this image contains text
shading suks.
hello ! its me, HUBE again here. aww, this is yeah. this
my second releasethingy with PHAT STUDIOS @!! cluster cont-
ains some text
funny thing in this two-months-one-release thing. all the and some logos
ansis that i put in PHAt packs, theyre like two weeks old and maybe some
or something. one just cant stand that 2 month old shit : nifty ! pics well. i just say greets to few persons and then im off to with kewl font
read my swedish exams. s. lets begin
greets fly to malkav, Kala, Juures, Horza, derwyDDD, def, i also want to
HomoTapiiri, Ghost Rider, Frog, Number6, blade, boheme, det- greet Dipper
rOit, shock g, vizier, phobia, zelex, infected, diadem, karhu energizer and
wildcat, mufasaa500 roks, zalian. and most of all, to J A B! bluemax phan
hes the man i forgot last time, and hes the man in STReaM tom lord. we
who made me a kewl Phatom-newschool logon thingy. thanks for should go booz
that :... yeah. and all the people in Phat, Plastik, PWp ing someday?..
voodoocult, aurinko, reclane, stream, dicentra etc. no matter and bring back
how much i greet, i still forget someone. damn. greets to the my DITTO, Dipp
forgotten people. blaah blaahb. greets to blade/mice/stz :: er @@@!!!
so . here we go . this is dedicated to the memory of BIOLAB13 . a fine bbs .
hacienda op: Tricyckle phat
@! h a z a r d !@ hubephat
the dangerous megamushroom strikes back.
err. yeah. foo xaztur the man.
1 1
:this is for
: me or sumthin
dont rip :
- command
thats it. for requests only BOARD / GROUP LOGOS mail
me in cowboy1@sci.fi or dial up my bbs.
not too much eh? well. reason is that ive made about
10-15 bulletin / join conf / file areas ansees and stuff.
dont want to release them in a pack. sorry.
wheres the ascii collection? - i hear you say. well,
... theres no reason. i just want to keep my self as an
ansi artist :.
endgreets to Elektro Vige.
hello ! its me, HUBE again here. aww, this is yeah. this
my second releasethingy with PHAT STUDIOS @!! cluster cont-
ains some text
funny thing in this two-months-one-release thing. all the and some logos
ansis that i put in PHAt packs, theyre like two weeks old and maybe some
or something. one just cant stand that 2 month old shit : nifty ! pics well. i just say greets to few persons and then im off to with kewl font
read my swedish exams. s. lets begin
greets fly to malkav, Kala, Juures, Horza, derwyDDD, def, i also want to
HomoTapiiri, Ghost Rider, Frog, Number6, blade, boheme, det- greet Dipper
rOit, shock g, vizier, phobia, zelex, infected, diadem, karhu energizer and
wildcat, mufasaa500 roks, zalian. and most of all, to J A B! bluemax phan
hes the man i forgot last time, and hes the man in STReaM tom lord. we
who made me a kewl Phatom-newschool logon thingy. thanks for should go booz
that :... yeah. and all the people in Phat, Plastik, PWp ing someday?..
voodoocult, aurinko, reclane, stream, dicentra etc. no matter and bring back
how much i greet, i still forget someone. damn. greets to the my DITTO, Dipp
forgotten people. blaah blaahb. greets to blade/mice/stz :: er @@@!!!
so . here we go . this is dedicated to the memory of BIOLAB13 . a fine bbs .
hacienda op: Tricyckle phat
@! h a z a r d !@ hubephat
the dangerous megamushroom strikes back.
err. yeah. foo xaztur the man.
1 1
:this is for
: me or sumthin
dont rip :
- command
thats it. for requests only BOARD / GROUP LOGOS mail
me in cowboy1@sci.fi or dial up my bbs.
not too much eh? well. reason is that ive made about
10-15 bulletin / join conf / file areas ansees and stuff.
dont want to release them in a pack. sorry.
wheres the ascii collection? - i hear you say. well,
... theres no reason. i just want to keep my self as an
ansi artist :.
endgreets to Elektro Vige.
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