this image contains text
,--------, ,-----, ,-------,. 2 min. ascii
// / / / / --/ ::: , m01s tolle affils
m 0 1 info- greet-file
how to reach me and stuff
,, Did you know? - I killed m0! ... now m01 rules
,, Ill soon open my bbs, the harakiri opening: 10/97
That means: Im in great need of pics for my board.
If you want ,,
- to present me with ansis
- to trade ansis
- to request stuff * *
,, dont wait any longer, contact me at ma email ,, acid@megatec.de ,,
,, or message me at shelter base ,,
* I stopped doing free requests, but if you need ansis and arent
able to draw some for trading, just trade other stuff like dl bytes
or common things, you know? :
* Uhm, if you didnt know - i do following stuff:
- low-res art ansi, ascii
- muziks maybe for a demo?
- tools if you need a special DOS-tool?
- ppes for individual board-modding?
- whatever special services for young ladies
but now, go for the greetz: personal ,, IN ABSOLUTE NO ORDER
mr4tune . blade . ally605 . e605 . warhawk . noize . avenger . pandur
rutscher . trc . meinen pusher . ace aruu . massm . tna . srj . magus
cyberman . stoker . jump . outraider . sektor . sound runner
also greetz to everybody at:
phat . gilden . sdi . fuel . bm mit einer ausnahme . maiden brazil
rezpekt to:
awe . fire . ice . rr . nbg/bbg family . frank elstner fr seinen anzug
// / / / / --/ ::: , m01s tolle affils
m 0 1 info- greet-file
how to reach me and stuff
,, Did you know? - I killed m0! ... now m01 rules
,, Ill soon open my bbs, the harakiri opening: 10/97
That means: Im in great need of pics for my board.
If you want ,,
- to present me with ansis
- to trade ansis
- to request stuff * *
,, dont wait any longer, contact me at ma email ,, acid@megatec.de ,,
,, or message me at shelter base ,,
* I stopped doing free requests, but if you need ansis and arent
able to draw some for trading, just trade other stuff like dl bytes
or common things, you know? :
* Uhm, if you didnt know - i do following stuff:
- low-res art ansi, ascii
- muziks maybe for a demo?
- tools if you need a special DOS-tool?
- ppes for individual board-modding?
- whatever special services for young ladies
but now, go for the greetz: personal ,, IN ABSOLUTE NO ORDER
mr4tune . blade . ally605 . e605 . warhawk . noize . avenger . pandur
rutscher . trc . meinen pusher . ace aruu . massm . tna . srj . magus
cyberman . stoker . jump . outraider . sektor . sound runner
also greetz to everybody at:
phat . gilden . sdi . fuel . bm mit einer ausnahme . maiden brazil
rezpekt to:
awe . fire . ice . rr . nbg/bbg family . frank elstner fr seinen anzug
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