this image contains text
Ahh, Plan 9, you will take the earth and rule it with armies of the
living dead. They refuse to accept us but when their own dead conquer them,
how can they deny the fact, when their dead lovers will rule them, punish them,
and destroy them...
To the future or the past, to
a time when thought is free,
when men are different from one another and do not live
alone - to a time when truth
exists and what is done cannot
be undone
-George Orwell 1984
Ill Vybes
t h e d e p t h s o f h e ll
-cut--------------------------------------------------------------------------w0w... I did this pic finally... ok heres the deal with it.
1 The font is a re-mastered version of bf-doh1.ans to fluors specifications.THANX MAN! Your comments on my fonts have made them better for sure!
2 KIT! Thank you so much for helping me out with this pic. I guess this is
the re-payment for all those fonts I did you... I will keep doing em for
help like this! Anytime you need one just ask. I dont mind helping you at allbuddy!
3 Ill Vybe, I know this took forever and I hope you like it. If not, oh wellI tried. Its impossible to please everyone, and I personally couldnt care to
4 Possum Killer. Damn fool, we need to talk. I havent seen you in a good
while. Hows Georgia? You should move back. The bbs scene in 864 has comp-
letely died. Bellicose is gone, Elite Action is. Shit, my bbs is the only art
bbs around anymore... oh well, give us a call, some stupid college girl is hit-ting on you throught e-mail.
5 Dr. Freeze. Thank you for helping me run plAn9. Without your help I wouldface many sleepless nights.
6 Misc. Greetz: Samurai, Cyber God, Star Lord, Wildcat, Kjllerpole, Lowkey,
Magnus, and Crimethink.
THIS ANSI IS DEDICATED TO KIT, a woman of amazing strength and stature. I trulyadmire you Kit. Thanx for all you have done for me. Anything you need, just
boba fett
the substance of living is unbecoming of the beautiful.
hidden shit engaged...
Ahh, Plan 9, you will take the earth and rule it with armies of the
living dead. They refuse to accept us but when their own dead conquer them,
how can they deny the fact, when their dead lovers will rule them, punish them,
and destroy them...
To the future or the past, to
a time when thought is free,
when men are different from one another and do not live
alone - to a time when truth
exists and what is done cannot
be undone
-George Orwell 1984
Ill Vybes
t h e d e p t h s o f h e ll
-cut--------------------------------------------------------------------------w0w... I did this pic finally... ok heres the deal with it.
1 The font is a re-mastered version of bf-doh1.ans to fluors specifications.THANX MAN! Your comments on my fonts have made them better for sure!
2 KIT! Thank you so much for helping me out with this pic. I guess this is
the re-payment for all those fonts I did you... I will keep doing em for
help like this! Anytime you need one just ask. I dont mind helping you at allbuddy!
3 Ill Vybe, I know this took forever and I hope you like it. If not, oh wellI tried. Its impossible to please everyone, and I personally couldnt care to
4 Possum Killer. Damn fool, we need to talk. I havent seen you in a good
while. Hows Georgia? You should move back. The bbs scene in 864 has comp-
letely died. Bellicose is gone, Elite Action is. Shit, my bbs is the only art
bbs around anymore... oh well, give us a call, some stupid college girl is hit-ting on you throught e-mail.
5 Dr. Freeze. Thank you for helping me run plAn9. Without your help I wouldface many sleepless nights.
6 Misc. Greetz: Samurai, Cyber God, Star Lord, Wildcat, Kjllerpole, Lowkey,
Magnus, and Crimethink.
THIS ANSI IS DEDICATED TO KIT, a woman of amazing strength and stature. I trulyadmire you Kit. Thanx for all you have done for me. Anything you need, just
boba fett
the substance of living is unbecoming of the beautiful.
hidden shit engaged...
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