this image contains text
p a r a d i s e
since last art pack
issue number one made by oddball danen
Weve got four new affiliated boards,
give them a call and grab our latest releases!
moose city : swedish HQ, +46-8-55016892
timedrome : dist site, +46-8-59071557
negative : dist site, +46-8-50027548
tda : dist site, +46-8-7158253
We welcome Catonica, Insider, Gloone and Baphomet
to a new world of art and ppes :
If you are intressted of becoming a dist/hq then contact any member.
We are looking for foreign dists and hqs.
Paradise is currently working on a homepage.
It will be available very soon,
but weve choosen not to give you the address yet...
All our releases will be available for everyone around
the world there, you will also be able to apply there.
All credits goes to Magician for the homepage.
i-net, here we come!
Ooops, to members got fired due to inactivity.
We wish you good luck in the future, Zembar and Mazkey.
Also Gothic vampire left us.
The current memberlist is as follows:
Oddball ob founder/president/council/artist
Danen dn council/artist
Magician mg council/artist
Opus os vga-artist
Combo cb vga-artist
the judge, palpatine, mystic rioter,
polymorph, mortiis, aiwazz, catonica,
insider, gloone, baphomet, crucifier,
fenrir, castor, renegade
and everyone we forgot..
since last art pack
issue number one made by oddball danen
Weve got four new affiliated boards,
give them a call and grab our latest releases!
moose city : swedish HQ, +46-8-55016892
timedrome : dist site, +46-8-59071557
negative : dist site, +46-8-50027548
tda : dist site, +46-8-7158253
We welcome Catonica, Insider, Gloone and Baphomet
to a new world of art and ppes :
If you are intressted of becoming a dist/hq then contact any member.
We are looking for foreign dists and hqs.
Paradise is currently working on a homepage.
It will be available very soon,
but weve choosen not to give you the address yet...
All our releases will be available for everyone around
the world there, you will also be able to apply there.
All credits goes to Magician for the homepage.
i-net, here we come!
Ooops, to members got fired due to inactivity.
We wish you good luck in the future, Zembar and Mazkey.
Also Gothic vampire left us.
The current memberlist is as follows:
Oddball ob founder/president/council/artist
Danen dn council/artist
Magician mg council/artist
Opus os vga-artist
Combo cb vga-artist
the judge, palpatine, mystic rioter,
polymorph, mortiis, aiwazz, catonica,
insider, gloone, baphomet, crucifier,
fenrir, castor, renegade
and everyone we forgot..
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