this image contains text
Ok... here are your 31337 asskies by me of course... Most ppl
charge for asskies of this quality but Im not like that All I ask is
that you give me credit in your app... if you change the asskies, leave
my name on them... I know they kinda get sorrier and sorrier the farther
down you go but I got burned out... It took 3 hrs of strait drawing to
do this stuff so I hope you appreciate it... gotta smoke a ciggy now.. late!
- Dr. Freeze
---- Clan Assassian Elite header ascii --------------------------------------
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!S
---- Clan Assassian Elite ansi ascii ----------------------------------------
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!S
---- Clan Assassian Elite coding ascii -------------------------------------
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!S
---- Clan Assassian Elite virii ascii ---------------------------------------
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!S
---- Clan Assassian Elite hacking ascii -------------------------------------
,: S ,: S , :, SSs + ,:s,.sdS.sSSS
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!SS
---- Clan Assassian Elite cracking ascii ------------------------------------
:, Ss :s,.,s.s S , :, SSs ,:s,sdS.s
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!SS
------------ All these asskies are 100 original by Dr. Freeze --------------
charge for asskies of this quality but Im not like that All I ask is
that you give me credit in your app... if you change the asskies, leave
my name on them... I know they kinda get sorrier and sorrier the farther
down you go but I got burned out... It took 3 hrs of strait drawing to
do this stuff so I hope you appreciate it... gotta smoke a ciggy now.. late!
- Dr. Freeze
---- Clan Assassian Elite header ascii --------------------------------------
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!S
---- Clan Assassian Elite ansi ascii ----------------------------------------
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!S
---- Clan Assassian Elite coding ascii -------------------------------------
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!S
---- Clan Assassian Elite virii ascii ---------------------------------------
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!S
---- Clan Assassian Elite hacking ascii -------------------------------------
,: S ,: S , :, SSs + ,:s,.sdS.sSSS
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!SS
---- Clan Assassian Elite cracking ascii ------------------------------------
:, Ss :s,.,s.s S , :, SSs ,:s,sdS.s
. . . . . . .........,,,,,,,,,,,ssssssssssssdf!SS
------------ All these asskies are 100 original by Dr. Freeze --------------
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