this image contains text
---- - - --- well... heres my first little contribution to the group... yes i know it : sucks but get over it, i havent done anything in a long time... all of : this stuff is 99.9 original i borrowed a here and there and if i feel like doing it, more will come... if someone can get me a free inet
account, there will be LOTS MORE to come... but fer now, this is it...
so enjoy or hate and feel free to make comments to me at my email addy
madkow@hotmail.com or whatever, or request things for me to ferget about : until later... i trade for stuff, no freebies anymore no time unless : i like you or know you well... umm, thats it so bye bye so long bye bye ---- - - ---
+-- small dark wars ascii fer rip -----------------------------------------+
ssssssssssssssssssssssssss .,sa. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssP-. P.,,.44P,dbd.,dS,+.Sb.4sb db db dbP,4db ,4b,dP 4b,db,dP,
+-- reapers outworld 6166918575 ------------------------------------------+
+-- regulator opped by red dog 6165382714 ---------------------------------+
+-- violently ugly divider bar --------------------------------------------+
---- - - --- okay... thats it now... you may be wondering why this stupid box is here : huh? well it just is cuz im in a hurry right now to make deadline... : okay, um, if you run a bbs, join fecalnet. its a cool music-only net thats quite popular around 616, as well as a few other outsiders... to
make it easy for you, i have included the app so just fill it out and
upload it to woodstock 6166775155... its that easy!!! music rules, so
why not have a music neton your cool board... it may even bring in more : callers... so uh, im done i guess... ill hopefully be able to finish : more art for the next pack... maybe... and please feel free to complain! ---- - - ---: : greets: nope, none... i have no friends... im a loser... maybe next time.
account, there will be LOTS MORE to come... but fer now, this is it...
so enjoy or hate and feel free to make comments to me at my email addy
madkow@hotmail.com or whatever, or request things for me to ferget about : until later... i trade for stuff, no freebies anymore no time unless : i like you or know you well... umm, thats it so bye bye so long bye bye ---- - - ---
+-- small dark wars ascii fer rip -----------------------------------------+
ssssssssssssssssssssssssss .,sa. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssP-. P.,,.44P,dbd.,dS,+.Sb.4sb db db dbP,4db ,4b,dP 4b,db,dP,
+-- reapers outworld 6166918575 ------------------------------------------+
+-- regulator opped by red dog 6165382714 ---------------------------------+
+-- violently ugly divider bar --------------------------------------------+
---- - - --- okay... thats it now... you may be wondering why this stupid box is here : huh? well it just is cuz im in a hurry right now to make deadline... : okay, um, if you run a bbs, join fecalnet. its a cool music-only net thats quite popular around 616, as well as a few other outsiders... to
make it easy for you, i have included the app so just fill it out and
upload it to woodstock 6166775155... its that easy!!! music rules, so
why not have a music neton your cool board... it may even bring in more : callers... so uh, im done i guess... ill hopefully be able to finish : more art for the next pack... maybe... and please feel free to complain! ---- - - ---: : greets: nope, none... i have no friends... im a loser... maybe next time.
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