this image contains text
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------yes, I know the background sucks.. ..but Im too lazy to do a better one..
...one year ago, I watched the animated cartoon GARGOYLES? on TV and made
some sketches from the characters... ..this ansi is a rip of one of these..
you can request logos at spice@b.stadtnet.de or via fido at 2:2410/1007.21
please notice that I do free request, but I like trades more.. :
..and a trade can much shorten the time youll wait.. :
greetings goes to the following people ... no order
noize, nail, butcher, mr4tune, black weasel, the unconsciousness, aqua, nemo,
positive pain, ave, kyp, leo, shaitan, poti, glandyth
and all guys of phat, boil, bm ms
special thanks fly out to ...
kyp thanks for your nice letters+tips,
hennifer for writing 14.zip - the best tut I know
kisses to dani..
alt-h, spicephatstudios97
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------yes, I know the background sucks.. ..but Im too lazy to do a better one..
...one year ago, I watched the animated cartoon GARGOYLES? on TV and made
some sketches from the characters... ..this ansi is a rip of one of these..
you can request logos at spice@b.stadtnet.de or via fido at 2:2410/1007.21
please notice that I do free request, but I like trades more.. :
..and a trade can much shorten the time youll wait.. :
greetings goes to the following people ... no order
noize, nail, butcher, mr4tune, black weasel, the unconsciousness, aqua, nemo,
positive pain, ave, kyp, leo, shaitan, poti, glandyth
and all guys of phat, boil, bm ms
special thanks fly out to ...
kyp thanks for your nice letters+tips,
hennifer for writing 14.zip - the best tut I know
kisses to dani..
alt-h, spicephatstudios97
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