this image contains text
+-+* hellfires colly! *+-+* header! read this shit.. * +-+* hellfire! *+-+
hellfires phrase of the month: oHH mY whatever u want eg. oHH mY pENIZ!
thats all i have to say about that.. this is my first ascii stack that will
be widely released.. hopefully i join some group that really rules and you
will see a lot more of me.. for now.. peace out..
+-+* hellfires gr33tz *+-+* gr33tz! read this shit.. * +-+* hellfire! *+-+
most of cia/ice/remorse/logicbomb/dotspy/vbs/and whoever i fergot hf gr33tz yah
+-+* auggies basement *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* hellfire! *+-+
.yy. .y y. .yy. .yy. yy .yy. .yy.
yygyyu yyygyy
l hf! u uP7 u uyyyyp
g,.,g gyygyy aygyyy i 5i3 yyygyuyyygg
7uP 7uP 7 7P 7 7P 7 7u77 7uP
:... . . . ... uyy uyy uyy uyyuyy uyy uyy uyy . ..:. 5i3-53i-394i .: uyy yyu uyy u u :hf!::......u.. . . ..u..u:uyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuuuuyyu.u..u : auggi3s b4sem3nt : u u u u u :..
wOOp wOOp, looks really ratty,, i like the background thingy on this one tho..
the ..:.. shit make its look professionalizoid! pHEAR tHE rATTY aSS asCii! hf!
+-+* television logo! *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* whoever *+-+
88@yy 88@yy
888@yy put misc shit here..or
88888 8 l here hrer here hredamn
yy@888 :
::: : :::: l ::::: :::: :::::: :
::: : ::::: ::::: :::: :::::: l
8y,.,y8 @y,.,y@
i deleted this, and redre it, so now it blowz.
if you can use this, feel free to, i was testing a new style..
+-+* nukka grizeen! *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* stygian *+-+
.yy. .yy.
: l nG! iu : nukk4 gr1zeen! : xxx-xxx-xxxx :. ..
. ..: g,.,gyyy . .. . .... ...:.. .. +o stygian : :
: : 7 P. 7uP :..: hf! : 1 gig : :... . ... .....:
---pick wUn kneegUh!---
.yy. .yy.
: l nG! iu : nukk4 gr1zeen! : xxx-xxx-xxxx :. ..
.u.:uyyyyyuyyyyyuuyyyyyuyyyyyu.u ..u . .... ...:.. .. +o stygian : :
: : 7 P. 7uP :..: hf! : 1 gig : :... . ... .....:
stygian since these looked fucked up ass hell, if u want, ill doodle you up a
better one, pick either if u like them..
---the better wun---
.,yyyy*@yyy .,yyyy*@yyy
yyy yyy
+------- ------- -- -------- -------------+ ::::::: :::::::: : :: @yyyyyy@ ::::::::::::
+------- -------- ------------------- : ------------+ l yyyyy
l l
: l
hf! i :
: g,.,y
y 7 yyy7
y y@7
nukka grizzenspell? for stygian of cia..
+-+* nighthawk warez! *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* nighthawk *+-+
.yy. hf!
n y.
+- h ------------+
y nighthawk!
+-- y.y ------------+
u uyyyyyuuyyyy yyyyyuu uuyu
yy yy uyy uyy uyy
x7- x
yyu u
x---------- uu u -- uyyx
put shit here.. blah woop woohah!!!!
