this image contains text
tOOn 08/96
written: wa
W elcome, to Plain 10 -- Toon
Dedication. Toon forever --+
At this time, last year 1995, Toon was formed. Distro
toony flavour for the whole world to enjoy. With a cas
t like
none other, TOON0795.ZIP was a very respectable premier
e pack
This was Narcosis idea,.. no one else. Toon Toon Toon
Next month, Plain will retake its name, and the pack w
ill be
at 11 and not 10. Special thanks to everyone that too
k part
in helping this pack to be what it is, and you know w
ho you
are. Also strong shoutouts, to the leaders of the grou
ps out
today, and the members who make the groups what the
y are, be-
ing in them is one thing, but making a strong effo
rt to show
your work is another. Keep it up.
So, as we put Plain aside for one month. Enjoy this
for it might happen again next year, at this time .. .
to the Plainsters, Ex-Toonsters especially, all yall m
ake me
proud, and encourage me to continue what I do, to this
M embers have found there way over to Plain
this month, and
a whopping 11 new members have been added. It gives me
pleasure, to now show the list of the new talent:
Horrid --------------------+ Coding / Programming Full
Dark Shadow ---------------+ Ansi Artist CiA
Brain ---------------------+ Ansi Artist Blind
Seraphim ------------------+ Ansi Artist Independa
Da Drug -------------------+ Ansi Artist Blind
Mass Murderer -------------+ Mascot / Inet Guard D
Lord Of Illusions ---------+ Ansi Artist Blind / T
Jeepee --------------------+ Ansi Artist Fire
Eiht Ball -----------------+ Ansi Artist Apathy
Meko ----------------------+ Inet Co-Ord Dunno
Obsolete ------------------+ Ansi Artist new artist
Raize ---------------------+ Right Handman / Artist Da
We unfortunately suffered member loss, but is lost, is
on replaced. We wish Agent77 as we continues his art
in Dark.
I nternet related issues. Plain has finally
hit the internet
and here are a few things that are setup.
ftp site to get our latest packs :
A brand new graphic inhanced web page is underway, crea
ted by the
talented shade web designs crew. We will keep you pos
ted on the
address when complete.
Finally plain will have a more stable irc channel, wi
th our new
bot named milk , so if you need to
talk to us plainstahs that is
where well be at.
The above was a close caption from Lord of Illusionspl
Q uote from Cidica ...
Hey you should join Fire, then kill it, because y
ou are
watOr, get it?!
Greets to Halaster, love the toons, and the rest of
the Fire
crew, you can find Cidica on the irc if you want t
o talk to
him. Hi Cidica...
F inal points. We do NOT accept distros or
hqs, so do not
ask. The Plain ascii division is back, revived by
fill out the application and send your applications
in. Spam
the official Plain Application has arrived and it
was coded
by the imfamous Horrid. Enjoy the package, .. take car
- wat0r
toon forever
---+be de, be de, deba deba deb
a, thats all folks +--
written: wa
W elcome, to Plain 10 -- Toon
Dedication. Toon forever --+
At this time, last year 1995, Toon was formed. Distro
toony flavour for the whole world to enjoy. With a cas
t like
none other, TOON0795.ZIP was a very respectable premier
e pack
This was Narcosis idea,.. no one else. Toon Toon Toon
Next month, Plain will retake its name, and the pack w
ill be
at 11 and not 10. Special thanks to everyone that too
k part
in helping this pack to be what it is, and you know w
ho you
are. Also strong shoutouts, to the leaders of the grou
ps out
today, and the members who make the groups what the
y are, be-
ing in them is one thing, but making a strong effo
rt to show
your work is another. Keep it up.
So, as we put Plain aside for one month. Enjoy this
for it might happen again next year, at this time .. .
to the Plainsters, Ex-Toonsters especially, all yall m
ake me
proud, and encourage me to continue what I do, to this
M embers have found there way over to Plain
this month, and
a whopping 11 new members have been added. It gives me
pleasure, to now show the list of the new talent:
Horrid --------------------+ Coding / Programming Full
Dark Shadow ---------------+ Ansi Artist CiA
Brain ---------------------+ Ansi Artist Blind
Seraphim ------------------+ Ansi Artist Independa
Da Drug -------------------+ Ansi Artist Blind
Mass Murderer -------------+ Mascot / Inet Guard D
Lord Of Illusions ---------+ Ansi Artist Blind / T
Jeepee --------------------+ Ansi Artist Fire
Eiht Ball -----------------+ Ansi Artist Apathy
Meko ----------------------+ Inet Co-Ord Dunno
Obsolete ------------------+ Ansi Artist new artist
Raize ---------------------+ Right Handman / Artist Da
We unfortunately suffered member loss, but is lost, is
on replaced. We wish Agent77 as we continues his art
in Dark.
I nternet related issues. Plain has finally
hit the internet
and here are a few things that are setup.
ftp site to get our latest packs :
A brand new graphic inhanced web page is underway, crea
ted by the
talented shade web designs crew. We will keep you pos
ted on the
address when complete.
Finally plain will have a more stable irc channel, wi
th our new
bot named milk , so if you need to
talk to us plainstahs that is
where well be at.
The above was a close caption from Lord of Illusionspl
Q uote from Cidica ...
Hey you should join Fire, then kill it, because y
ou are
watOr, get it?!
Greets to Halaster, love the toons, and the rest of
the Fire
crew, you can find Cidica on the irc if you want t
o talk to
him. Hi Cidica...
F inal points. We do NOT accept distros or
hqs, so do not
ask. The Plain ascii division is back, revived by
fill out the application and send your applications
in. Spam
the official Plain Application has arrived and it
was coded
by the imfamous Horrid. Enjoy the package, .. take car
- wat0r
toon forever
---+be de, be de, deba deba deb
a, thats all folks +--
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