this image contains text
Old and Unreleased... by Hiro Protagonist Remorse/Acid/Kts
a guest appearance on request of 7k
Should be viewed in 80x50 mode with AFS loaded into memory.
Tribeview or Qedit reccomended.
In the Mouth of Madness, my next colly, will be released sometime in january
as R-ITMOM.TXT, look for it everywhere you find quality ascii.. heh
stencil - it was going to be the trank magazine or something..
. // // // // // hP!//
sTENCIL - For the latest on the pc ascii scene!
upload - it was done for nevarres board, diabolica
......... . . ........ uPLOAD rULES! . . ...............
----------- :.........: --- :......: -------------hP!------ :.........: -
1 No old warez - 0-7 day only! 3x NUKED
2 Check for duplicates before uploading 2x NUKED
3 No lame shareware/demos/etc 1x NUKED
4 Upload files into the proper conference
download - it was done for nevvares board, diabolica
hP! : : : : : : : : : : : : : L E E C H E R !
diabolica - nevvares board
n e v a r re d e m o n i an s
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /hP!
diabolica menu template - again, for nevarre
l / // // hP!
l //l /
l/ /
nevarre demonians diabolica
stats - not done for anyone in particular
/ / / / / / / User Stats!
/ hP!/ / / /
tabel of contents - requested by omicron, used by omicron, never released by me
hP! / l / / tABLE oF cONTENTS!
credits - requested by omicron, used by omicron, never released by me
--//l/ / l l lhP! /
grendel pic - I was smoking something
/ hP!/ : :
if it bleeds, / // : :
we can kill it. // :..:
pc-express disclaimer - done a hell of a long time ago
.. /.:. /::. Welcome to BOARDNAME! ..::::::
:: .:/ .:/. .:/. Running PC-Express v1.20 ..::::.
:: .:. .:::. .:::.. Legal Disclaimer ..::::.::
.: .::: .:hP! .:..:::::... .:....::.:::::
..were not responsible for anything..
thats it.. call modemland, +1-306-652-4359, or find me on irc if you want to
request an ascii or six..
a guest appearance on request of 7k
Should be viewed in 80x50 mode with AFS loaded into memory.
Tribeview or Qedit reccomended.
In the Mouth of Madness, my next colly, will be released sometime in january
as R-ITMOM.TXT, look for it everywhere you find quality ascii.. heh
stencil - it was going to be the trank magazine or something..
. // // // // // hP!//
sTENCIL - For the latest on the pc ascii scene!
upload - it was done for nevarres board, diabolica
......... . . ........ uPLOAD rULES! . . ...............
----------- :.........: --- :......: -------------hP!------ :.........: -
1 No old warez - 0-7 day only! 3x NUKED
2 Check for duplicates before uploading 2x NUKED
3 No lame shareware/demos/etc 1x NUKED
4 Upload files into the proper conference
download - it was done for nevvares board, diabolica
hP! : : : : : : : : : : : : : L E E C H E R !
diabolica - nevvares board
n e v a r re d e m o n i an s
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /hP!
diabolica menu template - again, for nevarre
l / // // hP!
l //l /
l/ /
nevarre demonians diabolica
stats - not done for anyone in particular
/ / / / / / / User Stats!
/ hP!/ / / /
tabel of contents - requested by omicron, used by omicron, never released by me
hP! / l / / tABLE oF cONTENTS!
credits - requested by omicron, used by omicron, never released by me
--//l/ / l l lhP! /
grendel pic - I was smoking something
/ hP!/ : :
if it bleeds, / // : :
we can kill it. // :..:
pc-express disclaimer - done a hell of a long time ago
.. /.:. /::. Welcome to BOARDNAME! ..::::::
:: .:/ .:/. .:/. Running PC-Express v1.20 ..::::.
:: .:. .:::. .:::.. Legal Disclaimer ..::::.::
.: .::: .:hP! .:..:::::... .:....::.:::::
..were not responsible for anything..
thats it.. call modemland, +1-306-652-4359, or find me on irc if you want to
request an ascii or six..
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