this image contains text
...the vortex. .. . : bobafett!
:: ..,,aa,,.. ::, :
, : b,. .a!!a. :: :
db, ba,.,ad ,ab
,., db .,adb ., ,
dba,. SS ,ab ,.,
..,adba,. ,ab,....
,..... 4ba,. .,aP.,
,. 4P 4P . .,
: ,aaa .,aaba : :::
: aaaaa. ,aa. aaaaaaaa , 4b : ::: :
: , .,aa 4a . ::
: ,a aa , :::
,::::: aaadP . ,. a,::
, .4P , a ,,. aa ,,:
, db,dba. a , d ,,:
.,aaaa a aaP d
your escape twice ascii for intermail...
file testing initialized...
.. .a!P 4!a. .a!P 4!a. .a!P 4!a. P 4!a. ...
. 4b dP, db.
.4ba,.4baaaaa , .a!P 4
b,.4ba,..4 .P db
P4b,.4ba. aaaaa
ba,.b . . .
..P 4P 4P .
4ba,. .,adP 4ba,. .,adP 4ba,. .,adP
file tester...
r1ps0r this and 1 r1p j00r nutz... that goes for all
of these vortex ansis... theyre for ln and HIS vortex,
if you arent Lord Nemesis, and your bbs isnt called the
vortex, then these ansis arent yours!
-boba fett!
gr33tz: hennifer, remember me from testament?, Possum Killer, wh00ps almost
:: ..,,aa,,.. ::, :
, : b,. .a!!a. :: :
db, ba,.,ad ,ab
,., db .,adb ., ,
dba,. SS ,ab ,.,
..,adba,. ,ab,....
,..... 4ba,. .,aP.,
,. 4P 4P . .,
: ,aaa .,aaba : :::
: aaaaa. ,aa. aaaaaaaa , 4b : ::: :
: , .,aa 4a . ::
: ,a aa , :::
,::::: aaadP . ,. a,::
, .4P , a ,,. aa ,,:
, db,dba. a , d ,,:
.,aaaa a aaP d
your escape twice ascii for intermail...
file testing initialized...
.. .a!P 4!a. .a!P 4!a. .a!P 4!a. P 4!a. ...
. 4b dP, db.
.4ba,.4baaaaa , .a!P 4
b,.4ba,..4 .P db
P4b,.4ba. aaaaa
ba,.b . . .
..P 4P 4P .
4ba,. .,adP 4ba,. .,adP 4ba,. .,adP
file tester...
r1ps0r this and 1 r1p j00r nutz... that goes for all
of these vortex ansis... theyre for ln and HIS vortex,
if you arent Lord Nemesis, and your bbs isnt called the
vortex, then these ansis arent yours!
-boba fett!
gr33tz: hennifer, remember me from testament?, Possum Killer, wh00ps almost
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