this image contains text
pOffelipoff newsflash for
the september 1997 artpack
news for september 1997
new month! new pack! new members! were getting higher and higher
september is cold and windy, the pack is fat and the new members are
ZeusII, noah, lOrd spatter, loader and our botmaster vader.
worth to notice is the amazing discover that mangowhac is perplexer.
no argue about it .. we rock more then ever before.
illogic stopped drawing this month and puppis has problems with his eyes
thats why we dont see anything from those guys and we are verry sad for
that reason *jag grter*. undertaker has also left us.
but to chere me up rawlock, stridh, toot and gloone are helping us out to
make this pack a strike
from the artleader
flexor here, uuhm i have been very unactive this month due to work and
shit.... i have temporarly moved to Stockholm i think its temporarly
and i havent had much time doing drawings.... but im very happy that
plf art division has growth so much, i think we are the biggest
Swedish art group right now?
Well .. thats about it .... : *poff*
now some words from
since Im new in this little poffelipoffing group i want to say hello
to all you friends out there! mabye some of you have heard my nick
before and thats mabye because Ive drawn ansi before yes, yes! I k
now you cant see it but its REALLY true. i stopped drawin about a
year ago but now im back and worse then ever! I guess you should bla
me haddock or big yellow man or what the hell hes nick is. I also wa
nna give sensei if he still is alive a big hiandhello!! I havnt seen
you since hultsfred! if theres any big idiot out there who really wa
nt a logo/mainmenu or whatever and youre a BIG eurodisco fantast i j
ust have something to tell you! FUCK OFF! but if you like real music
with a lot of shitty gained guitarrs etc. music like hellacopters and
gluecifer even some entombed, fireside and refused you just can tel
l me you fucking idiot draw a hellrockenrollingsupershittyfucking666
logo to my fucking rockenroll board Ill mabye do one, two or nine j
ust for you. Oh shit! i forgot to say hello to my great friend jason
i drawed jason in green instead of white just because raiders the n
fl team suck a big dick!.. I also wanna say hello and give 1000 hug
s and kisses to a little nice girl out there called madamex at the ne
t.. here real name is frida write that in red cause i love her.. Oh
flexor!! HIHELLOO!!!! just had to say that. Ok! if your swedish and
wanna see what I and jason and madamex madx for example look like j
ust take a look at http://home4.swipnet.se/w-44430/galleri and if yo
ur not swedish you can do exactly the same! ok! thats all for me...
have a hevy day and i home youll get a BIG katzenjamen wich is th
same as baksmlla in swedish and hangover in english! BYYYE!
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pOffelipoff newsflash for
the september 1997 artpack
news for september 1997
new month! new pack! new members! were getting higher and higher
september is cold and windy, the pack is fat and the new members are
ZeusII, noah, lOrd spatter, loader and our botmaster vader.
worth to notice is the amazing discover that mangowhac is perplexer.
no argue about it .. we rock more then ever before.
illogic stopped drawing this month and puppis has problems with his eyes
thats why we dont see anything from those guys and we are verry sad for
that reason *jag grter*. undertaker has also left us.
but to chere me up rawlock, stridh, toot and gloone are helping us out to
make this pack a strike
from the artleader
flexor here, uuhm i have been very unactive this month due to work and
shit.... i have temporarly moved to Stockholm i think its temporarly
and i havent had much time doing drawings.... but im very happy that
plf art division has growth so much, i think we are the biggest
Swedish art group right now?
Well .. thats about it .... : *poff*
now some words from
since Im new in this little poffelipoffing group i want to say hello
to all you friends out there! mabye some of you have heard my nick
before and thats mabye because Ive drawn ansi before yes, yes! I k
now you cant see it but its REALLY true. i stopped drawin about a
year ago but now im back and worse then ever! I guess you should bla
me haddock or big yellow man or what the hell hes nick is. I also wa
nna give sensei if he still is alive a big hiandhello!! I havnt seen
you since hultsfred! if theres any big idiot out there who really wa
nt a logo/mainmenu or whatever and youre a BIG eurodisco fantast i j
ust have something to tell you! FUCK OFF! but if you like real music
with a lot of shitty gained guitarrs etc. music like hellacopters and
gluecifer even some entombed, fireside and refused you just can tel
l me you fucking idiot draw a hellrockenrollingsupershittyfucking666
logo to my fucking rockenroll board Ill mabye do one, two or nine j
ust for you. Oh shit! i forgot to say hello to my great friend jason
i drawed jason in green instead of white just because raiders the n
fl team suck a big dick!.. I also wanna say hello and give 1000 hug
s and kisses to a little nice girl out there called madamex at the ne
t.. here real name is frida write that in red cause i love her.. Oh
flexor!! HIHELLOO!!!! just had to say that. Ok! if your swedish and
wanna see what I and jason and madamex madx for example look like j
ust take a look at http://home4.swipnet.se/w-44430/galleri and if yo
ur not swedish you can do exactly the same! ok! thats all for me...
have a hevy day and i home youll get a BIG katzenjamen wich is th
same as baksmlla in swedish and hangover in english! BYYYE!
- end of file -
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