this image contains text
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Im spice, former known as beta13...
Im from BerlinGermany..
I do ANSi here in phat...
..please enjoy my art, but dont give any comments about my english..
..I know, it sucks extremly.. ..and I think, I misspelled some words.. :/
This ansi, you should see on the top of the screen was for the GO!-compo 4..
..the motif, the competitors had to draw, was something for the
atlantis bbs-soft. I became 10th.. ..last place.. ..shit.. :
...some days later I changed my handle from beta13 to spice... ..I dont know
exactly why I did it, but I did..
..dont know anything, I could fill in here..
ok, comin to the greetings part: w/out any order..
first, I want to greet all guys here in phat, the people in ANSI.GER, b!w,
trc, the unconsciousness, wiktor, nemo, ave, Steve, Brewster Billings,
whole VillageCrew, otti , Coctail OBNOXIOUS-Crew, getto, beavis,
Knut K., Thomas, Stefan, Andreas, Ute Christian, 2nd Christian, Sascha,
LofD + CPS-Crew my local graffity-heroes, and the whole rest of my friends..
I know, this list isnt as big as others are....
..so, apply for a place in my greetings-list!!!!
ok, enjoy my art, request some logos they are free, just write a nice letter
to me.. or write just for fun, without a request a nice letter to me....
yes, I know, the last sentence was really bad.. : ..uck.. .aeh, fuck I mean..
cu, spc..
fido: 2:2410/1007, i-net-gate: spice@b.stadtnet.de
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Im spice, former known as beta13...
Im from BerlinGermany..
I do ANSi here in phat...
..please enjoy my art, but dont give any comments about my english..
..I know, it sucks extremly.. ..and I think, I misspelled some words.. :/
This ansi, you should see on the top of the screen was for the GO!-compo 4..
..the motif, the competitors had to draw, was something for the
atlantis bbs-soft. I became 10th.. ..last place.. ..shit.. :
...some days later I changed my handle from beta13 to spice... ..I dont know
exactly why I did it, but I did..
..dont know anything, I could fill in here..
ok, comin to the greetings part: w/out any order..
first, I want to greet all guys here in phat, the people in ANSI.GER, b!w,
trc, the unconsciousness, wiktor, nemo, ave, Steve, Brewster Billings,
whole VillageCrew, otti , Coctail OBNOXIOUS-Crew, getto, beavis,
Knut K., Thomas, Stefan, Andreas, Ute Christian, 2nd Christian, Sascha,
LofD + CPS-Crew my local graffity-heroes, and the whole rest of my friends..
I know, this list isnt as big as others are....
..so, apply for a place in my greetings-list!!!!
ok, enjoy my art, request some logos they are free, just write a nice letter
to me.. or write just for fun, without a request a nice letter to me....
yes, I know, the last sentence was really bad.. : ..uck.. .aeh, fuck I mean..
cu, spc..
fido: 2:2410/1007, i-net-gate: spice@b.stadtnet.de
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