this image contains text
8@o, ,o@88@o, 8@o,
,o@8 8@o,
, ,8 ,
g8 ,o@8
8 P? P? 8
r a d i o a c t i v e a a r d v a r k d u n g
radioactive aardvark dung info file released november 22, ninety-six
without prejudice and explicit reservation of all my rights, UCC 1-207
rad e-zine whq is erebus sysop :: hooch @ 201-762-1373
radioactive aardvark dung rad is a humor zine based out 219,
started by mercuri on december 2, 1995. this zine is funny, by god. i
cant beleive it myself, and i write for it! if you liked HoE, cDc, pEz,
ReD, y0lk, Jonas, dto, or any other zine of the sort, youll love this.
if you start out with rad one, dont like it, read the latest rad.
im just not proud of rad one anymore, it was too inside.
and if you run a bbs, you can easily get free advertisement by
applying as a ditrobution site, look for the application in the zip. and
make sure your users know that we exist. tell them in a system announcment,
or a by a lovely ascii/ansi that we supply once you have applied to be
a distro site.
bbs name: number: New User Password
erebus 201/762.1373 ** world hq
morbid insite +61882810568 ** aussie hq
avalon 908/739.4274 no nup
daydream nation 609/890.3955 no nup
deranged illusion 219/988.5189 no nup
acidopium 616/887.5330 no nup
scum 606/266.6720 no nup
one jillion degrees 817/732.3457 no nup
seduced reality 908/341.0485 hormonal imbalance
daydream nation 609/890.3955 no nup
the hood 604/583.2742 no nup
pOo!@ 602/589.0791 no nup
strand 314/230.6397 no nup
dark lands 813/869.3135 no nup
halcyon 519/332.8498 no nup canada
abandond insurrection 414/744.7578 milw, wisconson
erebus has internet email, unsenet newsgroup, and one hell of a file
base, all for free! its y0lk whq, ACiDiC hq, and rad whq. its one
hell of a system, give it a call.
ftp.openix.com /ftp/phorce/rad/ fastest
afheim.net /pub/zines/rad
ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/rad/
rad@alfheim.net - type subscribe rad in the body of the message to
be added to the mailing list, youll receive mime encoded releases.
if you subscribe now, youll also get special updates!
rad writers
mercuri, handle, gaurdian, hal08, puck, creed,
ninja, cerkit, joltcola, k0de, ghetto gabe, phorce, creed,
mel farr suppastar, intrepid, the masked marauder.
rad art submissions
tMM, fluoride, creed, hal08, aCk, daz, cytral skunk, fAH,
spear, flaming, belial.
radioactive aardvark dung e-zine issue 9
rad e-zine whq is erebus sysop :: hooch @ 201-762-1373
get past future issues from :: ftp.openix.com/ftp/phorce/rad
send us your comments submissions :: rad@alfheim.net
www site :: http://pla-net.net/corp/zineworld/rad
attn sysops :: be sure to read distro.app
,o@8 8@o,
, ,8 ,
g8 ,o@8
8 P? P? 8
r a d i o a c t i v e a a r d v a r k d u n g
radioactive aardvark dung info file released november 22, ninety-six
without prejudice and explicit reservation of all my rights, UCC 1-207
rad e-zine whq is erebus sysop :: hooch @ 201-762-1373
radioactive aardvark dung rad is a humor zine based out 219,
started by mercuri on december 2, 1995. this zine is funny, by god. i
cant beleive it myself, and i write for it! if you liked HoE, cDc, pEz,
ReD, y0lk, Jonas, dto, or any other zine of the sort, youll love this.
if you start out with rad one, dont like it, read the latest rad.
im just not proud of rad one anymore, it was too inside.
and if you run a bbs, you can easily get free advertisement by
applying as a ditrobution site, look for the application in the zip. and
make sure your users know that we exist. tell them in a system announcment,
or a by a lovely ascii/ansi that we supply once you have applied to be
a distro site.
bbs name: number: New User Password
erebus 201/762.1373 ** world hq
morbid insite +61882810568 ** aussie hq
avalon 908/739.4274 no nup
daydream nation 609/890.3955 no nup
deranged illusion 219/988.5189 no nup
acidopium 616/887.5330 no nup
scum 606/266.6720 no nup
one jillion degrees 817/732.3457 no nup
seduced reality 908/341.0485 hormonal imbalance
daydream nation 609/890.3955 no nup
the hood 604/583.2742 no nup
pOo!@ 602/589.0791 no nup
strand 314/230.6397 no nup
dark lands 813/869.3135 no nup
halcyon 519/332.8498 no nup canada
abandond insurrection 414/744.7578 milw, wisconson
erebus has internet email, unsenet newsgroup, and one hell of a file
base, all for free! its y0lk whq, ACiDiC hq, and rad whq. its one
hell of a system, give it a call.
ftp.openix.com /ftp/phorce/rad/ fastest
afheim.net /pub/zines/rad
ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/rad/
rad@alfheim.net - type subscribe rad in the body of the message to
be added to the mailing list, youll receive mime encoded releases.
if you subscribe now, youll also get special updates!
rad writers
mercuri, handle, gaurdian, hal08, puck, creed,
ninja, cerkit, joltcola, k0de, ghetto gabe, phorce, creed,
mel farr suppastar, intrepid, the masked marauder.
rad art submissions
tMM, fluoride, creed, hal08, aCk, daz, cytral skunk, fAH,
spear, flaming, belial.
radioactive aardvark dung e-zine issue 9
rad e-zine whq is erebus sysop :: hooch @ 201-762-1373
get past future issues from :: ftp.openix.com/ftp/phorce/rad
send us your comments submissions :: rad@alfheim.net
www site :: http://pla-net.net/corp/zineworld/rad
attn sysops :: be sure to read distro.app
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