+-+* tofu message hdr *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* haji!acid *+-+
l to : haji 149 of 296
from : hellfire
:888 8 subject : msg header whatever : i ferget
yyyyy88 date : 11/28/96 reply to : 139
ll time : 11:20pm note : tOfU rUlES
+ --- : ----------------------------------------------------------+ reading messages on tOfU! confrence here
+-- 8yyy88 ------------------------------------------------------------+
-----version number 2 comming up!----
yyyyy888 ---
l : to : haji 149 of 296
from : hellfire
:888 8 : subject : msg header whatever : i ferget
yyyyy88 date : 11/28/96 reply to : 139
+- - ll time : 11:20pm note : tOfU rUlES
+- --- :----------------------------------------------------------+::: ::: reading messages on tOfU! confrence here
+--- 8yyy88 -----------------------------------------------------------+
+-+* taura memberlist *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* taura art *+-+
.yy. y .y y. .yy. y
yyyyyuu yyyyyuu hf
+--- P ----+ 4P y y
+------- y. y, -- ---+ u uu uuuuyyyyyuyyyyyuuyuuuuyyyyyuuyyyyyuyyyyyuu uuu uyyyyyuuyuuuuu uu u
u.u u.u
x----------- P 7uuP 7u.uP 7 ------ 7uuP ------x taura memberlist xx/xx! .. compiled by : namehere .. ascii - hf
x---------- uyyuyy uyy uyyuyy --- uyy uyy uyy ---------x uyy
: :: :::: :::::::u:::::::::u:::::uyy:: :::: :: :
yy yy yy
+--------- u y u --- u --------+
this memerlist is not going to be 100 accurate.. blah blah. shitz like this
in this space right here.. folowing format and staying beetween these areas
get the idea?
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ . .. senior staff .. . +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
driftwood dw@xxxxx.xxx co-founder
tk tk@blah.com co-founder
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ . .. division heads .. . +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
whoever blah@woop.com modding head
+-+* stolnen archives *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* bchrome *+-+
,ygy ,yyg
,y ,y y
y y to :XX : : stolen archives : from :XX . y
yy qyygyy subject:XX XXX of XXX
: : date :XX reply to XXX
l l :. time :XX note :XX
i i -- * - ---- :-+P sto len arc h i v e s m s g s
this was origionaly done as an ansi, but i decided that it looked fucked, and
redid it as an ascii .. its got a little scrappy on the s.. at the top.. but
+-+* closeing shitz.. *+-+* closeing read this shitz * +-+* hellfire! *+-+
my current email is jo3bob@cris.com, this dosent mean thatll be it tomorrow..
if you like my art find me on irc in cia, polyester, ascii, jive and tell
me or send me mail at the address above, this includes requests, which may or
may not be done.. peace out..
hellfires phrase of the month: oHH mY whatever u want eg. oHH mY pENIZ!
thats all i have to say about that.. this is my first ascii stack that will
be widely released.. hopefully i join some group that really rules and you
will see a lot more of me.. for now.. peace out..
+-+* hellfires gr33tz *+-+* gr33tz! read this shit.. * +-+* hellfire! *+-+
most of cia/ice/remorse/logicbomb/dotspy/vbs/and whoever i fergot hf gr33tz yah
+-+* auggies basement *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* hellfire! *+-+
.yy. .y y. .yy. .yy. yy .yy. .yy.
yygyyu yyygyy
l hf! u uP7 u uyyyyp
g,.,g gyygyy aygyyy i 5i3 yyygyuyyygg
7uP 7uP 7 7P 7 7P 7 7u77 7uP
:... . . . ... uyy uyy uyy uyyuyy uyy uyy uyy . ..:. 5i3-53i-394i .: uyy yyu uyy u u :hf!::......u.. . . ..u..u:uyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuyyuuuuyyu.u..u : auggi3s b4sem3nt : u u u u u :..
wOOp wOOp, looks really ratty,, i like the background thingy on this one tho..
the ..:.. shit make its look professionalizoid! pHEAR tHE rATTY aSS asCii! hf!
+-+* television logo! *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* whoever *+-+
88@yy 88@yy
888@yy put misc shit here..or
88888 8 l here hrer here hredamn
yy@888 :
::: : :::: l ::::: :::: :::::: :
::: : ::::: ::::: :::: :::::: l
8y,.,y8 @y,.,y@
i deleted this, and redre it, so now it blowz.
if you can use this, feel free to, i was testing a new style..
+-+* nukka grizeen! *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* stygian *+-+
.yy. .yy.
: l nG! iu : nukk4 gr1zeen! : xxx-xxx-xxxx :. ..
. ..: g,.,gyyy . .. . .... ...:.. .. +o stygian : :
: : 7 P. 7uP :..: hf! : 1 gig : :... . ... .....:
---pick wUn kneegUh!---
.yy. .yy.
