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Well, its time for the second PMT pack.. Hopefully everyone will like
this one more than the first. There is a bit more art, especially ansis.
Another great addition to this pack is the viewer. Anyhow, Paramount has
gotten some new members since the first pack.
First, in the ansi division, B00MER came to PMT from Relic. Hes no
longer B00MER, hes now know as Messiah. Hes really talented and he puts out
more art per month than Eerie! : Another artist that joined PMT is Tae. Tae
comes from Lapse. Deeply Disturbed, from iCE, joined and will be adding to
the old-school experience. Finally, an old Nation guy from Australia,
named Zero Option decided to join. He has done some really nice stuff, and
hopefully youll see more of his stuff in the packs to come.
Also, joining PMT are Purple Haze and Spawn. Purple Haze is a courier
who should be sending the packs to a few of or sites. Also, Crazy Diamond
joins as a courier, and will be spreading the pack to sites as well as on the
irc. Hex Bug is a coder who joins us from Relic, and hell be doing the
application generator. Starwise is a new VGA man, who hasnt been in the
scene, but has a great talent for VGAs.. NttK is another iCE guy who decided
to join.. Hes a really good VGA artist, and youll see plenty from him in
the future. Spawn is a RIP artist who left iCE to join CiA, then decided to
come to PMT. Hes still in CiA though.. :
Lastly, due to some stupid insite by some guy who not only was in
around seven groups in one month, but can only draw shitty ansis that nobody
can tell what they are, Ive decided to comment on his behalf. Eerie is one
of the few cannucks that I dont have respect for.. Its beyond me why Rad Man
or Jello would want this guy in their group.. The only reason I can think of
why they let him in is because he releases around 30 shitty pics per pack, per
month.. Look in any of the last 5 Relic packs and youll see shitloads of
terrible ansis by that King of Ansi-Drawing, Eerie. Now, if you dont
believe me, ask anyone besides his best buddies, or his friends that help him
write that stupid mag, UnderGrowns, and theyll tell you they think his sucks.
Ive talked to numerous people, and still havent found anyone that thinks
this idiot can draw.. Next point, Ive heard from more than one person that
hes some slob that sits in front of his damn moniter all day long.. This
would have to be since he puts out a total of 80 ansis a month, and any decent
artist knows thats impossible unless you are a social reject.. I dont care
what some jobless, dumbass, ugly, waste of life think my group is stupid..
The reason for this little paragraph is to show people out there that some
guys, like Eerie, who think they are gods gift to the scene, are actually no
more than a worthless nobody.. As far as the group actually is concerned, if
I want your opinion Eerie, Ill fuckin ask you, and until then, just sit back
down and have a hamburger..
General Info:
1 Our viewer is finally ready! Many thanks go to Nivenh for helping
out so much, and spending as much time as he did with it. It looks
great Niv!
2 Or Application Generator will definatly be out by PMT-0395, since it
is in the works now. We will probably not release it until the third
pack though. Right now, if you are interested in joining PMT, just
call our WHQ, apply, and leave Devine Styler, Insidious, or myself
mail. The Morbid Mess Hall . 404.667.9673 . nup: overdrive
3 PMT is still looking for someone who can setup nets.. We would really
like to see ParaNet up by the third pack, and right now we just dont
have time. If you can setup nets well, and are interested in joining
PMT, leave Insidious or myself email at insdious@netcom.com.
4 If you want an ansi for your board, or an ad for your group, please
dont ask me, especially on irc.. All the artists are jammed with
requests.. If you really want something badly, call one of our sites
and ask the artist himself.. I know that they will in most cases drop
what they are working on if its a paid request.. Also, everyone
consider Shinobi for paid requests.. He only charges 20-25 per ansi,
and his artwork is great! He can be reached at the WHQ.
5 Another request is that you not ask for a distro on ansi.. If you
want a distro, simply call TMMH and leave Devine Styler, Insidious, or
myself mail. Youll have a much better chance that way..
6 PMT now has an Internet HQ. Its an ftp site that Tank runs.. The
name is Wizards Tower.. Not only can you get all the paramount
packs, but he has directories for iCE/ACiD/Jihad, and others.. Ftp to
wizard.usis.com.. Thanks Tank, for making this possible!
