this image contains text
. . p l a n . 9 . . . . i n f o . f i l e . .
. . t h i s . m o n t h . i n . p l a n . 9 . .
Angel, youll never belive what happened to me today!
Well, after a brush with certain death, plAn9 has perservered. This
month we have really pulled our dedicated people together and formed a union
of people dedicated to improve this group. People may still think we suck, but
to them I say, FUCK OFF.
Captain, losses reported at a minimum!
Well, as always, people will come and go. This is true with any group.
This month Id like to wish a fond fairwell to Rendor, after our failed merge
with Project 301. Id also like to say bye to all the Cure idiots who decided
to withdraw a merge already made after they discovered a rip in PLAN9-01.ZIP.
Well, my response to that is see ya later. The founder was a dick anyhow.
Another loss this month was Fuels, Drc. I hate to see him go, but there is
not much else I can say. Members booted due to inactivity were Acid Trip, Big
88, Civid, Cyanide, Stoned Militia, and Snail Face. If I dont here from you,
you arent taking up space on my member list.
I could get bored, I could get bored, in the flat field...
Well, as with losses, we also made large gains this month. Mirrorman
came to us from somewhere, Malformed Eartborn came to us from Dr. Freezes
aborted group, Shaolin. Voi Vode came from seemingly nowhere to hook us up
with the viewer, and Busta/Road Rash came from I dunno to do some phat vgas.
Menelaus has joined as plAn9s official groupie and prostitute!
Im drifting downward again...
Well, after being initially disappointed with the PLAN9-02.ZIP pack, I
was re-inspired and turned down quite a few invites during the rumors of plAn9
s demise. Dr. Freeze and I had a long meeting and decided if people could workhard and convince us that they wanted plAn9 to succeed, wed stick around. SO
here we are, enjoy this. Id like feedback, so please e-mail me about this packas soon as you view it!
Ken and Barbie?
Lowkey was mysteriously seen with a beautiful woman at a Barbie Doll
convention in Atlanta. Cyber God laughed for hours until Lowkey informed him
what he was doing with the beautiful woman. For some reason he dropped the
phone and a fan started running...
Boba Fett
plAn9 f0under?
p.s. Here is the latest update on people who have screwed us over. This month,Zero Hour!
Frist off,Id like to say thanks to aCk,messiah,when i frist started drawing
ascii aCk a +o in ascii was cool with me. and he helped me. and explained
alotta stuff to me. and once i got the basics down i met up with messiah
and he helped me with giving me pointers and information about ascii,and
ideas and such.. im still learning,and all most every peice of ascii
i send to messiah,he always helps me and shit. hes never too busy,or has
an ego problem. like lots of people do.. so. umm.. thanks.. heh..
ok bye!!@@@@@
In the February R.C./. release, Zero Hour was quoted as saying this in his logocluster. Well, if you notice he convieniently left out Dr. Freeze who he compl-etely ripped in the first plAn9 pack. Man, I cant believe this guy. He never
even thanked us for showing him how to draw. Well, what can you expect from an
idiot? No thanks are good for me. Im glad Im not even associated with him.
and now to Dr. Freeze!
one more month, one more pack...
Yep... we have finally released the third installment of the plAn9
saga... We have made many improvements and have picked up quite a few more
artists... Well, from what i hear our old pal Zero Hour has been talking shit
about us again so he has made it in tha plAn9 hall of lamers for tha second
month in a row... Good going Zero Hour... Ya gotta reach for tha stars! hahaha
anyway, if ya dont already know, plAn9 has gone through so much shit this
month... plAn9 died, i went to start my own group, killed that group, and me
and Boba Fett got plAn9 together... But we have over come and plan to take
the scene by storm with PLAN9-03.ZIP
Change can be a good thing every now and then
Yes, plAn9 has made a number of changes... as you can see, we have
implamented a stricter quality control standard cause everyone has been
bitching about that and yes, we finally have a viewer thanks to our newest
coder, Voivode! So yall can stop bitching about that now Lets see, what
else... Well, i cant think of anything else so latez for now! See ya guys
next pak! if there is a next pak :
Dr. Freeze!?
plAn9 C0-f0under!?
and now to Cyber God!
wuzzup! the diggity doggity bustin out some words!
Welp, back once again.. finally escaped the clutches of Blade. The
whores raped me for two months straight, so only two peices of art for you to
view. I only got to get those done when Mindcrime let me out the chains to
shake the lizard. So for you foolz that dont know I am doing free ansi/ascii
art and if you trade art, you wont get shit work. Who knows I may even throw
a free blow job round the house if I get a total of fifty requests! Gosh, that
is all I really have to say.. especially since I am still trying to recover
from what Mindcrime and his gang of rapists did to me.
Cyber God
c6@juno.com or just yell for the diggity doogity?!
plAn9 sTAFF!
