this image contains text
Phat Studios June 1997 Member / Site Lis
Art Division
Coding Division
black weasel bweasel@bigfoot.com blade
blade blade@shelter.tnet.de cyanosis
christbane n/a drice
dodge n/a masterbeat
insert rikuh@hotmail.com m0!
jump n/a shadow killer
masterbeat masterbt@camelot.de
m0! acid@megatec.de
primemover htw8136@htw-dresden.de
skullrazor n/a
spice n/a
srj srj@host.ccc.blitz.de
tricycle trc@shelter.tnet.de
trinity trinity@shelter.tnet.de
walker psx@pobox.com
green color indicates new members, red ina
shelter base isdn +49-8141-34445
hacienda isdn +49-5032-94738
artfront 28k8 +358-3-3676568
harakiri 28k8 +49-comingsoon
joshijas dreamland 28k8 +49-2304-74831
lost destiny 28k8 +31-30-2287842
neurosis 28k8 +1-204-private
outpost 28k8 +31-345-616402
rave zone 14k4 +49-89-6376483
wicked city isdn +49-235186o578
The Phat Studios Support Bulletin Board System
unknown d-menxion argentinia 28k8 +54-1-866-4987
acheron australia 28k8 +61-732-560758
refraction australia 28k8 +61-359-7147
the slaughterhouse austria 28k8 +43-662-4525254
cyberdyne systems belgium 28k8 +32-16-405652
graint shot brazil 33k6 +55-21-5364942
virtual death brazil 14k4 +55-11-260-5135
neosporin canada 28k8 +1-604-9429772
pound croatia 14k4 +385-1-215-132
dark portal danmark 28k8 +45-862-30936
the incredible machine danmark isdn +45-3673-1662
codex finland 28k8 +358-0-5121413
haciend el bananas finland 28k8 +358-3-7530428
the heatwave finland 28k8 +358-9-341518
hallucinogen france 28k8 +33-1-45064561
underground cafe france 28k8 +33-1-45165190
ooze netherlands 28k8 +31-546-455213
vipers palace netherlands 33k6 +31-317-316981
digital motion norway 28k8 +47-2225-?????
slam city norway 28k8 +47-2250-9492
no mercy poland 28k8 +48-22-718157
unknown area poland 33k6 +48-22-6653501
deep space russia 33k6 +7-095-1268170
trail blazer serbia 33k6 +381-11-1761507
moose city sweden 28k8 +46-8-55016892
spantobi sweden 28k8 +46-18-252-815
blue water swiss 28k8 +41-81-9474232
rave base swiss 28k8 +41-22-3485521
underworld swiss 28k8 +41-22-7769331
suicidal tendencies uk 28k8 +44-1462-422275
the unholy temple uk 28k8 +44-161-4278214
urban kaoz uk 28k8 +44-181-5481150
alcatraz island usa 28k8 +1-714-9696650
batkave usa 28k8 +1-206-2427645
daydream nation usa 28k8 +1-609-8903955
demons den usa 28k8 +1-213-6620971
holistic society usa 28k8 +1-305-2531882
ingen usa 28k8 +1-401-765-0966
unknown reason usa 28k8 +1-703-9241176
www http://www.phat-studios.org
irc phat efnet
e-mail group phat@shelter.tnet.de
notice that the email will change soon. more on
the webpage
interested in joining our team ?
write to blade@shelter.tnet.de or trc@shelter.tnet.de
Phat Studios June 1997 Member / Site Lis
Art Division
Coding Division
black weasel bweasel@bigfoot.com blade
blade blade@shelter.tnet.de cyanosis
christbane n/a drice
dodge n/a masterbeat
insert rikuh@hotmail.com m0!
jump n/a shadow killer
masterbeat masterbt@camelot.de
m0! acid@megatec.de
primemover htw8136@htw-dresden.de
skullrazor n/a
spice n/a
srj srj@host.ccc.blitz.de
tricycle trc@shelter.tnet.de
trinity trinity@shelter.tnet.de
walker psx@pobox.com
green color indicates new members, red ina
shelter base isdn +49-8141-34445
hacienda isdn +49-5032-94738
artfront 28k8 +358-3-3676568
harakiri 28k8 +49-comingsoon
joshijas dreamland 28k8 +49-2304-74831
lost destiny 28k8 +31-30-2287842
neurosis 28k8 +1-204-private
outpost 28k8 +31-345-616402
rave zone 14k4 +49-89-6376483
wicked city isdn +49-235186o578
The Phat Studios Support Bulletin Board System
unknown d-menxion argentinia 28k8 +54-1-866-4987
acheron australia 28k8 +61-732-560758
refraction australia 28k8 +61-359-7147
the slaughterhouse austria 28k8 +43-662-4525254
cyberdyne systems belgium 28k8 +32-16-405652
graint shot brazil 33k6 +55-21-5364942
virtual death brazil 14k4 +55-11-260-5135
neosporin canada 28k8 +1-604-9429772
pound croatia 14k4 +385-1-215-132
dark portal danmark 28k8 +45-862-30936
the incredible machine danmark isdn +45-3673-1662
codex finland 28k8 +358-0-5121413
haciend el bananas finland 28k8 +358-3-7530428
the heatwave finland 28k8 +358-9-341518
hallucinogen france 28k8 +33-1-45064561
underground cafe france 28k8 +33-1-45165190
ooze netherlands 28k8 +31-546-455213
vipers palace netherlands 33k6 +31-317-316981
digital motion norway 28k8 +47-2225-?????
slam city norway 28k8 +47-2250-9492
no mercy poland 28k8 +48-22-718157
unknown area poland 33k6 +48-22-6653501
deep space russia 33k6 +7-095-1268170
trail blazer serbia 33k6 +381-11-1761507
moose city sweden 28k8 +46-8-55016892
spantobi sweden 28k8 +46-18-252-815
blue water swiss 28k8 +41-81-9474232
rave base swiss 28k8 +41-22-3485521
underworld swiss 28k8 +41-22-7769331
suicidal tendencies uk 28k8 +44-1462-422275
the unholy temple uk 28k8 +44-161-4278214
urban kaoz uk 28k8 +44-181-5481150
alcatraz island usa 28k8 +1-714-9696650
batkave usa 28k8 +1-206-2427645
daydream nation usa 28k8 +1-609-8903955
demons den usa 28k8 +1-213-6620971
holistic society usa 28k8 +1-305-2531882
ingen usa 28k8 +1-401-765-0966
unknown reason usa 28k8 +1-703-9241176
www http://www.phat-studios.org
irc phat efnet
e-mail group phat@shelter.tnet.de
notice that the email will change soon. more on
the webpage
interested in joining our team ?
write to blade@shelter.tnet.de or trc@shelter.tnet.de
log in to add a comment.