: l nG! iu : nukk4 gr1zeen! : xxx-xxx-xxxx :. ..
.u.:uyyyyyuyyyyyuuyyyyyuyyyyyu.u ..u . .... ...:.. .. +o stygian : :
: : 7 P. 7uP :..: hf! : 1 gig : :... . ... .....:
stygian since these looked fucked up ass hell, if u want, ill doodle you up a
better one, pick either if u like them..
---the better wun---
.,yyyy*@yyy .,yyyy*@yyy
yyy yyy
+------- ------- -- -------- -------------+ ::::::: :::::::: : :: @yyyyyy@ ::::::::::::
+------- -------- ------------------- : ------------+ l yyyyy
l l
: l
hf! i :
: g,.,y
y 7 yyy7
y y@7
nukka grizzenspell? for stygian of cia..
+-+* nighthawk warez! *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* nighthawk *+-+
.yy. hf!
n y.
+- h ------------+
y nighthawk!
+-- y.y ------------+
u uyyyyyuuyyyy yyyyyuu uuyu
yy yy uyy uyy uyy
x7- x
yyu u
x---------- uu u -- uyyx
put shit here.. blah woop woohah!!!!
+-+* tofu message hdr *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* haji!acid *+-+
l to : haji 149 of 296
from : hellfire
:888 8 subject : msg header whatever : i ferget
yyyyy88 date : 11/28/96 reply to : 139
ll time : 11:20pm note : tOfU rUlES
+ --- : ----------------------------------------------------------+ reading messages on tOfU! confrence here
+-- 8yyy88 ------------------------------------------------------------+
-----version number 2 comming up!----
yyyyy888 ---
l : to : haji 149 of 296
from : hellfire
:888 8 : subject : msg header whatever : i ferget
yyyyy88 date : 11/28/96 reply to : 139
+- - ll time : 11:20pm note : tOfU rUlES
+- --- :----------------------------------------------------------+::: ::: reading messages on tOfU! confrence here
+--- 8yyy88 -----------------------------------------------------------+
+-+* taura memberlist *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* taura art *+-+
.yy. y .y y. .yy. y
yyyyyuu yyyyyuu hf
+--- P ----+ 4P y y
+------- y. y, -- ---+ u uu uuuuyyyyyuyyyyyuuyuuuuyyyyyuuyyyyyuyyyyyuu uuu uyyyyyuuyuuuuu uu u
u.u u.u
x----------- P 7uuP 7u.uP 7 ------ 7uuP ------x taura memberlist xx/xx! .. compiled by : namehere .. ascii - hf
x---------- uyyuyy uyy uyyuyy --- uyy uyy uyy ---------x uyy
: :: :::: :::::::u:::::::::u:::::uyy:: :::: :: :
yy yy yy
+--------- u y u --- u --------+
this memerlist is not going to be 100 accurate.. blah blah. shitz like this
in this space right here.. folowing format and staying beetween these areas
get the idea?
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ . .. senior staff .. . +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
driftwood dw@xxxxx.xxx co-founder
tk tk@blah.com co-founder
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ . .. division heads .. . +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
whoever blah@woop.com modding head
+-+* stolnen archives *+-+* divider! snipzitz here.. * +-+* bchrome *+-+
,ygy ,yyg
,y ,y y
y y to :XX : : stolen archives : from :XX . y
yy qyygyy subject:XX XXX of XXX
: : date :XX reply to XXX
l l :. time :XX note :XX
i i -- * - ---- :-+P sto len arc h i v e s m s g s
this was origionaly done as an ansi, but i decided that it looked fucked, and
redid it as an ascii .. its got a little scrappy on the s.. at the top.. but
+-+* closeing shitz.. *+-+* closeing read this shitz * +-+* hellfire! *+-+
my current email is jo3bob@cris.com, this dosent mean thatll be it tomorrow..
if you like my art find me on irc in cia, polyester, ascii, jive and tell
me or send me mail at the address above, this includes requests, which may or
may not be done.. peace out..
log in to add a comment.