this image contains text
Member Name Member Abv.
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
CheeZe mOnkey CZ
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
Glacius GS
Beaver BR
Fluid FL
Rapter JD
Logic LC
Crime CR
Velocity VL
Luptin LU
Taiji TH
Night Stalker NS
Despy D3
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
Glacius GS
Crime CR
Deth bi Insanity DBI
Psychotic Fugitive PF
Weble WE
Kurdt KT
Pestilence PE
Melting Nails MN
Mary Jay MJ
Scorpion SC
Glacius GS
Mental Illness MI
Siype SI
Byron BN
Crime CR
Psychotic Fugitive PF
Atomic Playboy AP
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
Glacius GS
Crime CR
Deth bi Insanity DBI
Psychotic Fugitive PF
Weble WE
Siype SI
Byron BN
The Necrophile tN
Velocity VL
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
Glacius GS
Crime CR
Deth bi Insanity DBI
Psychotic Fugitive PF
Weble WE
Siype SI
Byron BN
The Necrophile tN
Velocity VL
Melting Nails MN
Mary Jay MJ
Board Name Sysop Number HQ
Inferno Scorpion 4io.392.o339 World HQ
Kombat Zone Rick Dangerous 5o4.294.296o United States HQ
Undertakers Pur. Undertaker 2o3.669.3992 United States East HQ
OPeNMiND Dr. West +46o872293o1 Sweden HQ
Soulz Soulman o65.365.3374 South East Asia HQ
Mystic Illusions Jihbe 4o3.539.5426 Canadian HQ
Martian Solution Highlander 972.54o.6657 Isreal HQ
Mystik Mirage Byron +61.Not.Yet! Austrailia HQ
Board Name Sysop Number
The Digital Chateau Crime 6o4.534.6579
Kongo!bbs.. CheeZe mOnkey 7i4.693.o5ii
Dark Legions hECKY 3o1.8o1.8o52
Downwind Run Skippers Son 5i6.98i.o736
Seduced Reality Kurdt 9o8.34i.6797
Daydream Nation Luptin 6o9.586.9364
Deathwish Psy. Fugitive 9o5.628.4967
Dark Illuzionz Pestilence 4o8.629.o5o5
Paradox Rapter 7i7.638.2763
The Crow Taiji 9i6.468.29i4
Jaby! Weble 2o9.522.9728
Killer Instinct Glacius 8o6.795.4926
2 Way Beaver 2i9.464.9o75
Amnesia Night Stalker 7o5.424.68o8
Snipers Shadow Melting Nails 6io.436.5636
Board Name Sysop Number
The Revolution ???? 4o3.489.5o6i
The Pirates Cove Izzy 8o6.795.4926
Absence of Authotity Crimson Blazer ???.664.i6o2
This month has been a confusing month.. If your
name or bbs name is not on this list.. Please contact
scorpion on the PANiC wHQ or on irc channel panic..
..sorry for the crappy member list *8 next month we have a GOOD ansi setup..
Member Name Member Abv.
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
CheeZe mOnkey CZ
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
Glacius GS
Beaver BR
Fluid FL
Rapter JD
Logic LC
Crime CR
Velocity VL
Luptin LU
Taiji TH
Night Stalker NS
Despy D3
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
Glacius GS
Crime CR
Deth bi Insanity DBI
Psychotic Fugitive PF
Weble WE
Kurdt KT
Pestilence PE
Melting Nails MN
Mary Jay MJ
Scorpion SC
Glacius GS
Mental Illness MI
Siype SI
Byron BN
Crime CR
Psychotic Fugitive PF
Atomic Playboy AP
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
Glacius GS
Crime CR
Deth bi Insanity DBI
Psychotic Fugitive PF
Weble WE
Siype SI
Byron BN
The Necrophile tN
Velocity VL
Scorpion SC
Rick Dangerous Rayden RD
Glacius GS
Crime CR
Deth bi Insanity DBI
Psychotic Fugitive PF
Weble WE
Siype SI
Byron BN
The Necrophile tN
Velocity VL
Melting Nails MN
Mary Jay MJ
Board Name Sysop Number HQ
Inferno Scorpion 4io.392.o339 World HQ
Kombat Zone Rick Dangerous 5o4.294.296o United States HQ
Undertakers Pur. Undertaker 2o3.669.3992 United States East HQ
OPeNMiND Dr. West +46o872293o1 Sweden HQ
Soulz Soulman o65.365.3374 South East Asia HQ
Mystic Illusions Jihbe 4o3.539.5426 Canadian HQ
Martian Solution Highlander 972.54o.6657 Isreal HQ
Mystik Mirage Byron +61.Not.Yet! Austrailia HQ
Board Name Sysop Number
The Digital Chateau Crime 6o4.534.6579
Kongo!bbs.. CheeZe mOnkey 7i4.693.o5ii
Dark Legions hECKY 3o1.8o1.8o52
Downwind Run Skippers Son 5i6.98i.o736
Seduced Reality Kurdt 9o8.34i.6797
Daydream Nation Luptin 6o9.586.9364
Deathwish Psy. Fugitive 9o5.628.4967
Dark Illuzionz Pestilence 4o8.629.o5o5
Paradox Rapter 7i7.638.2763
The Crow Taiji 9i6.468.29i4
Jaby! Weble 2o9.522.9728
Killer Instinct Glacius 8o6.795.4926
2 Way Beaver 2i9.464.9o75
Amnesia Night Stalker 7o5.424.68o8
Snipers Shadow Melting Nails 6io.436.5636
Board Name Sysop Number
The Revolution ???? 4o3.489.5o6i
The Pirates Cove Izzy 8o6.795.4926
Absence of Authotity Crimson Blazer ???.664.i6o2
This month has been a confusing month.. If your
name or bbs name is not on this list.. Please contact
scorpion on the PANiC wHQ or on irc channel panic..
..sorry for the crappy member list *8 next month we have a GOOD ansi setup..
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