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Introductory Level Pipebomb
or, How to Blow up Your Enemies Car, With Shit From Your Kitchen
Well, I figured Id start with a real basic, easy little bomb, that you
can whip up in an afternoon, with no real chemistry to do. Heres what
youll need...
- an empty babyfood jar
- some vinegar
- a box of baking soda
- a steel pipe /w threaded ends and caps to screw on
- some sharp rocks or metal shards
The pipe is easy enough to get, hardware store, or you might even have
one lying around your garage or something. Take the pipe, and screw on one
end. Then fill the babyfood jar with vinegar, and cap the jar tightly. Put
your sharp rocks or whatever in the pipe. They need to be enough to break
the jar, if slammed down on. Now, put the jar in the pipe, easy, as not to
break it open. Then, dump the baking soda into the pipe. Cap the other end
and youve got a fuseless bomb, with enough kick to take down a car, or fuck
up a building.
When the time comes to USE this bomb... slam it on the concrete, to
break open the jar. Then, place your bomb where you want it to explode, and
leave. It can take up to a few minutes, depending on how much baking soda
you put in there... but it will explode. The reaction between the soda and
the vinegar builds up so much force that the metal pipe is blown apart with
enough blast to fuck stuff up...
Its important to be careful with the bomb, if you accidentally break
jar, you wont know that you did, until its FAR too late.
Remember, making and using bombs is illegal. This textfile is just
for educational purposes. In case youre ever stuck in a remote communist
country, and have to pull a MacGyver type escape, and only have access to
the kitchen, youll be set.
anger is a gift
or, How to Blow up Your Enemies Car, With Shit From Your Kitchen
Well, I figured Id start with a real basic, easy little bomb, that you
can whip up in an afternoon, with no real chemistry to do. Heres what
youll need...
- an empty babyfood jar
- some vinegar
- a box of baking soda
- a steel pipe /w threaded ends and caps to screw on
- some sharp rocks or metal shards
The pipe is easy enough to get, hardware store, or you might even have
one lying around your garage or something. Take the pipe, and screw on one
end. Then fill the babyfood jar with vinegar, and cap the jar tightly. Put
your sharp rocks or whatever in the pipe. They need to be enough to break
the jar, if slammed down on. Now, put the jar in the pipe, easy, as not to
break it open. Then, dump the baking soda into the pipe. Cap the other end
and youve got a fuseless bomb, with enough kick to take down a car, or fuck
up a building.
When the time comes to USE this bomb... slam it on the concrete, to
break open the jar. Then, place your bomb where you want it to explode, and
leave. It can take up to a few minutes, depending on how much baking soda
you put in there... but it will explode. The reaction between the soda and
the vinegar builds up so much force that the metal pipe is blown apart with
enough blast to fuck stuff up...
Its important to be careful with the bomb, if you accidentally break
jar, you wont know that you did, until its FAR too late.
Remember, making and using bombs is illegal. This textfile is just
for educational purposes. In case youre ever stuck in a remote communist
country, and have to pull a MacGyver type escape, and only have access to
the kitchen, youll be set.
anger is a gift
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