this image contains text
part II
poffelipoff basic information:
current head of state poffelipoff: puppiluppan
base of operation: entire world.
military strenght: power ansi graphics, 28k8 connect on quake servers
economic strenghts: puppiluppan won 70 in the quake championship
political strenghts: we rule the globe
affilations: earth defense force, utr, ffffFr Fri Folkl till Fjortisar
ideology: fuck the scene play quake pu!, fuck quake play with the scene bym
white text, radio operator
grey text, commander puppilupan
black text, officer of defense bigyellowman
USS POFFELIPOFF februari 20 1997, 03.00pm someware in the baltic
the puppiluppan and big yellow man is sitting on deck having a beer...
- well, we sure kicked fluid asses out there! Zeus2 thought your dppa ansee in
the january nuke was cool.
- den var nog jvligt cool d!
- erhm.. well maby not... but please consider speaking english!@. i think the
international artlovers dont get what you saying.
- vem fan bryr sig?!@. vran engelska suger ju nd stenhrt. och jag r p tok fr slapp fr att verstta vad jag sjlv skriver det r ju fan jobbigt ju!@ jag mste ju hinna spela quake!@ trning ikvll!!!
- well, you gotta draw ansee for the pack anyway!
- h... heheh
- great then..
big yellow man hands over the commander a nice smelling prince.
- fuck bym! you gotta learn to buy marlboro.
- american shit! prince is pure swedish quality.
- it tastes like shit. i rather smoke BLENd!
- nooo, dont take that stick away from me! its better then nothing.
puppiluppan lights up the white poisionstick and helps bym with the light.
- fan va gtt m en rka! *puff* *puff*
- haha vilken jvla snfetta... *poffelipoff*
the radio operator is aproching holding the january fluid pack in is hands
- we have to hurry! our nuke mustnt be as late as the our january pack.. if we
continues like this the april pack will be released in december.
- blame puppiluppan that lazy sucker wont raise a finger.
- i won the quake championships! i dont wanna doodle ansee i wanna play quake!
- youre the leader, lead us!
- i dont have time! you lead the group bym!
- h, cant argue to that, can i?
- well no! commander big yellow man!
big yellow man is overwhelmed by his new title and begins right away to use his
plf gummi-power!
- youre kicked pup!
- you cant kick me im the leader of the state!
- FUCK! if i was the leader of the state i whould kick you! sonofabitch!
- you arent : *puff* *puffelipuffpuff*
the smoke forms a ring and slowly raises to the air.
- hahah, you know that fluid pack sucked! how come you two didnt say soo to
the ones that is reading this shit? *host* *host*
- because it is bad to kick on the lying ones.
- hahah, that one rocked! *skratta*
- the end -
exclusive producers puppiluppan and big yellow man
part II
poffelipoff basic information:
current head of state poffelipoff: puppiluppan
base of operation: entire world.
military strenght: power ansi graphics, 28k8 connect on quake servers
economic strenghts: puppiluppan won 70 in the quake championship
political strenghts: we rule the globe
affilations: earth defense force, utr, ffffFr Fri Folkl till Fjortisar
ideology: fuck the scene play quake pu!, fuck quake play with the scene bym
white text, radio operator
grey text, commander puppilupan
black text, officer of defense bigyellowman
USS POFFELIPOFF februari 20 1997, 03.00pm someware in the baltic
the puppiluppan and big yellow man is sitting on deck having a beer...
- well, we sure kicked fluid asses out there! Zeus2 thought your dppa ansee in
the january nuke was cool.
- den var nog jvligt cool d!
- erhm.. well maby not... but please consider speaking english!@. i think the
international artlovers dont get what you saying.
- vem fan bryr sig?!@. vran engelska suger ju nd stenhrt. och jag r p tok fr slapp fr att verstta vad jag sjlv skriver det r ju fan jobbigt ju!@ jag mste ju hinna spela quake!@ trning ikvll!!!
- well, you gotta draw ansee for the pack anyway!
- h... heheh
- great then..
big yellow man hands over the commander a nice smelling prince.
- fuck bym! you gotta learn to buy marlboro.
- american shit! prince is pure swedish quality.
- it tastes like shit. i rather smoke BLENd!
- nooo, dont take that stick away from me! its better then nothing.
puppiluppan lights up the white poisionstick and helps bym with the light.
- fan va gtt m en rka! *puff* *puff*
- haha vilken jvla snfetta... *poffelipoff*
the radio operator is aproching holding the january fluid pack in is hands
- we have to hurry! our nuke mustnt be as late as the our january pack.. if we
continues like this the april pack will be released in december.
- blame puppiluppan that lazy sucker wont raise a finger.
- i won the quake championships! i dont wanna doodle ansee i wanna play quake!
- youre the leader, lead us!
- i dont have time! you lead the group bym!
- h, cant argue to that, can i?
- well no! commander big yellow man!
big yellow man is overwhelmed by his new title and begins right away to use his
plf gummi-power!
- youre kicked pup!
- you cant kick me im the leader of the state!
- FUCK! if i was the leader of the state i whould kick you! sonofabitch!
- you arent : *puff* *puffelipuffpuff*
the smoke forms a ring and slowly raises to the air.
- hahah, you know that fluid pack sucked! how come you two didnt say soo to
the ones that is reading this shit? *host* *host*
- because it is bad to kick on the lying ones.
- hahah, that one rocked! *skratta*
- the end -
exclusive producers puppiluppan and big yellow man
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