this image contains text
R a b i d N e u r o s i s CD
.N0FX. - .BonethuG.
.Dimp3. - .Speaxx. - .Stillbirth Child. - .Tical. - Wiglaf.
.Anonimous. - .Bat. - .BD. - .Beavis. - .Black Cipher. - .Blazewolf.
.Crimson. - .Cyberfox. - .Dark Wizard. - .Dethraza. - .DreamWeb.
.Mace. - .Mikey. - .Nigz. - .Riptor. - .Shadow Knight. - .Thebomb.
.2 Quick. - .Akira. - .Area51. - .Boxaholic. - .Conner. - .CoPhiber.
.Crimson. - .Devo. - .Demonic. - .Dimp3. - .Doode. - .Dracore. - .DrDan.
.Fakin. - .Feral. - .Gigas. - .ID4. - .Lagwagon. - .Oakleez. - .Ombre.
.Phlare. - .Phlux. - .Ragger. - .Reap. - .Sinergy. - .Sos. - .Spartic.
.Speaxx. - .Stanke. - .Tical. - .ViperRT.
.BonethuG. - .Cyberpunk. - .Foriegner. - .N0FX.
.World Domination.
.Anonimous. - .BonethuG. - .Centurion. - .Emberman. - .N0FX. - .Phlare.
.Datapump. - .Espers. - .Mr Mister.
.BonethuG. - .N0FX. - .Sinergy. - .Spartic. - .Speaxx.
.BD. - .BonethuG. - .CyberFox. - .Eazy-E. - .Nigz. - Sos. - .Wizzard.
Group Announcements
We are now just doing MP3 for the current moment and we are
accepting members who will be dedicated to supplying songs or
helping us share this stuff. If you are in a leader of a
group, please drop us a line on IRC or by email. We are looking
forward to filling requests in the near future!
Welcome 2Quick/CoPhiber/aRea51/CyberFoX aboard tha RNS ship!
If any groups are interested in running a public FTP site or
couriering our releases on IRC please email BonethuG @
demon@loop.com. Thanks for everyones support and expect to
see more quality releases from us!
Where To Get Our Other MP3s
FTP anonymously over to and check out the
/rns/ directory for the newest stuff.. download all you want!
or just catch us on IRC and request, or email us a request!
Audio Track Rips!
Weve started doing CD rips to MP3 format now that it has been
introduced to the scene. Expect more quality tracks plus more
requests filled by our members. Were still looking for
music people who just wanna kick back with us.
Our Purpose to You, the Warez Consumer!
Were here to stay in contact with the scene and because we
got the stuff here, so why not release? If any group wants
to start shit, please DO IT ELSE WHERE! We dont like getting
into IRC battles and such, that is childish. So if you are
one of those people, please leave us alone.
Greetz to ...
DAC - Digital Audio Crew! - The Audio Warez Niggers! j/k Greetz!:
AFT - Affinity! - Finally, a REAL UN-BIASED mag! You guys RULE!:
PSG - Prestige! - Always the one with the quality games! Good job!
WD - World Domination! - The BEST and only MP3 FTP! Recognize! :
Demolition - You guys kick ass!
SHD - Shade! - Dopeass art! It like rules! :
and the rest who know they freakin deserve it!
How to Contact Us
In the member listings, there is each members email address
after his/hers name. If you want to call us or something to
that effect, please do either of the following:
* Internet Email - Rabid96@hotmail.com *
* Requests: Rabid96@hotmail.com *
* WWW Page: Http://wantree.com.au/silpub/rns *
-/-NFO Structure and Arts copyrighted C by Emberman--
-/NFO Last Updated XX.XX.96 by name of person--
-/ a pHaT 1996 Production /--
ssssssss b d ssss d ss b
s 3oG
b sb h b b
d s dvT s s
6 n e U r O s i S ! ! c D
Created by Rabid Neurosis All of its Members
!Lived eht ot sporp evig tnod
R a b i d N e u r o s i s CD
.N0FX. - .BonethuG.
