this image contains text
paradise news since art pack number six
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------issue number four made by oddball danen--------------------------------------------------
---------------------- n e w b o a r d ------------------------
bodycount is a new memberboard in +46-141-91662
------------------------ m e m b e r s --------------------------
we have four new members called rumble, lord ace, interface, wector
..also caithor, firebolt and rasch have resigned.
-- name ------- rang -------- and he does/is ---
oddball president ansi/ascii/exe/ppe
danen council ascii
magician council ansi/ascii/vga/ppe
combo vga
turtle vga
mongi ansi and vga
bonebreaker ansi
maestro ascii
rumble new! ansi/ascii
lord ace new! ansi
interface new! ascii
wector new! courier
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p terseende... paradise signing off
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------issue number four made by oddball danen--------------------------------------------------
---------------------- n e w b o a r d ------------------------
bodycount is a new memberboard in +46-141-91662
------------------------ m e m b e r s --------------------------
we have four new members called rumble, lord ace, interface, wector
..also caithor, firebolt and rasch have resigned.
-- name ------- rang -------- and he does/is ---
oddball president ansi/ascii/exe/ppe
danen council ascii
magician council ansi/ascii/vga/ppe
combo vga
turtle vga
mongi ansi and vga
bonebreaker ansi
maestro ascii
rumble new! ansi/ascii
lord ace new! ansi
interface new! ascii
wector new! courier
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p terseende... paradise signing off
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