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Another fucking ansi by prisonerOne This time for my hommie, Veks, for yes... PSYCHO CITY! ehhe Like this ansi? Do you want one? Forget it, I have enough requests to last until the end of summer...and NO, I wont add you to the list.. fuckin lame-ass sobs - Yo, eat me and suck this and bite my big black thing. I wish I had Never released an ansi in my fucking life, this is so fucking stupid...I swear too much, dont I? Greets to Sinned Soul!
Psycho City 1-510-797-0525 sysops: VeksiCE KillravenShiver da cosysop: PrisonerOneAcid Buttloads oAffils, Nets and Crap Live SM acts everynight, totally nude, totally untrue
....ansi by PrisonerOne - Fire 95 100 Original, why ask fucking why....
Psycho City 1-510-797-0525 sysops: VeksiCE KillravenShiver da cosysop: PrisonerOneAcid Buttloads oAffils, Nets and Crap Live SM acts everynight, totally nude, totally untrue
....ansi by PrisonerOne - Fire 95 100 Original, why ask fucking why....
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