this image contains text
A PHunkee Ansee Technicians original
-woe memlist--
for : demon - requested? yes/NO
wasted obfuscated
....d3m0n@juno.com misty...........................................misty@most-wanted.com
chaos/irc bot operator......................chaoticd00d@geocities.com
mordrid/members dean.............................virus1@ix.netcom.com
stealth/package deliverer............................stealth2@ptd.net
surfing/music headquarter......................roberto.alicata@ntt.it
toxic/new members officer............................................
app-open/web spinner.................................................
app-open/ansi headquarter............................................
app-open/ascii headquarter...........................................
app-open/coding headquarter..........................................
core knight of ni shypt
dirty shame jolly sniper
empirion lord scapegoat vouck
fist misty gehko rabbai hth
el maco/pcb
mental illness/rg/iq
dunkeheit/bbs the almighty 1/bbs
goofy/bbs rafson/ftp/bbs
demons den/world headquarter..................+1 213
divine intervention/swedish hq....................+46
dune/french hq....................................+33
hackers bbs/norwegian hq..........................+47
mental storm/dutch hq.............................+31
midnight/brazillian hq............................+55
paradise lost/european hq.........................+47
sonic temple/canadian hq.......................+1 905
certs/member board.............................+1 905
hell bbs/member board.............................+47
dark stratosphere/member board.................+1 213
dragonspeare castle/member board...............+1 818
hidden secrets/member board.......................+47
lewisburg federal prison/member board..........+1 203
nebulous night/member board.......................+47
breakpoint/distro site............................+47
The bytehunter/distro site........................+47
cosmic zone/distro site...........................+47
digital motion/distro site........................+47
doomsday/distro site..............................+47
residue/distro site............................+1 410
liquid swordz/distro site......................+1 309
malefia/distro site...............................+46 slam city/distro site.............................+47
the beyond/distro site............................+46
the stealth/dististro site........................+47
virtual illusions/distro site.....................+46
ftp sites -
walnut creek/usa ...................................... ftp.cdrom.com
www sites -
woe moddifications/usa ..................... http://to.be.up.soon.com
-- woe euro mirror site/europe ............ http://home.sol.no/misty/woe
eleven spicey ways to contact us
one .... ftp .......................................... ftp.cdrom.com
two .... www ........................... http://home.sol.no/misty/woe
three .. woe whq ...................... demons den @ +1 213.662.0971
four ... woe swedish hq ......... divine intervention @ +46 015270143
five ... woe norwegian hq .................hackers bbs @ +47 32141419
six .... woe brazillian hq ........................... midnight @ +55
seven .. woe dutch ..................... mental storm @ +31 166663751
eight .. woe european .................. paradise lost @ +47 22105147
nine ... woe french ...................................... dune @ +33
ten .... woe woes direct email ........................ w03@juno.com
eleven . irc ......................................... woe via EFNet
check the color of your name to see your current status...
lite .. active member, submitted works, contacted group recently
hard .. partially inactive members, havent contacted group much
or havent submited work this month, please contast us
dark .. inactive/dead members, have not contacted group at all
will be removed on up comming infoe if inactiveness stay pink .. pink colored name indicates member that are no longer w/ woe. pink names with be removed on our next
member list
blue .. blue indicates a trial member. Membership is pending
white . members with white name indicate that this member is new
gold .. boards listed in yellow color indicates updated from the
previous. nick listed in yellow indicates nick changed
-- ... indicates that this item has been updated.
if you want to join wOe, our mailbox is always opened.
looking for:
artist of any fields/ansi dept. head/coding dept.head
modders of any bbs systems/coders of any languages
if you are interested, fill out the included appgen, and
email the app to w03@juno.com or any memberboard and let
them contact us. Please allow a day or 2 for a response.
memberlist C woe moddifications 1997 - structure art by dreadnought
A C Copyright PHunkee Ansee Technicians productions 1997 artwork
Here is a fine sample of my primary memberlists. Err, actually, this is the
2nd one for wOe, as I do support wOe. What the fuck is wOe? wOe, Wasted
Obfuscated Evolution, a BBS moddification/art group. If youre interested in
joining wOe, look at the memberlist carefully for their e-mail address. I do
requests, but this open acceptance is about to change. I do not do BBS ads,
and I do not do memberlists/nfo files anymore. Do not even ask. If I know
you, therell be a slight possiblity.