.Dimp3. - .Speaxx. - .Stillbirth Child. - .Tical. - Wiglaf.
.Anonimous. - .Bat. - .BD. - .Beavis. - .Black Cipher. - .Blazewolf.
.Crimson. - .Cyberfox. - .Dark Wizard. - .Dethraza. - .DreamWeb.
.Mace. - .Mikey. - .Nigz. - .Riptor. - .Shadow Knight. - .Thebomb.
.2 Quick. - .Akira. - .Area51. - .Boxaholic. - .Conner. - .CoPhiber.
.Crimson. - .Devo. - .Demonic. - .Dimp3. - .Doode. - .Dracore. - .DrDan.
.Fakin. - .Feral. - .Gigas. - .ID4. - .Lagwagon. - .Oakleez. - .Ombre.
.Phlare. - .Phlux. - .Ragger. - .Reap. - .Sinergy. - .Sos. - .Spartic.
.Speaxx. - .Stanke. - .Tical. - .ViperRT.
.BonethuG. - .Cyberpunk. - .Foriegner. - .N0FX.
.World Domination.
.Anonimous. - .BonethuG. - .Centurion. - .Emberman. - .N0FX. - .Phlare.
.Datapump. - .Espers. - .Mr Mister.
.BonethuG. - .N0FX. - .Sinergy. - .Spartic. - .Speaxx.
.BD. - .BonethuG. - .CyberFox. - .Eazy-E. - .Nigz. - Sos. - .Wizzard.
Group Announcements
We are now just doing MP3 for the current moment and we are
accepting members who will be dedicated to supplying songs or
helping us share this stuff. If you are in a leader of a
group, please drop us a line on IRC or by email. We are looking
forward to filling requests in the near future!
Welcome 2Quick/CoPhiber/aRea51/CyberFoX aboard tha RNS ship!
If any groups are interested in running a public FTP site or
couriering our releases on IRC please email BonethuG @
demon@loop.com. Thanks for everyones support and expect to
see more quality releases from us!
Where To Get Our Other MP3s
FTP anonymously over to and check out the
/rns/ directory for the newest stuff.. download all you want!
or just catch us on IRC and request, or email us a request!
Audio Track Rips!
Weve started doing CD rips to MP3 format now that it has been
introduced to the scene. Expect more quality tracks plus more
requests filled by our members. Were still looking for
music people who just wanna kick back with us.
Our Purpose to You, the Warez Consumer!
Were here to stay in contact with the scene and because we
got the stuff here, so why not release? If any group wants
to start shit, please DO IT ELSE WHERE! We dont like getting
into IRC battles and such, that is childish. So if you are
one of those people, please leave us alone.
Greetz to ...
DAC - Digital Audio Crew! - The Audio Warez Niggers! j/k Greetz!:
AFT - Affinity! - Finally, a REAL UN-BIASED mag! You guys RULE!:
PSG - Prestige! - Always the one with the quality games! Good job!
WD - World Domination! - The BEST and only MP3 FTP! Recognize! :
Demolition - You guys kick ass!
SHD - Shade! - Dopeass art! It like rules! :
and the rest who know they freakin deserve it!
How to Contact Us
In the member listings, there is each members email address
after his/hers name. If you want to call us or something to
that effect, please do either of the following:
* Internet Email - Rabid96@hotmail.com *
* Requests: Rabid96@hotmail.com *
* WWW Page: Http://wantree.com.au/silpub/rns *
-/-NFO Structure and Arts copyrighted C by Emberman--
-/NFO Last Updated XX.XX.96 by name of person--
-/ a pHaT 1996 Production /--
ssssssss b d ssss d ss b
s 3oG
b sb h b b
d s dvT s s
6 n e U r O s i S ! ! c D
Created by Rabid Neurosis All of its Members
!Lived eht ot sporp evig tnod
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