this image contains text
Well ya know having a fair amount of
menu requests as logoes should bring
up a new issue. A new DN menu colly
send mail to:
-call mnu--
for : me, myself, and i - requested? YES/NO
Call back now!!!
Enter new number
Leave a feedback
exit Call v. 1.0
-AFT Submenu--
for : Mr. Mister - requested? YES/no
-TD Matrix--
for : Prime - requested? YES/no
Logon to BBS
Apply for Access
Check for Access
Page the sysop
Leave feedback
dn!phat Logoff TD Matrix
I now give you back your psyche. If any of the menus above look enticing and
delicious in any ways, or suck shit, lemme know. I can be reached via 3 wayz:
Method one: Electronic + dreadnought1@geocities.com
Method two: http://www.soontocome.com/dreadnought/
Yeh, due to technical difficulties, Ill
delay my own personal web site and shit.
Method three: I + R + C IRC. Look for drednaugt on any EFNet servers.
I do not tend to do bbs ads, so please try not to ask. BBS ads takes time and
time is what i lack.
eof-dn!-mn01.ans ---
menu requests as logoes should bring
up a new issue. A new DN menu colly
send mail to:
-call mnu--
for : me, myself, and i - requested? YES/NO
Call back now!!!
Enter new number
Leave a feedback
exit Call v. 1.0
-AFT Submenu--
for : Mr. Mister - requested? YES/no
-TD Matrix--
for : Prime - requested? YES/no
Logon to BBS
Apply for Access
Check for Access
Page the sysop
Leave feedback
dn!phat Logoff TD Matrix
I now give you back your psyche. If any of the menus above look enticing and
delicious in any ways, or suck shit, lemme know. I can be reached via 3 wayz:
Method one: Electronic + dreadnought1@geocities.com
Method two: http://www.soontocome.com/dreadnought/
Yeh, due to technical difficulties, Ill
delay my own personal web site and shit.
Method three: I + R + C IRC. Look for drednaugt on any EFNet servers.
I do not tend to do bbs ads, so please try not to ask. BBS ads takes time and
time is what i lack.
eof-dn!-mn01.ans ---
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