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Bi g Y e l l o w M a n - ansi collection 3 january 97
yeah.. djsel logo 1oo rubberart dont they make rubber of oil?
----------------------------------------------please dont use the scissors--
yeah!!! new record out this summer! east coast.. rewls new york!
pripps rewls gothenburg..
-----------------------------------------------------------are you reading?--
r e a l i t y bym
s p l i t s e c o n d
-------------------------------------------------------then you soon should--
small font sucker.. for our most excellent memberboard ...
---------------------------------------------------------------realize that--
-------------------------------------------------------------------im just--
well a winter main menu!
cold as ice... looks even
freezier in vga-mode!
-------------------------------------------------------fucking with you! --
life aint a bitch! life is a flower smelling honey
and soon the sun will come and the flowers grow!
big yellow man-96
yeah.. djsel logo 1oo rubberart dont they make rubber of oil?
----------------------------------------------please dont use the scissors--
yeah!!! new record out this summer! east coast.. rewls new york!
pripps rewls gothenburg..
-----------------------------------------------------------are you reading?--
r e a l i t y bym
s p l i t s e c o n d
-------------------------------------------------------then you soon should--
small font sucker.. for our most excellent memberboard ...
---------------------------------------------------------------realize that--
-------------------------------------------------------------------im just--
well a winter main menu!
cold as ice... looks even
freezier in vga-mode!
-------------------------------------------------------fucking with you! --
life aint a bitch! life is a flower smelling honey
and soon the sun will come and the flowers grow!
big yellow man-96
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