7 Finally, PMT is always looking for new artists.. If you are
interested, dont hesitate to apply.. You can reach any senior
staffer or myself through internet or on the WHQ..
-Shivans Greets
Nivenh: Thanks so much for all your work this month..
Devine Styler: once again, thanks for all your help this month.. keep it up.
Phase II: yo, waddup be-atch?
Shreifels: ahhh.. hey... : hot crotch is a bitch..
AK: cant wait until the concert..
STC: this is the end.. : Apocalypse Now rules!
Shaggy: sorry everything didnt work out as planned.. maybe next month..
Watcher: you in ACiDiC yet??
bAY: hey man.. great stuff this month!
Insidious: we ever gonna get together and do something??
Saturn-32: hey man.. thanks again for the HQ..
Amroth: almost done with your game??
Presto: howd everything?? lets talk soon..
The Guardian: hey man.. thanks for your help with certain ppl.. :
Hex Bug: thanks dude, and cant wait to see the app. gen.
quickie greets: tank, zed nitro, alter ego, irq5, blurr, styx, lord soth,
toon goon, shinobi, elminster, cat, aphex twin, golgatha, flight, bum,
hiro, soul rebel, tae, zero option, messiah, stingray, spawn, purple haze,
syntax error, pale, starwise, everyone else I missed..
also, greets to: iCE/ACiD/Jihad/Shiver/Union
fuckings: Eerie, the damn Paramount that does lit.. like anyone reads lit..
-Devines Greets
nivenh: do i still get Nivenh Fan Club WHQ?? i worship nivenh!! :
bay: thanx for all the work this month..
watcher: uhh.. like make acidic dude..
shivan: OH MY GAWD!!!! i hate last minute work.. :
phase2: hi. :
shreif: sup muh nig?!?!
thas it cuz i dont feel like greeting people right now.. sorry to the ones
i promised i would greet.. soccer practice takes a lot out of me.. :
till next pak..
-devine styler.pmt
Well, its time for the second PMT pack.. Hopefully everyone will like
this one more than the first. There is a bit more art, especially ansis.
Another great addition to this pack is the viewer. Anyhow, Paramount has
gotten some new members since the first pack.
First, in the ansi division, B00MER came to PMT from Relic. Hes no
longer B00MER, hes now know as Messiah. Hes really talented and he puts out
more art per month than Eerie! : Another artist that joined PMT is Tae. Tae
comes from Lapse. Deeply Disturbed, from iCE, joined and will be adding to
the old-school experience. Finally, an old Nation guy from Australia,
named Zero Option decided to join. He has done some really nice stuff, and
hopefully youll see more of his stuff in the packs to come.
Also, joining PMT are Purple Haze and Spawn. Purple Haze is a courier
who should be sending the packs to a few of or sites. Also, Crazy Diamond
joins as a courier, and will be spreading the pack to sites as well as on the
irc. Hex Bug is a coder who joins us from Relic, and hell be doing the
application generator. Starwise is a new VGA man, who hasnt been in the
scene, but has a great talent for VGAs.. NttK is another iCE guy who decided
to join.. Hes a really good VGA artist, and youll see plenty from him in
the future. Spawn is a RIP artist who left iCE to join CiA, then decided to
come to PMT. Hes still in CiA though.. :
Lastly, due to some stupid insite by some guy who not only was in
around seven groups in one month, but can only draw shitty ansis that nobody
can tell what they are, Ive decided to comment on his behalf. Eerie is one
of the few cannucks that I dont have respect for.. Its beyond me why Rad Man
or Jello would want this guy in their group.. The only reason I can think of
why they let him in is because he releases around 30 shitty pics per pack, per
month.. Look in any of the last 5 Relic packs and youll see shitloads of
terrible ansis by that King of Ansi-Drawing, Eerie. Now, if you dont
believe me, ask anyone besides his best buddies, or his friends that help him
write that stupid mag, UnderGrowns, and theyll tell you they think his sucks.
