this image contains text
.,. . . .db
,. *b. ,*, ,db. .,d*
: :S+. 4l , ,l 4b.4P. // l
l b l: . 4b,: 4b. .d *@*, :
ll k lb. 4 4bdPl :ll
: :S* ,dl .b. 4l 4: . 4
l .,g: * 4: :b. 4 :b,
.g@S .,*@b. lb. 4 lb*,.
: :l b. ., b. P*lS
l : :b.d :b. :: :l:
l@*,l lg.lb. ll **
lg@b.b, ,
P .P A N G 4.
Pang june 98 News! 04.06.98
Theres not much to say, we still own the art scene over israel. And by how
things going, we are going to own for along time. so, This time pang04. hope you guys will enjoy it as much as pang members enjoyin make it. now sup with
pang.. ok, going like this chronic has left the scene, and I cant blame him for
for doing that.
mr7 has join us as ansi maker.. new talent around.
ganeza has join us as ansi maker, he got really nice ansi skillz
genick has join noname brand ascii! showin off his ascii skillz
to the rest of the world. do not fear his gonna keep release more
and more that quality staph he got :
couple things Ive forgot to mention..
-ganeza is the packer of pang04! big hand claps to him.
-sorry about the late release, wer just lazzy.. theres no compo around :
untill next pack/release PPL, maybe so long artmates - CornFlax /pang
A Word From This Months Releasing Member
W ell, this has been a very bad month for the art scene. The fact is that
most of the artists are below the age of 18 and still go to school.
This is a very hard time for students. It contains alot of tests and paper
deadlines, and due to that, most artists didnt have time to turn on their
computer, not to talk about spending many hours drawing. Thats the reason
this pack is a bit thin compared to previous packs, but i am POSITIVE things
will get ALOT better once school is out because people will have more time
for the pc scene.
Ganeza, Over and out.
m3mber name occupation initials email
cornflax ansi cf cornfl4xx@hotmail.com
diftong asciios df7 n/a
ganeza ansi ga ganeza@usa.net
genick asciins gnk gen1ck@mindless.com
mr7 ansi - n/a
natureboy asciins n4 natureboy@hotmail.com
reptical ansi/asciins rep reptical@hotmail.com
skin ansi skn n/a
spitfire ansi/asciios spf n/a
- Didnt submit at all.
Pang Affiliated Boards +o
digital rain 972-6-6000641 spitfire
dust 972-3-6022032 reptical
midnight dream 972-3-5538045 genick
prime time 972-3-9088145 corn flax
sarkazm 972-3-9627088 natureboy
sarkazm art 972-3-5066613 ganeza
InfoFile By ....
ganeza and genick, ascii header by reptical
oh and ofcourse natureboy, after all, it was your idea
.,. . . .db
,. *b. ,*, ,db. .,d*
: :S+. 4l , ,l 4b.4P. // l
l b l: . 4b,: 4b. .d *@*, :
ll k lb. 4 4bdPl :ll
: :S* ,dl .b. 4l 4: . 4
l .,g: * 4: :b. 4 :b,
.g@S .,*@b. lb. 4 lb*,.
: :l b. ., b. P*lS
l : :b.d :b. :: :l:
l@*,l lg.lb. ll **
lg@b.b, ,
P .P A N G 4.
Pang june 98 News! 04.06.98
Theres not much to say, we still own the art scene over israel. And by how
things going, we are going to own for along time. so, This time pang04. hope you guys will enjoy it as much as pang members enjoyin make it. now sup with
pang.. ok, going like this chronic has left the scene, and I cant blame him for
for doing that.
mr7 has join us as ansi maker.. new talent around.
ganeza has join us as ansi maker, he got really nice ansi skillz
genick has join noname brand ascii! showin off his ascii skillz
to the rest of the world. do not fear his gonna keep release more
and more that quality staph he got :
couple things Ive forgot to mention..
-ganeza is the packer of pang04! big hand claps to him.
-sorry about the late release, wer just lazzy.. theres no compo around :
untill next pack/release PPL, maybe so long artmates - CornFlax /pang
A Word From This Months Releasing Member
W ell, this has been a very bad month for the art scene. The fact is that
most of the artists are below the age of 18 and still go to school.
This is a very hard time for students. It contains alot of tests and paper
deadlines, and due to that, most artists didnt have time to turn on their
computer, not to talk about spending many hours drawing. Thats the reason
this pack is a bit thin compared to previous packs, but i am POSITIVE things
will get ALOT better once school is out because people will have more time
for the pc scene.
Ganeza, Over and out.
m3mber name occupation initials email
cornflax ansi cf cornfl4xx@hotmail.com
diftong asciios df7 n/a
ganeza ansi ga ganeza@usa.net
genick asciins gnk gen1ck@mindless.com
mr7 ansi - n/a
natureboy asciins n4 natureboy@hotmail.com
reptical ansi/asciins rep reptical@hotmail.com
skin ansi skn n/a
spitfire ansi/asciios spf n/a
- Didnt submit at all.
Pang Affiliated Boards +o
digital rain 972-6-6000641 spitfire
dust 972-3-6022032 reptical
midnight dream 972-3-5538045 genick
prime time 972-3-9088145 corn flax
sarkazm 972-3-9627088 natureboy
sarkazm art 972-3-5066613 ganeza
InfoFile By ....
ganeza and genick, ascii header by reptical
oh and ofcourse natureboy, after all, it was your idea
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