, Flexor
:::: and last but not least, Injektilo. ::::
:::: Cleaner is helping me with running the group, and Volatile ::::
:::: will be heading the Olschool division. NS Head is empty. ::::
:::: ::::: :::: Enjoy the pack ::::
:::: - Deviant ::::
::: l l l / l/ /::
:::: .. . Senior Staff . .. ::::
:::: Deviant - Leader - Deviant@Sweart.nu ::::
:::: Cleaner - Leader - Cleaner@Chez.com ::::
:::: Volatile - OS Coord - Volatile@Mail.Aquanet.Co.il ::::
:::: .. . Drones . .. ::::
.... Arlequin - Bothschool - Arlekpvm@Hotmail.com ....
:::: Dfuse - Newschool - Im@Eleet.nu ::::
Bizzarro - Newschool - Im@Eleet.nu
.... Dorm - Newschool - Dorm96@Hotmail.com ....
:::: Niobium - Newschool - Zeekoe@Mailcity.com ::::
:::: Emok - Newschool - Emok@Remorse.org ::::
:::: Flexor - Oldschool - Flexor@Hem.Passagen.se ::::
:::: Injektilo - Newschool - Injektilo666@Hotmail.com ::::
:::: .. . Guests . .. ::::
:::: Zerostar - Oldschool - Remorse 1981 ::::
:::: C . O . N . T . A . C . T U . S ::::
:::: You can reach us at ::::
:::: IRC :: Prelude on EFNet ::::
:::: Email :: Email someone in the Senior Staff ::::
:::: WWW :: WWW.CurrentlyNotAvailable.Nu ::::
:::::::: : // Art And Design By Volatile Of Prelude And Phunk : :::::::
/ // / l / / /l / /l / l /
/ vol
:::: ... .. . Prelude Experience Numero Two . .. ... ::::
:::: Welcome to another edition of prelude, better late than ::::
:::: never they say, and hopefully this pack will count ::::
into that saying.
:::: The first Prelude pack was released in July 97 ::::
We never died, we just hung in there .. idling.
:::: Now Cleaner and me has decided to try and release ::::
:::: on a schedule, which would be the 1st of every month. ::::
:::: Gains and losses .. Merlin quit, hes with remorse ::::
:::: and has no time over, thanks for a good but short time. ::::
New members are Cleaner, Dorm, Niobium, Emok, Flexor
:::: and last but not least, Injektilo. ::::
:::: Cleaner is helping me with running the group, and Volatile ::::
:::: will be heading the Olschool division. NS Head is empty. ::::
:::: ::::: :::: Enjoy the pack ::::
:::: - Deviant ::::
::: l l l / l/ /::
:::: .. . Senior Staff . .. ::::
:::: Deviant - Leader - Deviant@Sweart.nu ::::
:::: Cleaner - Leader - Cleaner@Chez.com ::::
:::: Volatile - OS Coord - Volatile@Mail.Aquanet.Co.il ::::
:::: .. . Drones . .. ::::
.... Arlequin - Bothschool - Arlekpvm@Hotmail.com ....
:::: Dfuse - Newschool - Im@Eleet.nu ::::
Bizzarro - Newschool - Im@Eleet.nu
.... Dorm - Newschool - Dorm96@Hotmail.com ....
:::: Niobium - Newschool - Zeekoe@Mailcity.com ::::
:::: Emok - Newschool - Emok@Remorse.org ::::
:::: Flexor - Oldschool - Flexor@Hem.Passagen.se ::::
:::: Injektilo - Newschool - Injektilo666@Hotmail.com ::::
:::: .. . Guests . .. ::::
:::: Zerostar - Oldschool - Remorse 1981 ::::
:::: C . O . N . T . A . C . T U . S ::::
:::: You can reach us at ::::
:::: IRC :: Prelude on EFNet ::::
:::: Email :: Email someone in the Senior Staff ::::
:::: WWW :: WWW.CurrentlyNotAvailable.Nu ::::
:::::::: : // Art And Design By Volatile Of Prelude And Phunk : :::::::
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