this image contains text
,a!. : . . ./,
polyester productions c 1996, presents
/ea /
,a*@ / / :/ / :/ / / / /*!,
@*@ /@@!
@@@@*@/ / / / /@*@@@@
d e t e n t i o n
Welp people this is my very first colly and well.. Dont Have to much
: have to much to say except for the fact that i hope you enjoy this :
: pile of shit as you will be seeing more of it in the future.. ummm :
: shit back and enjoy the show.. :
: p.s.i. if you want to contact me you can do so by the following: :
irc by extriate, email by extriate@speedline.ca, or some other people
01 Vibe........................ 09 Black Thursday.................
02 Nitro Ascii................. 10 Nitrous.Oxide..................
03 Genotia..................... 11 Ads............................
04 Gas Chamber................. 12 Certs.......................... :
05 Taura Diz................... 13 Slurpee........................
: 06 Oats........................ 14 Replica........................
07 Page........................ 15 Poly Premier...................
08 Ascent...................... 16 ...............................
WHAT IT SAYS: vibe x1 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: vibe ea
ea.-----,.---,.-----,.-----, /
/ c a n t y o u f e e l i t
WHAT IT SAYS: nitro ascii x2 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: druid ea
a s c i i
WHAT IT SAYS: genotia x3 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: blacknight ea
ea/ / / / / / /
,*@* , !@,
!!@ , , @!
@, , , , !
WHAT IT SAYS: gas chamber x4 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: everlast ea
WHAT IT SAYS: taura diz x5 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: teekay ea
tAura pRoductions 11/96
WHAT IT SAYS: oats x6 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: sudiphed ea
ea :
WHAT IT SAYS: page x7 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: caithor ea
- - -- ea ------
WHAT IT SAYS: asent x8 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: chaosem ea
ea: ---- : ---- :
,@ --- ,
! : @
!@ . : @
! .: @
WHAT IT SAYS: black thursday x9 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: skatter ea
ea . // / . / ----/ :
WHAT IT SAYS: nitrus oxide i0 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: sulphur ea
,. !@.
nItrous oXide
WHAT IT SAYS: adc i1 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: ladotasc ea
.eea eaa,
WHAT IT SAYS: certs i2 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: shypht ea
ea/ / / / / / / / /
WHAT IT SAYS: slurpee i3 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: pinguino ea
,sSs, .Sa ,S, ,, ,S, ,, ,ae, ,rn,
n, n,
s l u r p e e
WHAT IT SAYS: replica i4 :--+- ---,
ea/ / / / // / / /
WHAT IT SAYS: poly premier i5 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: teekay ea
ea: / . : / . : /
,a!@: : : : . : . @e.
Well thats the end of my very first colly, was it ok? Yah thats what i
Now i guess its time to give some credit to people that are cool, drool or
are just plain fools.. no offense intended..
Aspen Rain, Teekay, Anarchism, Cain, Blindman, Silent Bob, Exile
Driftwood, Raidr, Sulphur, Ack, Illwill, Empty
Lagged Detention by Extriate
Polyester Productions
umm, cool diz
polyester productions c 1996, presents
/ea /
,a*@ / / :/ / :/ / / / /*!,
@*@ /@@!
@@@@*@/ / / / /@*@@@@
d e t e n t i o n
Welp people this is my very first colly and well.. Dont Have to much
: have to much to say except for the fact that i hope you enjoy this :
: pile of shit as you will be seeing more of it in the future.. ummm :
: shit back and enjoy the show.. :
: p.s.i. if you want to contact me you can do so by the following: :
irc by extriate, email by extriate@speedline.ca, or some other people
01 Vibe........................ 09 Black Thursday.................
02 Nitro Ascii................. 10 Nitrous.Oxide..................
03 Genotia..................... 11 Ads............................
04 Gas Chamber................. 12 Certs.......................... :
05 Taura Diz................... 13 Slurpee........................
: 06 Oats........................ 14 Replica........................
07 Page........................ 15 Poly Premier...................
08 Ascent...................... 16 ...............................
WHAT IT SAYS: vibe x1 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: vibe ea
ea.-----,.---,.-----,.-----, /
/ c a n t y o u f e e l i t
WHAT IT SAYS: nitro ascii x2 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: druid ea
a s c i i
WHAT IT SAYS: genotia x3 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: blacknight ea
ea/ / / / / / /
,*@* , !@,
!!@ , , @!
@, , , , !
WHAT IT SAYS: gas chamber x4 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: everlast ea
WHAT IT SAYS: taura diz x5 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: teekay ea
tAura pRoductions 11/96
WHAT IT SAYS: oats x6 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: sudiphed ea
ea :
WHAT IT SAYS: page x7 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: caithor ea
- - -- ea ------
WHAT IT SAYS: asent x8 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: chaosem ea
ea: ---- : ---- :
,@ --- ,
! : @
!@ . : @
! .: @
WHAT IT SAYS: black thursday x9 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: skatter ea
ea . // / . / ----/ :
WHAT IT SAYS: nitrus oxide i0 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: sulphur ea
,. !@.
nItrous oXide
WHAT IT SAYS: adc i1 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: ladotasc ea
.eea eaa,
WHAT IT SAYS: certs i2 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: shypht ea
ea/ / / / / / / / /
WHAT IT SAYS: slurpee i3 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: pinguino ea
,sSs, .Sa ,S, ,, ,S, ,, ,ae, ,rn,
n, n,
s l u r p e e
WHAT IT SAYS: replica i4 :--+- ---,
ea/ / / / // / / /
WHAT IT SAYS: poly premier i5 :--+- ---,
CREATED FOR: teekay ea
ea: / . : / . : /
,a!@: : : : . : . @e.
Well thats the end of my very first colly, was it ok? Yah thats what i
Now i guess its time to give some credit to people that are cool, drool or
are just plain fools.. no offense intended..
Aspen Rain, Teekay, Anarchism, Cain, Blindman, Silent Bob, Exile
Driftwood, Raidr, Sulphur, Ack, Illwill, Empty
Lagged Detention by Extriate
Polyester Productions
umm, cool diz
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