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the december artpack is an official product of poffelipoff.inc
poffelipoff information -
Well we can say that this is poffelipoffs first release. Its a
most awesome artpack that will show the world that were the
greatest on the scene today! Were just t wo members soo far but
we surely hope for more artists to join if they or maby YOU are
good enough.
Its a ball of rubber and our art division we also have a music
division poffelipoff music, a couriering division poffelipoff
cybernetic couriers and a coding division plf coding division
Call our boards or send us an e-mail... homepage is coming up!
Pupiluppan: founder/orginizer/leader.art plf@hem.passagen.se pu!
BigYellowMan: leader.music/art gourmet@hotmail.com bym
Psycho Maniak: music xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx pm!
Spider: music xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx
Blunt: internet/music averpil@algonet.se
Pupiluppan BBS 28.800 BAUD Poffelipoff WHQ +46.31.204456
Puppiluppan is our World Headquarter. Here you can find all our
releases and chat with Puppiluppan the founder of the group.
Puppiluppan is a nice looking and board with lots of files and
nice online shit : Situated in Gothenburg/Sweden.
Wu-Tang 33.600 BAUD Poffelipoff Music HQ +46.31.910904
Is BigYellowMans bbs it a most terrific board. With a lots of
funnysick stuff. Here you can download loads of modules and
chat with Bym who is leader of poffelipoff music divsion.
poffelipoffsstructure this is our thought about it all
poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff
music art coder courier
division. division. division. division.
leader:bym leader:pln *NONE YET* *NONE YET*
poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff
ansi/ascii vga bbs-modding demo scene hacking
division. division. division. division. division.
as you can see we need more members for all the divisions poffelipoff
will grow soo if you have any talant at all please consider joining.
thatsallhopeyouenjoyedit poffelipoff official product
poffelipoff information -
Well we can say that this is poffelipoffs first release. Its a
most awesome artpack that will show the world that were the
greatest on the scene today! Were just t wo members soo far but
we surely hope for more artists to join if they or maby YOU are
good enough.
Its a ball of rubber and our art division we also have a music
division poffelipoff music, a couriering division poffelipoff
cybernetic couriers and a coding division plf coding division
Call our boards or send us an e-mail... homepage is coming up!
Pupiluppan: founder/orginizer/leader.art plf@hem.passagen.se pu!
BigYellowMan: leader.music/art gourmet@hotmail.com bym
Psycho Maniak: music xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx pm!
Spider: music xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx
Blunt: internet/music averpil@algonet.se
Pupiluppan BBS 28.800 BAUD Poffelipoff WHQ +46.31.204456
Puppiluppan is our World Headquarter. Here you can find all our
releases and chat with Puppiluppan the founder of the group.
Puppiluppan is a nice looking and board with lots of files and
nice online shit : Situated in Gothenburg/Sweden.
Wu-Tang 33.600 BAUD Poffelipoff Music HQ +46.31.910904
Is BigYellowMans bbs it a most terrific board. With a lots of
funnysick stuff. Here you can download loads of modules and
chat with Bym who is leader of poffelipoff music divsion.
poffelipoffsstructure this is our thought about it all
poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff
music art coder courier
division. division. division. division.
leader:bym leader:pln *NONE YET* *NONE YET*
poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff poffelipoff
ansi/ascii vga bbs-modding demo scene hacking
division. division. division. division. division.
as you can see we need more members for all the divisions poffelipoff
will grow soo if you have any talant at all please consider joining.
thatsallhopeyouenjoyedit poffelipoff official product
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