this image contains text
Welcome to another issue of
dreadnoughts infamous diz
colly. This issue is jammed
pack with requests which
will probably make your
mouth water?? enjoy this
issue, requests should be
sent to:emberman@geocities.com
Cdreadnought - phat studios issue numba 5 - volume 2/97
-suicidal tendencie--
for : condor - requested YES/no
-sluge PPE studios--
for : me, myself, and I - requested YES/NO
Name of PPE C Sluge
-sin city--
for : enigma - requested yes/NO
name of app C Company XX/XX
This file was brought to you by Sin City!
dreadnoughts infamous diz
colly. This issue is jammed
pack with requests which
will probably make your
mouth water?? enjoy this
issue, requests should be
sent to:emberman@geocities.com
Cdreadnought - phat studios issue numba 5 - volume 2/97
-suicidal tendencie--
for : condor - requested YES/no
-sluge PPE studios--
for : me, myself, and I - requested YES/NO
Name of PPE C Sluge
-sin city--
for : enigma - requested yes/NO
name of app C Company XX/XX
This file was brought to you by Sin City!
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