this image contains text
-- paradise informationfile november 1996 --
- paradise members: ---------------------------------------------------------
oddball founder / president / ansi/ascii artist / coder
danen council / ascii artist
magician council / ansi/ascii/vga artist
combo vga artist
mongi ansi/vga artist
turtle vga artist
maestro ascii artist
bonebreaker ansi/ascii artist
rumble ansi/ascii artist
interface ascii artist
lord ace ansi artist
wector courier
- paradise affiliated boards: -----------------------------------------------
artwave! world hq +46-8-6301127/+46-8-6301219
moose city swedish hq +46-8-55016892/+46-8-55016603
disemboded pressure south american hq +55-11-private
bodycount memberboard +46-141-91662
genocide dist site +46-8-7686904
negative dist site +46-8-50027548
lethal minds dist site +46-8-58017708/+46-8-58017707
- paradise official homepage: -----------------------------------------------
- paradise greets: ---------------------------------------------------------- catharsis, morris, headie, bluie, palpis, rah-zid, speedbagger, stridh,
quicksilver, peder, mogens, ludde, deggus, and all paradise sysops.
and of cource all we forgot
-- until next time... tat lungt! infofile by danen --
- paradise members: ---------------------------------------------------------
oddball founder / president / ansi/ascii artist / coder
danen council / ascii artist
magician council / ansi/ascii/vga artist
combo vga artist
mongi ansi/vga artist
turtle vga artist
maestro ascii artist
bonebreaker ansi/ascii artist
rumble ansi/ascii artist
interface ascii artist
lord ace ansi artist
wector courier
- paradise affiliated boards: -----------------------------------------------
artwave! world hq +46-8-6301127/+46-8-6301219
moose city swedish hq +46-8-55016892/+46-8-55016603
disemboded pressure south american hq +55-11-private
bodycount memberboard +46-141-91662
genocide dist site +46-8-7686904
negative dist site +46-8-50027548
lethal minds dist site +46-8-58017708/+46-8-58017707
- paradise official homepage: -----------------------------------------------
- paradise greets: ---------------------------------------------------------- catharsis, morris, headie, bluie, palpis, rah-zid, speedbagger, stridh,
quicksilver, peder, mogens, ludde, deggus, and all paradise sysops.
and of cource all we forgot
-- until next time... tat lungt! infofile by danen --
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