Ive talked to numerous people, and still havent found anyone that thinks
this idiot can draw.. Next point, Ive heard from more than one person that
hes some slob that sits in front of his damn moniter all day long.. This
would have to be since he puts out a total of 80 ansis a month, and any decent
artist knows thats impossible unless you are a social reject.. I dont care
what some jobless, dumbass, ugly, waste of life think my group is stupid..
The reason for this little paragraph is to show people out there that some
guys, like Eerie, who think they are gods gift to the scene, are actually no
more than a worthless nobody.. As far as the group actually is concerned, if
I want your opinion Eerie, Ill fuckin ask you, and until then, just sit back
down and have a hamburger..
General Info:
1 Our viewer is finally ready! Many thanks go to Nivenh for helping
out so much, and spending as much time as he did with it. It looks
great Niv!
2 Or Application Generator will definatly be out by PMT-0395, since it
is in the works now. We will probably not release it until the third
pack though. Right now, if you are interested in joining PMT, just
call our WHQ, apply, and leave Devine Styler, Insidious, or myself
mail. The Morbid Mess Hall . 404.667.9673 . nup: overdrive
3 PMT is still looking for someone who can setup nets.. We would really
like to see ParaNet up by the third pack, and right now we just dont
have time. If you can setup nets well, and are interested in joining
PMT, leave Insidious or myself email at insdious@netcom.com.
4 If you want an ansi for your board, or an ad for your group, please
dont ask me, especially on irc.. All the artists are jammed with
requests.. If you really want something badly, call one of our sites
and ask the artist himself.. I know that they will in most cases drop
what they are working on if its a paid request.. Also, everyone
consider Shinobi for paid requests.. He only charges 20-25 per ansi,
and his artwork is great! He can be reached at the WHQ.
5 Another request is that you not ask for a distro on ansi.. If you
want a distro, simply call TMMH and leave Devine Styler, Insidious, or
myself mail. Youll have a much better chance that way..
6 PMT now has an Internet HQ. Its an ftp site that Tank runs.. The
name is Wizards Tower.. Not only can you get all the paramount
packs, but he has directories for iCE/ACiD/Jihad, and others.. Ftp to
wizard.usis.com.. Thanks Tank, for making this possible!
7 Finally, PMT is always looking for new artists.. If you are
interested, dont hesitate to apply.. You can reach any senior
staffer or myself through internet or on the WHQ..
-Shivans Greets
Nivenh: Thanks so much for all your work this month..
Devine Styler: once again, thanks for all your help this month.. keep it up.
Phase II: yo, waddup be-atch?
Shreifels: ahhh.. hey... : hot crotch is a bitch..
AK: cant wait until the concert..
STC: this is the end.. : Apocalypse Now rules!
Shaggy: sorry everything didnt work out as planned.. maybe next month..
Watcher: you in ACiDiC yet??
bAY: hey man.. great stuff this month!
Insidious: we ever gonna get together and do something??
Saturn-32: hey man.. thanks again for the HQ..
Amroth: almost done with your game??
Presto: howd everything?? lets talk soon..
The Guardian: hey man.. thanks for your help with certain ppl.. :
Hex Bug: thanks dude, and cant wait to see the app. gen.
quickie greets: tank, zed nitro, alter ego, irq5, blurr, styx, lord soth,
toon goon, shinobi, elminster, cat, aphex twin, golgatha, flight, bum,
hiro, soul rebel, tae, zero option, messiah, stingray, spawn, purple haze,
syntax error, pale, starwise, everyone else I missed..
also, greets to: iCE/ACiD/Jihad/Shiver/Union
fuckings: Eerie, the damn Paramount that does lit.. like anyone reads lit..
-Devines Greets
nivenh: do i still get Nivenh Fan Club WHQ?? i worship nivenh!! :
bay: thanx for all the work this month..
watcher: uhh.. like make acidic dude..
shivan: OH MY GAWD!!!! i hate last minute work.. :
phase2: hi. :
shreif: sup muh nig?!?!
thas it cuz i dont feel like greeting people right now.. sorry to the ones
i promised i would greet.. soccer practice takes a lot out of me.. :
till next pak..
-devine styler.pmt
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