this image contains text
poff eli poff
13th Massive art attack from the planet of poffelipoff
Like rubberballs were coming back to you harddrive with fresh and nice
looking art. If youve never seen us before i surely hope that you will
download all our earlier packs from our homepage www.poffelipoff.org and
will continue to follow our releases till we die if we die before you.
In this newsfile we whould like to point out that we want more foreign
artists soo please drop by in plf and well convince you to join if you
are good enough
Perplexer aka. Sharque is back with a bOOm and will continue to be back
for a while. Noah is releasing his last ansi with us we greet him for
giving us the honor. Fat pascifist is taking a well earned vecation from
doodling and his us-bye rip with help from Nightstalker kicks ass.
Another thing worth notice is Rejjders bruna font specially for Gasol
who hasnt been around soo that we could get his art which ofcourse sucks
bigtime. This pack also contain Kungen i knipa part 1 of 3 which surely
will amuse all swedish viewers, the language is unfortunatly not
translatable soo all of you others will have to come up with a story for
the picture yourselves please send your stories to bym@gummibot.com .
Big greets to the 4tune guy for thiz kickass news-header
Rock on!
Big Yellow Man - Poffelipoff President
Hi there ansi lovers... Flexor writing. I just wanted to fill up some
important things BYM forgot to tell in his writing up above. Poffelipoff
got a NEW member that i would like to introduce to you all:
Pestilence - I didnt know this doodler could draw sucha remarkable fonts
...Gasol watch out :!!
Well thats all for now folks, enjoy the package...!!
Flexor - Poffelipoff Vice President
13th Massive art attack from the planet of poffelipoff
Like rubberballs were coming back to you harddrive with fresh and nice
looking art. If youve never seen us before i surely hope that you will
download all our earlier packs from our homepage www.poffelipoff.org and
will continue to follow our releases till we die if we die before you.
In this newsfile we whould like to point out that we want more foreign
artists soo please drop by in plf and well convince you to join if you
are good enough
Perplexer aka. Sharque is back with a bOOm and will continue to be back
for a while. Noah is releasing his last ansi with us we greet him for
giving us the honor. Fat pascifist is taking a well earned vecation from
doodling and his us-bye rip with help from Nightstalker kicks ass.
Another thing worth notice is Rejjders bruna font specially for Gasol
who hasnt been around soo that we could get his art which ofcourse sucks
bigtime. This pack also contain Kungen i knipa part 1 of 3 which surely
will amuse all swedish viewers, the language is unfortunatly not
translatable soo all of you others will have to come up with a story for
the picture yourselves please send your stories to bym@gummibot.com .
Big greets to the 4tune guy for thiz kickass news-header
Rock on!
Big Yellow Man - Poffelipoff President
Hi there ansi lovers... Flexor writing. I just wanted to fill up some
important things BYM forgot to tell in his writing up above. Poffelipoff
got a NEW member that i would like to introduce to you all:
Pestilence - I didnt know this doodler could draw sucha remarkable fonts
...Gasol watch out :!!
Well thats all for now folks, enjoy the package...!!
Flexor - Poffelipoff Vice President
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