this image contains text
members and distro may 1997
*nameabbproffesion/divisionemail adress*
puppiluppan pu- founder puppiluppan@cryogen.com
big yellow man bym leader/music/art haddock-@geocities.com
psycho maniak psm leader/music PsychoM@Nastything.com
haze hz- leader/music johhal393@edu.linkoping.se
flexor fo- leader/art flexor@hem.passagen.se
splash sp- leader/art hallquist@orebroishockey.se
* raider rd- light designer yeti@cryogen.com
spider spr music spider@innocent.com
gemini gmn music gmnufo@hotmail.com
* cyrax music cyrax@2-cool.com
* koOty music mj15502@janus.swipnet.se
hyperextorsion music hyperextorsion@star-trek.com
nibc music/mp3 s96nibc@student.adb.gu.se
jazzie jz- music/coding
milton coding stage@tripnet.se
mooseart art/coding mooseart@hem.passagen.se
lord spatter l5- art lspatter@iamit.com
dezeit art fam.toom@boras.mail.telia.com
human vox ham art peleg@bect.democratic.hadera.k12.il
krazie krz art krazie@cryogen.com
helix art helix1@hotmail.com
catonica art moose@gim.net
oddball ob- art obshad@hotmail.com
mr q mq- art micke@wwdy.com
litium li- art litium@algonet.se
hexagon art hexagon@gim.net
stinger art stinger@fon.bg.ac.yu
zavior zvr art jan-erik.eriksson@mbox2.swipnet.se
* darkwing dw- art darkwing@gim.net
kokane htlm coding kokane@gumby.com
* greedo gdo htlm coding averpil@algonet.se
orc orc text utr@hotmail.com
mr spock courier johan.anderzen@mailbox.calypso.net
* indicates change since last info
m00se city node1 +o catonica +46.8.55016892 WORLD HQ
node2 +46.8.55016603
unknown area +o vibr8 +48.22.6653501 polish hq
shamera kye +o orphic +46.33.157875 swedish hq
nocturnal trip +o coroner +41.8.402162 swiss hq
trail blazer +o markomarti +381.11.1761507 yugo hq
shad node1 +46.8.6301127 memberboard
node2 +o oddball +46.8.6301219
claustrophobic dimension +o nibc +46.31.447649 memberboard
diezel +o milton +46.31.582690 memberboard
reality +o spider +46.303.52665 memberboard
dimension of eternity +o helix +46.418.62268 memberboard
soon http://www.poffelipoff.org but right now watch us at
poffelipoff online sneak preview http://hem.passagen.se/averpil
phobia art division http://hem.passagen.se/flexor
contact us by sending email to carl-johan.carlson@mailbox.swipnet.se leader
haddock-@geocties.com vice president flexor@hem.passagen.se phobia leader
PsychoM@Nastything.com text leader, haze@death-star.com music leader
were also on irc EFnet on plf and phobia. if you wanna chat that is
Logo by Zeus II/twilight/cia
*nameabbproffesion/divisionemail adress*
puppiluppan pu- founder puppiluppan@cryogen.com
big yellow man bym leader/music/art haddock-@geocities.com
psycho maniak psm leader/music PsychoM@Nastything.com
haze hz- leader/music johhal393@edu.linkoping.se
flexor fo- leader/art flexor@hem.passagen.se
splash sp- leader/art hallquist@orebroishockey.se
* raider rd- light designer yeti@cryogen.com
spider spr music spider@innocent.com
gemini gmn music gmnufo@hotmail.com
* cyrax music cyrax@2-cool.com
* koOty music mj15502@janus.swipnet.se
hyperextorsion music hyperextorsion@star-trek.com
nibc music/mp3 s96nibc@student.adb.gu.se
jazzie jz- music/coding
milton coding stage@tripnet.se
mooseart art/coding mooseart@hem.passagen.se
lord spatter l5- art lspatter@iamit.com
dezeit art fam.toom@boras.mail.telia.com
human vox ham art peleg@bect.democratic.hadera.k12.il
krazie krz art krazie@cryogen.com
helix art helix1@hotmail.com
catonica art moose@gim.net
oddball ob- art obshad@hotmail.com
mr q mq- art micke@wwdy.com
litium li- art litium@algonet.se
hexagon art hexagon@gim.net
stinger art stinger@fon.bg.ac.yu
zavior zvr art jan-erik.eriksson@mbox2.swipnet.se
* darkwing dw- art darkwing@gim.net
kokane htlm coding kokane@gumby.com
* greedo gdo htlm coding averpil@algonet.se
orc orc text utr@hotmail.com
mr spock courier johan.anderzen@mailbox.calypso.net
* indicates change since last info
m00se city node1 +o catonica +46.8.55016892 WORLD HQ
node2 +46.8.55016603
unknown area +o vibr8 +48.22.6653501 polish hq
shamera kye +o orphic +46.33.157875 swedish hq
nocturnal trip +o coroner +41.8.402162 swiss hq
trail blazer +o markomarti +381.11.1761507 yugo hq
shad node1 +46.8.6301127 memberboard
node2 +o oddball +46.8.6301219
claustrophobic dimension +o nibc +46.31.447649 memberboard
diezel +o milton +46.31.582690 memberboard
reality +o spider +46.303.52665 memberboard
dimension of eternity +o helix +46.418.62268 memberboard
soon http://www.poffelipoff.org but right now watch us at
poffelipoff online sneak preview http://hem.passagen.se/averpil
phobia art division http://hem.passagen.se/flexor
contact us by sending email to carl-johan.carlson@mailbox.swipnet.se leader
haddock-@geocties.com vice president flexor@hem.passagen.se phobia leader
PsychoM@Nastything.com text leader, haze@death-star.com music leader
were also on irc EFnet on plf and phobia. if you wanna chat that is
Logo by Zeus II/twilight/cia
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