this image contains text
p o f f e l i p o f f ... p r o d u c t i o n s
BYM big yellow man ...... president .................... bym@gummibot.com
PU- puppiluppan ......... founder .................... puppis@cryogen.com
FO- flexor............... vice president ......... flexor@hem.passagen.se
PSM psycho maniak ....... text division leader .. psychom@nastything.com
HZ- spider .............. music division leader ...... spider.plf@usa.net
SM! sims ................ art division leader ........... sims@algonet.se
artist division .. .
sims ANS
big yellow man ANS
alla xul ANS
flexor ANS
zeusii ANS
puppiluppan ANS
perplexer ANS
dizzy ANS
noah ANS
gasol ANS
dataflow ANS
rawlock ANS
mjolnir ASC
keetar ASC
shrimp ASC
helix ASC
stridh ASC
chrom ASC
da bonehead VGA
mr q VGA
litium VGA
loader VGA
pike VGA
fat pacifist RIP
nightstalker RIP sm
current division leaders ... . .
SHARKtm! .............. +o spider +46-31-SECRET world hq
deep space .............. +o farlig ryss 2 nodes russia hq
unknown area ............ +o vibr8 +48-22-6653501 polish hq
shamera kye ............. +o orphic +46-33-soonup swedish hq
neosporin ............... +o rage 604-942-9772 canadian hq
smell of inocense ..... +o thorax belgian hq
psychotic evolution ..... +o Zytron +45-862-309-36 danish hq
nocturnal trip .......... +o coroner +41-8-402162 swiss hq
trail blazer ............ +o markomarti +381-11-1761507 yugo hq
brain damage ............ +o warhawk +49-221-4994017 german hq
claustrophobic dimension +o nibc +46-31-447649 memberboard
diezel .................. +o milton +46-31-582690 memberboard
dimension of eternity ... +o helix +46-418-62268 memberboard
icebreaker .............. +o bizzarro +46-8-xxxxxxx dist site
spantobi ................ +o quasar +46-8-xxxxxxx dist site
negative ................ +o gloone +46-8-xxxxxxx dist site
lime .................... +o oddball +46-8-6301127 dist site
lunatic bbs ............. +o ? +49-211-9769615iSDN dist site
p o f f e l i p o f f ... p r o d u c t i o n s
BYM big yellow man ...... president .................... bym@gummibot.com
PU- puppiluppan ......... founder .................... puppis@cryogen.com
FO- flexor............... vice president ......... flexor@hem.passagen.se
PSM psycho maniak ....... text division leader .. psychom@nastything.com
HZ- spider .............. music division leader ...... spider.plf@usa.net
SM! sims ................ art division leader ........... sims@algonet.se
artist division .. .
sims ANS
big yellow man ANS
alla xul ANS
flexor ANS
zeusii ANS
puppiluppan ANS
perplexer ANS
dizzy ANS
noah ANS
gasol ANS
dataflow ANS
rawlock ANS
mjolnir ASC
keetar ASC
shrimp ASC
helix ASC
stridh ASC
chrom ASC
da bonehead VGA
mr q VGA
litium VGA
loader VGA
pike VGA
fat pacifist RIP
nightstalker RIP sm
current division leaders ... . .
SHARKtm! .............. +o spider +46-31-SECRET world hq
deep space .............. +o farlig ryss 2 nodes russia hq
unknown area ............ +o vibr8 +48-22-6653501 polish hq
shamera kye ............. +o orphic +46-33-soonup swedish hq
neosporin ............... +o rage 604-942-9772 canadian hq
smell of inocense ..... +o thorax belgian hq
psychotic evolution ..... +o Zytron +45-862-309-36 danish hq
nocturnal trip .......... +o coroner +41-8-402162 swiss hq
trail blazer ............ +o markomarti +381-11-1761507 yugo hq
brain damage ............ +o warhawk +49-221-4994017 german hq
claustrophobic dimension +o nibc +46-31-447649 memberboard
diezel .................. +o milton +46-31-582690 memberboard
dimension of eternity ... +o helix +46-418-62268 memberboard
icebreaker .............. +o bizzarro +46-8-xxxxxxx dist site
spantobi ................ +o quasar +46-8-xxxxxxx dist site
negative ................ +o gloone +46-8-xxxxxxx dist site
lime .................... +o oddball +46-8-6301127 dist site
lunatic bbs ............. +o ? +49-211-9769615iSDN dist site
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