. . p l a n . 9 . . . . i n f o . f i l e . .
. . t h i s . m o n t h . i n . p l a n . 9 . .
Angel, youll never belive what happened to me today!
Well, after a brush with certain death, plAn9 has perservered. This
month we have really pulled our dedicated people together and formed a union
of people dedicated to improve this group. People may still think we suck, but
to them I say, FUCK OFF.
Captain, losses reported at a minimum!
Well, as always, people will come and go. This is true with any group.
This month Id like to wish a fond fairwell to Rendor, after our failed merge
with Project 301. Id also like to say bye to all the Cure idiots who decided
to withdraw a merge already made after they discovered a rip in PLAN9-01.ZIP.
Well, my response to that is see ya later. The founder was a dick anyhow.
Another loss this month was Fuels, Drc. I hate to see him go, but there is
not much else I can say. Members booted due to inactivity were Acid Trip, Big
88, Civid, Cyanide, Stoned Militia, and Snail Face. If I dont here from you,
you arent taking up space on my member list.
I could get bored, I could get bored, in the flat field...
Well, as with losses, we also made large gains this month. Mirrorman
came to us from somewhere, Malformed Eartborn came to us from Dr. Freezes
aborted group, Shaolin. Voi Vode came from seemingly nowhere to hook us up
with the viewer, and Busta/Road Rash came from I dunno to do some phat vgas.
Menelaus has joined as plAn9s official groupie and prostitute!
Im drifting downward again...
Well, after being initially disappointed with the PLAN9-02.ZIP pack, I
was re-inspired and turned down quite a few invites during the rumors of plAn9
s demise. Dr. Freeze and I had a long meeting and decided if people could workhard and convince us that they wanted plAn9 to succeed, wed stick around. SO
here we are, enjoy this. Id like feedback, so please e-mail me about this packas soon as you view it!
Ken and Barbie?
Lowkey was mysteriously seen with a beautiful woman at a Barbie Doll
convention in Atlanta. Cyber God laughed for hours until Lowkey informed him
what he was doing with the beautiful woman. For some reason he dropped the
phone and a fan started running...
Boba Fett
plAn9 f0under?
p.s. Here is the latest update on people who have screwed us over. This month,Zero Hour!
Frist off,Id like to say thanks to aCk,messiah,when i frist started drawing
ascii aCk a +o in ascii was cool with me. and he helped me. and explained
alotta stuff to me. and once i got the basics down i met up with messiah
and he helped me with giving me pointers and information about ascii,and
ideas and such.. im still learning,and all most every peice of ascii
i send to messiah,he always helps me and shit. hes never too busy,or has
an ego problem. like lots of people do.. so. umm.. thanks.. heh..
ok bye!!@@@@@
In the February R.C./. release, Zero Hour was quoted as saying this in his logocluster. Well, if you notice he convieniently left out Dr. Freeze who he compl-etely ripped in the first plAn9 pack. Man, I cant believe this guy. He never
even thanked us for showing him how to draw. Well, what can you expect from an
idiot? No thanks are good for me. Im glad Im not even associated with him.
and now to Dr. Freeze!
one more month, one more pack...
Yep... we have finally released the third installment of the plAn9
saga... We have made many improvements and have picked up quite a few more
artists... Well, from what i hear our old pal Zero Hour has been talking shit
about us again so he has made it in tha plAn9 hall of lamers for tha second
month in a row... Good going Zero Hour... Ya gotta reach for tha stars! hahaha
anyway, if ya dont already know, plAn9 has gone through so much shit this
month... plAn9 died, i went to start my own group, killed that group, and me
and Boba Fett got plAn9 together... But we have over come and plan to take
the scene by storm with PLAN9-03.ZIP
Change can be a good thing every now and then
Yes, plAn9 has made a number of changes... as you can see, we have
implamented a stricter quality control standard cause everyone has been
bitching about that and yes, we finally have a viewer thanks to our newest
coder, Voivode! So yall can stop bitching about that now Lets see, what
else... Well, i cant think of anything else so latez for now! See ya guys
next pak! if there is a next pak :
Dr. Freeze!?
plAn9 C0-f0under!?
and now to Cyber God!
wuzzup! the diggity doggity bustin out some words!
Welp, back once again.. finally escaped the clutches of Blade. The
whores raped me for two months straight, so only two peices of art for you to
view. I only got to get those done when Mindcrime let me out the chains to
shake the lizard. So for you foolz that dont know I am doing free ansi/ascii
art and if you trade art, you wont get shit work. Who knows I may even throw
a free blow job round the house if I get a total of fifty requests! Gosh, that
is all I really have to say.. especially since I am still trying to recover
from what Mindcrime and his gang of rapists did to me.
Cyber God
c6@juno.com or just yell for the diggity doogity?!
plAn9 sTAFF!
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