eof-dn!-woe2.ans ---
A PHunkee Ansee Technicians original
-woe memlist--
for : demon - requested? yes/NO
wasted obfuscated
....d3m0n@juno.com misty...........................................misty@most-wanted.com
chaos/irc bot operator......................chaoticd00d@geocities.com
mordrid/members dean.............................virus1@ix.netcom.com
stealth/package deliverer............................stealth2@ptd.net
surfing/music headquarter......................roberto.alicata@ntt.it
toxic/new members officer............................................
app-open/web spinner.................................................
app-open/ansi headquarter............................................
app-open/ascii headquarter...........................................
app-open/coding headquarter..........................................
core knight of ni shypt
dirty shame jolly sniper
empirion lord scapegoat vouck
fist misty gehko rabbai hth
el maco/pcb
mental illness/rg/iq
dunkeheit/bbs the almighty 1/bbs
goofy/bbs rafson/ftp/bbs
demons den/world headquarter..................+1 213
divine intervention/swedish hq....................+46
dune/french hq....................................+33
hackers bbs/norwegian hq..........................+47
mental storm/dutch hq.............................+31
midnight/brazillian hq............................+55
paradise lost/european hq.........................+47
sonic temple/canadian hq.......................+1 905
certs/member board.............................+1 905
hell bbs/member board.............................+47
dark stratosphere/member board.................+1 213
dragonspeare castle/member board...............+1 818
hidden secrets/member board.......................+47
lewisburg federal prison/member board..........+1 203
nebulous night/member board.......................+47
breakpoint/distro site............................+47
The bytehunter/distro site........................+47
cosmic zone/distro site...........................+47
digital motion/distro site........................+47
doomsday/distro site..............................+47
residue/distro site............................+1 410
liquid swordz/distro site......................+1 309
malefia/distro site...............................+46 slam city/distro site.............................+47
the beyond/distro site............................+46
the stealth/dististro site........................+47
virtual illusions/distro site.....................+46
ftp sites -
walnut creek/usa ...................................... ftp.cdrom.com
www sites -
woe moddifications/usa ..................... http://to.be.up.soon.com
-- woe euro mirror site/europe ............ http://home.sol.no/misty/woe
eleven spicey ways to contact us
one .... ftp .......................................... ftp.cdrom.com
two .... www ........................... http://home.sol.no/misty/woe
three .. woe whq ...................... demons den @ +1 213.662.0971
four ... woe swedish hq ......... divine intervention @ +46 015270143
five ... woe norwegian hq .................hackers bbs @ +47 32141419
six .... woe brazillian hq ........................... midnight @ +55
seven .. woe dutch ..................... mental storm @ +31 166663751
eight .. woe european .................. paradise lost @ +47 22105147
nine ... woe french ...................................... dune @ +33
ten .... woe woes direct email ........................ w03@juno.com
eleven . irc ......................................... woe via EFNet
check the color of your name to see your current status...
lite .. active member, submitted works, contacted group recently
hard .. partially inactive members, havent contacted group much
or havent submited work this month, please contast us
dark .. inactive/dead members, have not contacted group at all
will be removed on up comming infoe if inactiveness stay pink .. pink colored name indicates member that are no longer w/ woe. pink names with be removed on our next
member list
blue .. blue indicates a trial member. Membership is pending
white . members with white name indicate that this member is new
gold .. boards listed in yellow color indicates updated from the
previous. nick listed in yellow indicates nick changed
-- ... indicates that this item has been updated.
if you want to join wOe, our mailbox is always opened.
looking for:
artist of any fields/ansi dept. head/coding dept.head
modders of any bbs systems/coders of any languages
if you are interested, fill out the included appgen, and
email the app to w03@juno.com or any memberboard and let
them contact us. Please allow a day or 2 for a response.
memberlist C woe moddifications 1997 - structure art by dreadnought
A C Copyright PHunkee Ansee Technicians productions 1997 artwork
Here is a fine sample of my primary memberlists. Err, actually, this is the
2nd one for wOe, as I do support wOe. What the fuck is wOe? wOe, Wasted
Obfuscated Evolution, a BBS moddification/art group. If youre interested in
joining wOe, look at the memberlist carefully for their e-mail address. I do
requests, but this open acceptance is about to change. I do not do BBS ads,
and I do not do memberlists/nfo files anymore. Do not even ask. If I know
you, therell be a slight possiblity.
eof-dn!-woe2.ans ---
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